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✈️ How to make an NFT from any message or post in Telegram?

⚫️ It's no secret that TON blockchain is actively utilizing the capabilities of the Telegram Mini Apps platform, paving the way for mass adoption by integrating its core products into the messenger.

⚫️ Periodically, we explore new mini-apps to share with our readers, and just yesterday, one of them won us over with its simplicity and functionality. Introducing Telegram Moments.

⚫️ This bot offers to transform any message or Telegram post into an NFT on TON blockchain. The minting process is automatic and quite fast; you just need to pay a small fee for the procedure (our test mint cost 0.06 TON). The NFT is then sent to TON address from which you paid the fee.

⚫️ The token becomes part of the Telegram Moments collection on Getgems. There, you can also see what other users have minted (currently over 1000 NFTs). We even found one of our recent digests! Tokens can be exchanged and traded, and we speculate that their value will be influenced not only by the content of the message but also by the identity of the person who minted it.

✔️ Such a fun tool allows you to troll friends, preserve memories, and record information on the blockchain, even if the message or post in TG is edited or deleted.

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🐤 Where should artists start their journey on TON?

⚫️ At The Daily TON, we're always eager to support not just new ambitious projects but also platforms that help developers and creators find their place in the ecosystem. Sometimes these are platforms for launching products, sometimes learning programs, and today, it's a place where every modern artist can find their audience.

⚫️ The Sense platform offers authors the opportunity for comfortable integration into TON blockchain by launching limited drops of their works for free. Importantly, Sense is a non-commercial project, meaning all royalties from resales go directly to the artist.

⚫️ What's in it for the average user? Anyone can participate in the drop, minting a piece of art for free. Drops are conducted on a first-come, first-serve basis — the first to mint the work adds it to their collection.

⚫️ Today, March 6, marks the platform's first drop: the eccentric emojis CREEPS by artist Spacehaedtr. Using original templates and neural networks, a total of 999 unique emojis were created (899 standard and 100 rare ones). You can learn more about the artist on his page.

🖊 To access the drop, you must complete all tasks in the Community bot (the final step will be linking your TON wallet). Remember, a 0.1 TON fee will be required for successful minting.

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🚀 New features in MyTonWallet

⚫️ In recent months, MyTonWallet has significantly strengthened its position, primarily thanks to the convenient multi-account feature, which allows users to easily switch between multiple wallets within the app. However, progress does not stand still — at the end of February, developers released a major update.

⚫️ In short, the innovations are designed to provide maximum comfort for the user. Now, switching the base currency can be done in the main menu, without going into settings. Also, a new «Explore» section has been added, which gathers interesting projects from the ecosystem.

⚫️ If you have many tokens worth less than one cent left in your wallet after the «jetton frenzy», they are now automatically hidden from the main page for visual convenience. Meanwhile, it will soon be possible to buy Toncoin using a bank card. The menu has already appeared within the app, but the feature is still in development.

⚫️ Interestingly, the settings now offer the option to see if you have tokens on other versions of the wallet and switch to those versions. To understand why this might happen, we recommend reading our old publication.

📈 The growth in MyTonWallet's audience has led to an increase in server capacity, optimization of server architecture, and overall correction of many minor bugs and shortcomings. We're absolutely sure there will only be more in the future.

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🪙 What are the prospects for artificial intelligence on TON?

⚫️ We have previously posted a promotional post about AIYA Project — a team that is developing products using artificial intelligence and plans to implement them into TON ecosystem. The idea sounds ambitious and intriguing, so we would like to hear more information directly from the creators of AIYA.

⚫️ What stage is the project at now? The first mint of NFT collection elements has recently been completed, and soon the second one will take place, consisting of four stages: 3 WL rounds and 1 Public. The price for the NFTs is not small, but the functionality is worthy: exclusive access to AIYA products. By the way, they plan to launch their first development soon — a TON news bot (which we wrote about earlier).

⚫️ An interesting feature of the project is that its team and founder are quite public. In particular, the CEO of AIYA Project, Nick Parshutin, regularly performs at meetups, talking about the NFT collection and its utility. At one such meetup, organized by TON Society, we even managed to meet in person.

⚫️ The project has the potential to become one of the main product-driven NFT collections on TON. How it all turns out in reality — we'll see. To start, we need to wait for the release of the news bot and assess its functionality. And to make the wait more pleasant, tomorrow at 23:00 UTC everyone can join an AMA session (in Russian) with the CEO of AIYA Project, which will take place in the Diamond Bazar community.

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🔥 What is the zero address and how is token burning conducted?

⚫️ In continuation of our material about revoking ownership rights, we decided to talk about the zero address — a tool that allows token creators to remove some of their tokens from the total circulation.

⚫️ Usually, the purpose of this action is straightforward — to increase the asset's value. Sometimes, jetton authors even include burning as a separate item in the tokenomics, which in our opinion isn't quite right, as they could have initially issued fewer coins. Thus, creators want to attract more buyers in the early stages, since every token hunter is after gains, and burning is supposed to increase the chances of their occurrence.

⚫️ Remember, no one has access to the zero address, so sending any asset there is considered its «burning», though the token still remains on the blockchain, and metric aggregators do not record a decrease in supply (the total amount of existing tokens).

⚫️ It's far more interesting to link token burning to some functionality of the product and conduct this process via a smart contract, for example, through In this case, the market cap genuinely decreases. A percentage of the tokens used for payment for a service could be burned, or burning could be a direct part of the gameplay or a special activity.

💡 The zero address didn't get its name for no reason: in the HEX format, primarily used by Ethereum blockchains, the address looks like 0:000…000. TON has a different format, and if reformatted to fit our architecture, it comes out as UQAA…AAJKZ. Follow the link to see how much is stored at this address and how often transactions are made to it.

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💎 The Open Network blockchain story in 12 minutes

⚫️ If, amidst the hustle and bustle of recent weeks, you've somewhat forgotten what TON is all about, or if you just want to refresh your memory on the blockchain's history, we've got something for you.

⚫️ Two days ago, a review by the Cryptocholy community was released on the CHOLY! YouTube channel, gathering the main information about TON, its unique features and advantages, and, of course, about the blockchain's connection with Telegram and directly with Pavel Durov.

⚫️ The information is delivered by a mysterious animated narrator, and the video editing and voiceover are top-notch.

⚫️ We're seeing a clear surge in interest towards The Open Network, and it's undoubtedly pleasing! After all, the more videos and articles about the blockchain that appear online, the more people can learn about it. And the more people know about TON, the more vibrant life within it will become.

The Story of TON: How a blockchain for Telegram Will Change the Internet?

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🚀 AIYA Project's news bot has been released

⚫️ As the team promised, the AI news bot for TON didn't keep us waiting long — the alpha version has already appeared on Telegram, and personalized publications will soon be available to all network users: @aiya_news_alpha_bot

⚫️ In theory, you might occasionally come there across news from The Daily TON. We suggest waiting until the bot is fully operational and testing it with us, so let us know your thoughts in the comments.

⚫️ Also, today at 12:00 UTC, AIYA is starting their NFT mint. Remember, the collection items grant their owners access to all the project's products and its dividend system.

⚫️ The mint will occur in four stages: the first three are for whitelist holders, and the last one is open to everyone. The price increases by 5 TON with each phase: from 65 at the start to 80 during the public mint, which will take place today at 15:00 UTC. It's important to note that the chance of getting a rare NFT is much higher during WL1 than in WL2 or, even more so, during the Public phase.

👁 We're looking forward to the first results from the integration of artificial intelligence into the ecosystem and will keep an eye on the team's successes.

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⭐️ BREAKING NEWS: TON surpasses the $3 mark

⚫️ Amidst BTC hitting a record price of $72,000, and more importantly, following an article about Telegram in the Financial Times featuring comments from Pavel Durov, the price of Toncoin has exceeded $3 for the first time in two years.

⚫️ Important:

The messenger's user base has reached 900 million people.

«Next year, if not this year», the platform expects to become profitable and start generating income.

Selling the company is not on the agenda. Instead, an IPO is considered likely to «democratize access to Telegram's values».

The team has artificial intelligence related ambitions, hence they are exploring the possibility of integrating an AI chatbot into Telegram.

They also plan to improve moderation processes with AI due to a series of elections set to take place in 2024 in various countries.

⚫️ Events are unfolding rapidly! We're keeping an eye on the ecosystem and getting ready to embrace the future.

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⌨️ The Weekly TON: This week's highlights

🔥 The total rewards in new boosts on have surpassed $1,000,000. If you missed, check out the post about $SCALE, the post about $ARBUZ and $UP, and the post about $jNANO, pick a liquidity pool you like, and join the distribution!

⚫️ We discussed a bot that allows you to turn any message or post on Telegram into an NFT on TON blockchain with just two clicks, paying only the minting fee.

⚫️ Sense, a platform for artists offering creators comfortable integration into TON blockchain, held its first limited NFT drop.

⚫️ We talked about the latest MyTonWallet update, which added a whole range of useful features and also increased the stability of the app.

⚫️ We discussed the zero address: what it looks like, why token creators send their coins there, and what are more appropriate ways to conduct the burning process.

⚫️ We invite you to watch a review on the CHOLY! YouTube channel, gathering the main information about TON, its unique features and advantages and the blockchain's connection with Telegram and Pavel Durov.

💀 Despite taking first place in the CoinMarketCap user vote, TON was not awarded the title of The Cryptocurrency of 2023 Year. We believe that the most important thing is to have such an active and united community as ours. Recognition is still to come.

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🪙 Apps Center catches up with App Store and Google Play

⚫️ Last week, we introduced a simple yet fascinating tool that allows transforming messages and posts into NFTs on TON blockchain. Lately, Telegram has been actively promoting mini-apps, with TON Foundation allocating grants for their development and conducting offline events for enthusiasts.

⚫️ While people have grown accustomed to text bots in the messenger, not everyone is aware of the existence of mini-apps. The emergence of Notcoin somewhat changed the situation, but many are still unaware that the clicker is part of a broader trend within Telegram, not an exception.

⚫️ Apps Center gathers all such bots in its catalog, neatly categorizing them and providing one-click access. Last week, the platform was updated to add separate pages for each application with screenshots, brief descriptions, and information about the project's native token if it falls into the Web3 category.

⚫️ As it appears, Apps Center aims to claim its spot alongside giants like the App Store and Google Play, but within the Telegram ecosystem, and it has a vast amount of work ahead to achieve this goal. For instance, we're looking forward to seeing exclusive apps that can be accessed by paying for a subscription with Toncoin.

Let's evaluate the latest update together and find a couple of useful bots for ourselves.

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💎 Following Notcoin and The Open League

In recent weeks, an interesting situation has unfolded on TON. The ecosystem now primarily rests on two pillars: Notcoin and The Open League. The first project attracts a new audience to the blockchain with its simplicity, while the second provides financial support to major projects and launches activities for users.

⚫️ News about Notcoin is of interest to everyone. Comments frequently ask when and where $NOT will be listed, what the coin's price will be, and what lies ahead for the project. To be clear: it's currently impossible to give a definitive answer to all these questions. Only from Notcoin's pre-launch on Storm Trade and the price of vouchers on Getgems can one roughly estimate the token's cost.

⚫️ Speaking of vouchers, last Thursday, some lucky ones managed to mint and even sell NFTs. Prices for buying 10M coins reached up to 200 TON, but such figures should not be expected in the future. Yesterday, the function was launched for everyone, and predictably, the price of NFTs fell to 25 TON, and as of this post's writing, the mint queue is full, making it impossible to create a voucher.

⚫️ The Open League started testing the waters at the end of January through the Community bot. In the pilot season, quests were launched for five projects to obtain Soulbound tokens, whose owners will be awarded XP points in the future. Among the participants was Notcoin, and its SBT was collectively taken by 20k people.

⚫️ And recently, a large-scale incentive program for liquidity providers was launched with 1 million TON, aimed at increasing TVL on two of the ecosystem's main DEXs. Also, a royal battle is on the horizon, where TON projects will compete against each other for rewards – get ready to support your favorites.

📈 Right now, the most important events in the ecosystem are happening in Notcoin and The Open League. Stay tuned with us and participate in activities as TON rapidly gains momentum.

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📈 The Open League: $15000 Giveaway for a 1-cent Vote

⚫️ The Open League introduces an unexpected way to earn some money.

⚫️ You've probably already heard that TON Foundation has announced a vote for the right to join the competition between tokens.

⚫️ To support the community and attract more users to vote, the $TONNEL team has announced a major giveaway among all those who vote for their token. This is a chance to share a prize pool worth $15000.

⚫️ To participate, you need to go to the voting app, connect your wallet, and vote for $TONNEL. It will cost you 0.001 TON. The mandatory condition is to have at least 5 TON in your wallet at the time of the results announcement, on March 16.

⚫️ Then activate the Tonnel Network app, connect your wallet and you will see your points balance: if it's more than 0, you are participating in the giveaway.

⚫️ The giveaway will last only a couple of days, so don't miss this opportunity. Vote here and check your participation here.

👁 Surely, other teams will also prepare giveaways for votes — we will definitely select the best ones and write about them.

Read about Tonnel Network in our post.

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💡 Exclusive investment club and regular token distribution: NFT from Web3TON

⚫️ Lately, we've often mentioned the term Web3 in the context of TON Internet, but this time it’s not about that. Web3TON doesn’t promise browsers and file-sharing services, but what they do offer is an NFT collection featuring Mermaids and Tritons, whose owners receive a $MARGA token drop every two weeks.

⚫️ Today, after a long break, the project launched an NFT sale: from 50 TON for the cheapest Mermaid to 15,000 for the most expensive Triton. The sale will last from March 15 to 24.

⚫️ Regarding the regular $MARGA drops: in almost 2 years of distributions, NFT holders have received tokens worth more than 50,000 TON, and many have already recouped their investments. The size of the drop depends on the number of NFTs in your wallet, as well as their race and rarity.

⚫️ Currently, 2.5k elements are held by more than 370 holders, and the $MARGA token's TVL on DEX totals more than $150,000. Additionally, owners gain access to an exclusive investment club and the future opportunity, once the infrastructure for TON Sites is implemented, to exchange a Triton for creating websites of varying complexity.

🪙 So, it couldn’t have happened without Web3 here either — the Web3TON authors believe in the future of TON Internet and are preparing to develop websites for holders of the most expensive NFTs: from landing pages to online stores.

Join the $MARGA drops in anticipation of the Web3 revolution at the link.

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👁 It was not a raffle, but a guaranteed reward

⚫️ Yesterday, we posted about the giveaway from Tonnel Network for voting in the bot.

⚫️ It turned out that the distribution mechanism is slightly different: everyone who votes and connects their wallet in the bot will receive a guaranteed reward. The total budget of $TONNEL tokens worth $15000 will be distributed among all valid voters.

🖊 Important: To have your vote counted, you need to have 5 TON in your account tomorrow at the time of the final tally: 15:00 CET.

⚫️ Tokens will be distributed proportionally to the points – you can complete tasks and expect a bigger reward.

⚫️ Currently, about 1400 people meet the criteria, which is about $10 per person on average. Most likely, it will be less because many points will be earned by those who invite referrals.

💡 By the way, this is a great opportunity to earn more on this guaranteed drop – invite friends to vote using your link.

⚫️ Vote here, sign up to receive your reward here.

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🔥 The life-giving pump

⚫️ Following the refreshing rise in TON rate (and almost all popular jettons), a clear revitalization is felt in the ecosystem:

— Projects with tokens are launching contests and giveaways for users: TONNEL, TonUP, Gatto (and there will be more, we will write about them).
— Projects without a token are working on tokenization.
— Teams without projects are launching those very projects.

🚀 Quietly and without an official announcement, the launchpad has launched its mini-app with tasks.

⚫️ Currently, it features several simple social and on-chain tasks for which points are awarded. According to our information, these points will affect the allocation — the opportunity to participate in the sale of projects.

⚫️ A reminder that is the launchpad of former TON Foundation employee, Mark Okhman, with whom we recently conducted a broadcast in our private channel (so private that we won't give the link). The main «feature» of the launchpad is the ability to participate in sales on EVM networks, even if the token is issued in TON. This could become one of the key channels for the influx of liquidity into our beloved blockchain. You can read more in the CoinTelegraph article.

⚫️ Besides the simple tasks in the mini-app, there is general information about the project, and the whitelist for April launches is already being formed, so don't procrastinate.

>> Go to the XTON bot

👁 By the way, all links to the bot in the channel are referral. If you have your channel or you are an active community member, your chances of allocation significantly increase.

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⭐️ Storm trade breaks into the exchange battle with a $200,000 giveaway

⚫️ A month ago, Storm Trade shook up the ecosystem with its announcement of the $NOT pre-launch. Currently, the 1mNOTF/TON pair is actively traded on the platform, and the exchange itself is rapidly gaining an audience by offering unique tools previously unavailable on TON.

⚫️ Let's recall that Storm Trade is a DEX for leveraged trading, its main feature being the absence of real assets and operations conducted only in jUSDT and TON. Trading on TON blockchain, using TON itself, and earning profit in TON — a maximally simple and effective recipe, now available to everyone.

⚫️ The protocol is self-sufficient: anyone can provide their TON as liquidity and share 70% of the income generated by the platform. This liquidity is used by traders for leveraged trading, and the more operations, the greater the protocol's income and the higher the rewards for providers.

🏆 What about the $200,000? Supported by TON Foundation, Storm Trade is distributing this amount to its users as part of The Open League. You don't need to be deeply knowledgeable in trading and technical analysis — simply provide liquidity and wait for weekly rewards. Currently, there are not so many providers on the platform, meaning the chances of grabbing a reward remain high.

⚫️ Storm Trade is a young and ambitious project with unique functionality for TON, diverse earning methods, and big plans for the future (including the release of its token in April, and new tokens are always a hit with us).

🖊 Details of the reward program can be found in the post on the official exchange channel. But don't delay, as the giveaway will only last until the end of March. You can join the trading and liquidity provision either through the Telegram mini-app or directly on the Storm Trade website.

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📒 How to properly analyze a token before purchasing it?

⚫️ The token fanzy on TON has subsided, but the risks of losing savings by rushing into a new coin remain. The bull trend is gaining momentum: not only fundamental but also lesser-known ecosystem tokens are rising in price. The Open League, distributing 1M TON among liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges, adds fuel to the fire.

⚫️ In such a climate, it's important to know what to focus on when buying a new token. Together with colleagues from Full Metal Jetton, we've compiled a list of basic parameters. While it cannot be considered exhaustive for deep token analysis, it still allows for a useful initial research.

Token price — the cost of one token in the last successful transaction.

Emission — the current total number of tokens. This indicator is also called supply. There's also a maximum emission — the number of tokens that can be minted (issued additionally).

Capitalization — the token price multiplied by the emission.

Circulating suply — the number of tokens that are not locked and can enter the market at any moment.

Liquidity — the ability to buy or sell assets on the market without causing radical changes in their value.

⚫️ How exactly to approach the analysis of each of these factors will be detailed on Full Metal Jetton channel (channel is posting in Russian). We invite you to suggest in the comments a token that you personally find interesting, and soon the FMJ author will select and analyze the most intriguing options in a separate post, which we will translate and publish here.

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⌨️ The Weekly TON: Highlights of the week

⚫️ We discussed the update of Apps Center mini-apps catalog — the future counterpart of App Store and Google Play within Telegram.

⚫️ We analyzed the latest news about Notcoin and The Open League — the two biggest projects on TON blockchain, around which all the main activities in the ecosystem are currently focused.

🔥 KINGYTON and Tonnel Network became two of the four winners in the user voting to participate in The Open League. Their tokens, $KINGY and $TONNEL, have already acquired boosts in the respective pairs on, meaning liquidity providers now have access to additional rewards.

⚫️ The AIYA Project's NFT mint took place. Now, the owners have early access to farm the $POWER token in the AIYA bot, and everyone else can join the testing of the alpha version of the AI-bot with personalized TON news.

⚫️ As part of the same The Open League, the derivative exchange Storm Trade is giving away $200,000 to its users. A recent post detailed how the platform works and its main features.

⚫️ We compiled the parameters you should pay attention to when conducting an initial analysis of a оуеещт for future purchase. You can still suggest a token for review on the Full Metall Jetton channel in the comments.

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🐤 Nobby will be free!

⚫️ Ever dreamt of adding a bit of magic to the harsh world of cryptocurrencies with its constant risks and stress? The ambitious project Nobby.Game is conducting a Fairlaunch of the $SOX token on the TonRaffles platform — the first step towards creating a game based on a popular franchise.

⚫️ Read more about what Fairlaunch is here. After the presale ends (in 10 days), participants will be the first to get access to $SOX — the token that will form the foundation of Nobby's entire game economy.

⚫️ With the coin, you'll be able to buy, sell, and exchange unique digital assets within the game, participate in quests, and receive rewards for achievements. During the Fairlaunch, 35% of the total tokens (350M $SOX) will be released to the market.

⚫️ It's worth mentioning the project's high-quality website: pleasant design, animations, detailed descriptions of the game concept, tokenomics, and roadmap, though without exact dates. Plans include $SOX staking and an NFT collection (what would we do without them).

🖊 The Fairlaunch will take place from March 19th to March 29th, and you can join it at any time via the link. All details are in the official community. We look forward to the soon launch of a new large-scale GameFi project on TON.


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📈 Airdrop of the first preToken on TON by protocol

⚫️ In our post about the main events in TON ecosystem lately, we promised to keep an eye on The Open League news and talk about current activities from projects participating in the competitions.

⚫️ Now, one of the participants in the «Liquid Staking» category, bemo, has decided to tokenize the stXP (Staking Experience Point) that users earn for staking on the platform, and to conduct an Airdrop of the first preToken on TON. Learn more about the liquid staking protocol here.

Some details:

⚫️ 30% of the accumulated stXP will be transferred to users' wallets as a new token. The remaining points, as well as new stXP accruals, will become claimable in the bemo App over time. Literally, everyone who already has stXP in their account or who earns them in the future can expect to receive the Airdrop.

⚫️ The token can be sold for stTON or bought to convert to $BMO profitably in the future (end of 2024). After distribution to users' wallets, stXP will start trading on the exchange.

🖊 You can take advantage of liquid staking and join the upcoming stXP Airdrop either on the website or through the integrated Telegram mini-app.

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