The Chad Pastoralist: History
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Historian. History memes, scholarly history academia and Germanic Paganism.
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One huge highlight of January this year for the page would be three of my memes on Instagram reaching 76,000, 33,000 and 34,000 Likes respectively.

What makes this a highlight to me is the fact that all three of the memes were very niche, one was on Irish sea raiders from the 4th century BC, another on an unproven theory regarding Scandinavian archaeogenetics and the third on violence in Neolithic European prehistory. Not the kind of stuff most history enjoyers would likely talk about!

Another reason why this was a highlight to me is because a lot of new people who had no idea about these sorts of history topics commented positive things such as, "I didn't realise how much I needed prehistory memes until now."

I like to make my memes both amusing and educational at the same time which is why I write long captions elaborating on the context of the memes sometimes. Therefore it's a good feeling to know that these niche history topics are becoming more widely known. Great stuff!
Forwarded from SanatanaDharma
"Let him then only speak what is true. For this vow indeed the gods do keep, that they speak the truth; and for this reason they are glorious. Glorious therefore is he who, knowing this, speaks the truth." (Shatapatha Brahmana, 1:1:1:5)
Forwarded from Identity England
This is King Charles II
Following the execution of his father, he attempted to defeat the dictator, Cromwell, but Charles was beaten at the Battle of Worcester in 1651.
Charles had very dark hair & was known as 'The Black Boy'
Parliamentary wanted posters described him as 'a tall black man'.
Loyal publicans named their pubs 'The Black Boy' after him, or 'The Royal Oak' in reference to his hiding spot after the Battle of Worcester.

In Haringey, collaborators in the colonisation of England renamed 'Black Boy Lane', which was a reference to a pub that once stood there.
Happily, an unknown patriot has now effaced the new name.
We must not allow the erasure of our history
Viking names. Simple as.
An update on the full body reconstructions of the Western Hunter-Gatherers coming in the "Mesolithic Europeans: Reconstructions" series

They are coming along nicely! Lots of detail is going in to create an artistic yet realistic depiction of the WHG doing WHG things. Both TheBeakerLady and I are now working with Ice Age Art on Instagram who has kindly offered to help us with some of the clothing as he creates his own physical clothing based on Paleolithic and Mesolithic finds

We should have the reconstructions finished in the coming weeks and they will be posted here and to my Instagram page. Be on the lookout!
Cult Club from Kiuruvesi. Ritual uralite club of Finnish thunder cult.
New post in a few hours featuring every Western Hunter-Gatherer facial reconstruction made by TheBeakerLady and I with additional info graphics and quick facts you can save, share, and view at your leisure. This will be helpful for visual learners.

Alternatively you can view all of the original Telegram posts here.
Facial Reconstructions: Western Hunter-Gatherers!
The Temple at Uppsala was a religious center for pagans once located at what is now Gamla Uppsala (Swedish "Old Uppsala"), Sweden attested in Adam of Bremen's 11th-century work Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum and in Heimskringla, written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century.

Adam records that the temple is "adorned with gold" and that the people there worship statues of three specific gods that sit on a triple throne. Thor, whom Adam refers to as "the mightiest," sits in the central throne, whilst Wodan (Odin) and Fricco (Freyr) are seated on the thrones to the sides of him. Adam provides information about the characteristics of the three gods, including that Fricco is depicted with an immense erect phallus, Wodan in armour ("as our people depict Mars," Adam notes) and that Thor has a mace, a detail which Adam compares to that of the Roman god Jupiter.

Artwork - Anders Kvåle Rue on his work with Flateyjarbok