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Dr. Bhakdi has been telling the truth about COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines since the very beginning of the so-called “COVID-19 Pandemic.” As a result, in order to silence him, he has been vindictively accused of two unfounded charges in connection with two public statements he made in April and September of 2021. He is now facing a hearing at the lower court in Plön, Germany.

Links to the timeline of his legal case and his information are included in the post below.

Forwarded from Real World News
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Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić

"A legislative war is being waged against European food producers, such as in the Netherlands, in order to force citizens to start eating insects and artificial meat grown in laboratories in the near future. Normal citizens who want to live normally must defeat such policies."

✳️ @RealWorldNewsChat
“On Sunday, 14 May 2023, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky will receive the Charlemagne Prize for 'exceptional work performed in the service of European unity.' The Prize will be given to Zelensky himself and to the Ukrainian people. The official citation is full of praise, lofty terms and high ideals, but somehow there is a ring of insincerity about it. Obviously, the Prize is given because eight years after starting a war against what it claims to be its own citizens, the Ukraine is now engaged in a real battle with its Russian neighbor. After shelling cities of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, killing at least some 15,000 civilians and wounding countless others, Ukrainian soldiers and their NATO mentors now have to face a real enemy.”

by Hans Vogel

Read more: https://arktos.com/2023/05/13/the-charlemagne-prize-for-hypocrisy-and-mass-murder/
Forwarded from The Solari Report
Solari Report: Hero of the Week: May 15, 2023: Andrew Bridgen, MP

Very few politicians and public servants have been speaking out as consistently and informedly as the Honorable MP Andrew Bridgen has done for many months…

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In 1959, at just 12 years old, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi was first inspired to pursue a career in medicine. The occasion was a visit to a communal hospital in Cairo run by a physician friend of his mother’s, where he saw the suffering of children who had lost their eyesight due to a bacterial infection that could have been cured.

“I was shocked to see children walking around with flies feeding on their eyes. My mother told me that a bacterium had infected their eyes, and they had gone blind. Their eyesight could have been saved if the diagnosis had been made in time. All one had to do was to apply an ointment named aureomycin. Doctors were badly needed throughout the world to care for the poor children. I decided I wanted to do that.”
- Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

Prof. Bhakdi’s full biography and CV can be found here: https://doctors4covidethics.org/about-sucharit-bhakdi-md/
Why We Must Unite Behind Prof Bhakdi on the 23rd of May

“At the time of this writing, many medical practitioners in Germany are still being sent to jail for perspectives opposing the official Covid narrative. 

One of these brave, outstanding individuals is Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, a true cosmopolitan since childhood and one of the rare scientists in our times who integrates art, science, and human values… Alongside Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof Bhakdi was one of the first scientists in the world to point out the flawed science underpinning the swine flu ‘epidemic.’”

Read more: https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/prof-bhakdi
Forwarded from Oracle Films
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"I will never give up"

"The truth will come out. Keep fighting. We're going to win"

- British MP Andrew Bridgen

Truth be Told - a demonstration at Trafalgar Square, London on 13th May 2023.

➡️ Watch the full speech in high quality here

Learn more about the Truth Be Told campaign here

Technical Production by Pushback AV
NEW INFORMATION on how to help Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

There has been an overwhelming amount of support for Prof. Bhakdi. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to help him!

1. Pray for Sucharit. Encourage those in your prayer circles and/or community to do so as well.

2. Spread the story and share the information about Sucharit’s case on social media, via email and in person, etc. In a case like this, transparency is very important. The more people who know about this case, the better.

3. NEW: You can donate.

Wise transfer: Karina_reiss@protonmail.com
PayPal: Karina.reiss@gmx.de

4. There are doctors, nurses and scientists everywhere who are at risk. Identify and support your local medical professional or scientist who is facing hardship in their pursuit of the truth. While you may not be able to physically be at the courthouse to support Sucharit, you can support your local medical professional. Each person we help, gives momentum to all.
Media is too big
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi receives standing ovation from a crowd attending a lecture by Swiss author and historian Daniele Ganser in Sucharit’s hometown of Kiel, Germany, in March.

“The audience decided to show their appreciation to Sucharit and his wife Karina for their remarkable leadership since the Covid pandemic began. It’s a reminder of how many people understand what is really happening and their appreciation for those who lead.”

Read more: https://home.solari.com/dr-sucharit-bhakdi-standing-ovation-in-kiel-germany/
Media is too big
“You must speak out”

Dr. Mike Yeadon
Former Vice President at Pfizer

Truth Be Told Rally
London 🇬🇧
13th May 2023

Watch the full Livestream here

Further information on ‘Truth Be Told


The Persecution of Sucharit Bhakdi

“Thus, while Professor Bhakdi continued to be a truly conscientious scientist, criticizing government policies on the basis of scientific evidence and using purely academic logic, in the eyes of the state and its servants, he made himself an enemy of the state…

Since it was impossible to silence them with logic and scientific arguments, the most effective way to do so was by means of slander and character assassination.”

Read more: https://arktos.com/2023/05/11/the-persecution-of-sucharit-bhakdi/
NEU! Zeitleiste zum Fall Prof. Bhakdi jetzt auf Deutsch
(Prof. Bhakdi case timeline now in German)

“Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Hintergrundinformationen und Einzelheiten zu den gegen Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi erhobenen Vorwürfen im Zusammenhang mit zwei öffentlichen Äußerungen, die er im April und September 2021 abgegeben hat.”

Lesen Sie mehr: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Zeitleiste_Bhakdi.pdf
Forwarded from Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
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Dear fellow doctors!
First and foremost you, fellow doctors, who did not speak out were cowards. And your guilt will increase with every day. So, please stand up against this now and help to end this insanity, which is a genocide, first and foremost by no longer injecting this poison into anybody!

Dear fellow humans!
Please realise that the saviour is in us all. Only if we all together stand up, unite, and fight against this, always peacefully and lawfully, we will win eventually. Just say no!

My full interview by Debi Evans, UK Column Nursing Correspondent
Media is too big
Censorship and Suppression of Scientific Heterodoxy: COVID-19 and Beyond

Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, a senior lecturer at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, speaks about censorship tactics used against dissenting scientists and professionals.

“People whose work contradicts some government or corporate sponsored scientific work/narrative, which isn’t necessarily a consensus, it can be an artificially created consensus, they’re defined as or viewed as being dangerous or harmful. They’re tied to anti-semitism. Think of what’s happening to poor Sucharit right now…

It’s not just an attempt to discredit. It’s an attempt to vilify.”
Media is too big
Alternate mechanisms of mRNA vaccine toxicity: Which one is the main culprit?

by Dr. Michael Palmer

“The immune attack mechanism of mRNA vaccine toxicity was spelled out the earliest and the most clearly by Sucharit Bhakdi in early 2021. Sucharit is a brilliant scientist who simply continued to follow the science and his own moral compass throughout the engineered and contrived covid disaster. For this, he now faces politically motivated persecution. You can support him by raising awareness. Please visit our website to find out more.”

See: https://doctors4covidethics.org/dr-bhakdis-legal-case/
Forwarded from Robert Höschele DEPECHES

On May 23, 2023, the trial against Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi will take place. Our constituti
onal state is on trial.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Haditsch has a wonderful idea: A candle in the window on the evening of May 22nd.
We light candles from 7 pm UK time.

To make this call go around the world, please notice the posts in other languages in the channel @WeForHumanityCampaigns and share the light and love for Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Make visible why the candles are burning. In the channel @WeForHumanityCampaigns there are some graphic ideas, but it is enough to write on the window pane.

It would be great to have as many photos of burning candles as possible. Please send them via PN to @MaschaOrel and write in addition in which city and country the candles are burning.

From Saturday 20 May at 3pm UK time, let us also pause and pray simultaneously in hope and trust.

Candle in the window is the best thing you can do to really help Sucharit Bhakdi. We are making Sucharit visible! There is nothing the mainstream can do to stop people out there from reading Sucharit's name in our windows. Light the candles, write his name and send your confidence through prayer.

Thanks! 🙏
