NestJS is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks that allows you to build reliable and scalable server-side applications. It has its own philosophy and provides architecture out of the box. NestJS build with TypeScript and is heavily inspired by Angular. Also has a really nice doc.

With the tutorial below you’ll be able to investigate this framework by building CRUD application with simple auth module and e2e tests. In addition you’ll use Prisma ORM for data modeling and migrations and Passport.js for authentication (almost sure that you’ve used it before)


Official documentation:

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#nestjs #nodejs #typescript #prisma #e2e
Hi, all and welcome to Tech Read channel.

Hope it’ll become quite popular before JavaScript will be canceled).

Because as Douglas Crockford (JSON creator) mentioned in the interview:
The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it

In this interesting small talk you’ll find interesting facts about JavaScript history, how it “breaks an important mathematical property” and roles of TypeScript and E language in future “replacement” or maybe “we don’t have the next language yet”...

PS. Also this week I’ll share a good article about Microsoft's plans for changing JavaScript.

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#javascript #typescript #e
"TypeScript should become the new JavaScript, but Microsoft has already ruled that out."

Already read about this Microsoft proposal and remembered about it after the acquaintance with the article: How Microsoft Wants To Change JavaScript and TypeScript

So will TypeScript be resolved in JavaScript, will we use Types as Comments and wouldn’t have to compile TypeScript anymore?

Maybe, probably, good to have but not sure.
TypeScript is not only about primitive types but also about “Interfaces, Union Types, Type Keyword, very complex and nested types, “as” Keyword, public/private/protected Keywords, generic types and so on”.

That’s why I agree with the author and am skeptical about this idea.

Also I recommend visiting the Type Annotations Github repository.

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#typescript #javascript #microsoft