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CIA Built "12 Secret Spy Bases" In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms

“On Sunday The New York Times published an explosive and very belated full admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine's intelligence services has ‘transformed’ the former Soviet state and its capabilities into ‘Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.’”

The Midazolam Murders: Exposing State-Sanctioned Involuntary Euthanasia

“While voluntary and involuntary euthanasia remain illegal in the UK, they have been surreptitiously carried out under the guise of guidelines and pathways for decades.

In 2020, the frequency of involuntary euthanasia escalated drastically, resulting in the horrific and untimely deaths of thousands of elderly and vulnerable individuals, with many falsely attributed to 'Covid.’”


Why Did Russia REALLY Invade Ukraine? by Patrick Henningsen

(This article was published just a few months after Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022)

“The western chorus of nations contends that by waging their ‘war of choice’ against its neighbour Ukraine, the Russian Federation and its President Vladimir Putin have fallen foul of the vaunted Rules-Based International Order. By doing so, they have effectively left the international community.

However, on closer examination of the evidence and historical context surrounding this highly contentious geopolitical event, it becomes clear that it was the “international community” which left Russia – leaving it with no choice but to pursue its national security interests on its own accord.

As it stands, Russia, Ukraine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) alliance are now at war, with each party firmly in the belief that they are fighting an existential conflict – not over any particular political or territorial dispute but for their future existence, or in the case of NATO, its relevance as a regional hegemonic entity.
No one saw this coming, or did they?”


Media is too big
“I cannot understand how anybody whoever recommended this mRNA vaccination can sleep soundly now. I would not be able to.”

German pathologist who examined the autopsy materials of patients who died shortly after vaccination shares a message to his colleagues.

“Always question what the ‘so-called’ experts tell you… you don’t need top scientists, you need soundly thinking people with experience with patients.”

WATCH: https://rumble.com/v42yfh5-pathologist-arne-burkhardt-final-interview-revealing-the-grave-dangers-of-m.html
Forwarded from The Solari Report
Hero of the Week: February 26, 2024: Denis Rancourt

“…The implications of this analysis, the authors note, are that “the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign was in effect a mass iatrogenic event” that killed an estimated 17 million people worldwide.

You can follow Dr. Rancourt’s latest articles, posts, and findings on Substack.”

Full Report: https://home.solari.com/hero-of-the-week-february-26-2024-denis-rancourt/

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Media is too big
European Central Bank head, Christine Lagarde: "Climate change" requires a complete redesign of the economy and financial system, in line with Net Zero—including the need to "reduce our carbon footprint in everything we do, from banknotes to how we supervise banks."

Yes, they're even using "climate change" as an excuse to come after cash now.


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It's not the job of the ECB to discuss, let alone decide upon or implement a structural change in the economy and society. But that's what the central planners have been doing, as I show in my book Princes of the Yen (available at www.quantumpublishers.com).
Forwarded from Intel Republic
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Rob Roos, (Member of the European Parliament) and Philipp Kruse, (Swiss lawyer) shared important information about the World Health Organization with Senator Ron Johnson and the world.”

Article by James Roguski

Unfortunately, lawyer Philipp Kruse was not given enough time to present the entire story. Roguski includes his full PDF presentation here: https://open.substack.com/pub/jamesroguski/p/rob-roos-and-philipp-kruse?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Important points from physicist Denis Rancourt on what science actually is.

"If they are using 'science' to claim truth, it is not science."

French President Macron announces sending troops to Ukraine remains a possibility.

"Nothing should be excluded. We will do everything that we must so that Russia does not win… There is no consensus at this stage... to send troops on the ground.”

Could it be possible this is a strategy to encourage citizens to accept all other (continued) means of supporting Ukraine?

See: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/frances-macron-says-sending-troops-ukraine-cannot-be-ruled-out-2024-02-26/

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Media is too big
“COVID-19 vaccine mandates for Queensland (Australia) police and ambulance service workers were made unlawfully, the state's Supreme Court has found.”

Full report: https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-vaccine-mandate-unlawful-for-emergency-services-queensland-police-and-ambulance-services-workers-court-judgement/e9eda68c-567a-4aa3-85a3-01816207c64b

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I had a busy and exciting day today and spent the afternoon and evening speaking with Dr. Martin Haditsch for his new documentary! 🇭🇺 🇦🇹

We had a great discussion, and it encouraged me to think more deeply about my own work and the role of journalism in exposing the corruption of modern public health policy.

I can’t wait for you all to see this project!

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These agencies are so criminal. This is not over yet! The CDC is still making the recommendation for certain age groups to get injected. (published Feb. 28)

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Americans 65 and older should get another dose of the updated vaccine that became available in September — if at least four months has passed since their last shot. In making the recommendation, the agency endorsed guidance proposed by an expert advisory panel earlier in the day.”
Front page of The New Statesmen!

The QE theory of everything

“On 2 September 1995 the world’s biggest financial newspaper, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun of Japan, led its Saturday edition with a piece by Richard Werner, a young German economist working at an investment bank in Hong Kong. The article addressed what everyone was talking about: the recession.

… Japan’s economy fell into a severe, protracted slump. In his article, Werner suggested a cure: a new kind of credit creation by the central bank. He called it ryōteki kinyū kanwa, or ‘quantitative monetary easing.’

In the decades that followed, Werner has watched as different versions of his idea have been applied around the world: in Japan in 2001, then in the US and Europe in 2008, and at a still greater scale in 2020.”

Read more: https://www.newstatesman.com/business/economics/2024/02/the-qe-theory-of-everything
Media is too big
Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse explains the main points of concern regarding the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments.

“These agreements are negotiated without taking into consideration the massive and undeniable amount of data and of scientific evidence about the collateral damages of the global pandemic management of the WHO - and the WHO as probably most governments are still today in a state of total denial with respect to these collateral damages.

This new pandemic legal regime will legalize all the methods of this pandemic period under C19 that have proven to be harmful or wrong.

WHO’s already existing authority to declare a public health emergency of international concern will become massively extended. They will be allowed to declare all kinds of public health emergency under any given reason without any responsibility to clear standards.”

Full speech: https://rumble.com/v4fxd89-rob-roos-and-philipp-kruse.html

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