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Hay videos que cuesta trabajar y esta entrevista al Profesor Burkhardt es uno de ellos pues es el último que podremos disfrutar con sus inestimables explicaciones que gracias a la fina conducción de Taylor Hudak esta entrevista se convierte en toda una clase de histopatología para que todos los más profanos puedan comprender mejor algunos de los daños que están provocando esta tecnología de ARN modificado.

Pero no solo es una entrevista pedagógica sino tambien todo un ejemplo de humanidad y profesionalidad que nos dejó el entrañable profesor por su entrega por la verdad y sobre todo la responsabilidad.
The great journalist and filmmaker John Pilger has passed away.
As 2023 comes to an end, one of the most significant victories this year was the acquittal of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi.

The moment the judge read the not guilty verdict, those inside the court room could hear a crowd of hundreds of supporters outside the court house erupting into cheers and applause.

A year prior to the trial, I researched the case thoroughly with the help of a fantastic and very skilled German translator. In May, I covered the hearing in Germany with the help of Jutta Degner, CHD Europe’s head of translations, who translated the court proceedings for me from German to English. I extend my thanks and gratitude to Jutta and the others who helped break the language barrier for me and the CHD Europe social media team for promptly crafting informative social media posts live during the hearing.

“The judge explained that Prof. Bhakdi was not liable for either charge and did not do what he was accused of. The judge referenced the importance of free speech and freedom of expression. He stated that Prof. Bhakdi advocated for peace and unity and expressed himself in a manner that allowed for open discussion. Prof. Bhakdi sought to create an atmosphere in which people can have open dialogue and embrace one another.”

My full report: https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-affairs/the-trial-of-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-who-is-trying-to-silence-the-leading-scientific-voice-warning-us-about-mrna-technology/

A German doctor´s urgent call to all fellow human beings
Ronald Weikl, MD, gynecologist

At the beginning of the new year 2024, the German gynecologist Ronald Weikl M.D. takes stock of the findings from 4 years of “Corona” and makes an urgent call to all fellow human beings in Germany, but also worldwide.
At the same time, he ultimately calls on all those politicians, heads of state and decision-makers, religious and church leaders in Germany and all other countries who have allowed themselves to be bought and harnessed to the cart by an exploitative system and have thus criminally disregarded the interests of those entrusted to them.

The unmistakable demand for all of these is: to resign immediately, to submit themselves to a proper judiciary and to free up their positions for people who can take on responsibility with love for their fellow human beings with heart and mind and also enough backbone.

Weikl is co-founder and deputy chairman of the MWGFD, the society of medical professionals and scientists for health, freedom and democracy, which was founded in May 2020 under the aegis of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi.

A good, blessed, successful, happy New Year 2024 to you and your loved ones!

I would be happy if you share this video on your social networks!

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Today would have been Prof. Arne Burkhardt’s 80th birthday.

He dedicated the final years of his life seeking answers about the mRNA vaccines role in causing death or disease in the patients he examined.

He inspired deep affection, respect and admiration from the many doctors, scientists and medical professionals who worked with him to stop the harm and death that was and is underway.

It is now up to other pathologists to follow his leadership and bring the full truth to light. It is on the rest of us to support them in the endeavor.

Prof. Arne Burkhardt demanded high moral and professional standards in the medical profession, and he himself set the example.

Watch his final, extensive interview here: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/arne-burkhardt-interview-12-23-23/
Forwarded from The Solari Report

In the few years leading up to professor Arne Burkhardt’s death, he provided major contributions to the research on mRNA product safety. His strong stance against the COVID shots brought with it significant challenges, as the mainstream media portrayed him as an enemy and once-friendly colleagues became hostile or otherwise apathetic. In one of the last recorded conversations with the pathologist, he explains the findings of his research and its implications on the human population. Today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’ guest is the journalist who captured this interview with Burkhardt. Her name is Taylor Hudak.

Click to Watch👇

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Forwarded from iamdrsamwhite
Hi All, just to let you know that the highly respected independent journalist https://t.me/taylorhudak has been in touch with a copy of her interview with the wonderful man that was Professor Arne Burkhardt. As I’m sure you are aware Professor Burkhardt recently passed away. This was one of his final interviews which he did in his lab in Germany.

Around 20 case studies are discussed from his study in which he was able to determine very likely or with certainty the role of the covid injections in causing death or disease. In this interview Prof Burkhardt discusses the testing methods he used as well as the way the mRNA injections may cause lymphocytes to attack healthy cells.

At the end of the video Prof. Burkhardt reflects back on his career and shares what motivated him to do his work.

He reveals his thoughts about Covid in general, the public health industry and academic and medical science. He finishes with a message to fellow medical professionals. This is a very moving interview. Please watch and share far and wide:

Lymphocytic Infiltration in the Heart Muscle, Thyroid Gland and Lung Following COVID-19 Injections

“Out of the 75 autopsies performed, Prof. Burkhardt had 31 cases in which the patient died from heart failure, including rhythmogenic failure. Of those 31 cases, 15 patients presented with perimyocarditis and 16 patients presented with a microangiopathy which is a disease of the small vessels unrelated to atherosclerosis.”

Read more: https://tlavagabond.substack.com/p/lymphocytic-infiltration-in-the-heart
Hi all, please share this post on Twitter if you can to help give it a boost! Thanks <3 https://x.com/_taylorhudak/status/1744811993473663428?s=20
Media is too big
An aortic dissection is typically a very rare and serious condition in which a tear in the aorta allows blood to rush into the vessel wall, causing it to split or dissect.

In this case, the patient is a 55 year-old male, who died 21 days after the second injection.

Prior to the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines, Prof. Arne Burkhardt saw 1 to 2 aortic dissections out of 1,500-2,000 autopsies per year.

In this series of 75 autopsies on vaccinated patients, Prof. Burkhardt saw 5 aortic dissections with subsequent death.

Watch the full interview here: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/arne-burkhardt-interview-12-23-23/
Forwarded from UK Column Extracts
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Guest Taylor Hudak Introduces Her Interview With The Late Prof. Arne Burkhard: Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines - UK Column News - 15th January 2024

- Taylor Hudak (on X): 
“Prior to the roll out of the C19 vaccines, Prof. Burkhardt saw 1 or 2 cases of myocarditis out of 1,500 to 2,000 autopsies per year. After the C19 vaccines, he says this is one of the most common diagnoses in younger people.”
- The Last American Vagabond: Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview—Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines

Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-15th-january-2024
NEW memo on turbo cancers!

On the pathogenesis of turbo cancer induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: a hypothesis — by Dr. Michael Palmer

“This short memo makes the case that turbo cancers in patients who received mRNA vaccines can be explained by the observed uptake of those vaccines by macrophages and dendritic cells, based on a well-documented but not widely known theory of carcinogenesis.”

Read more: https://doctors4covidethics.org/on-the-pathogenesis-of-turbo-cancer-induced-by-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-a-hypothesis/
War on Us — by Hans Vogel

“For some time now, prophets of doom have been asserting that 2023 was “the warmest year in recorded history.” Assorted financial experts have warned the current year will bring economic Armageddon. Finally, there are the rumors of an imminent nuclear exchange between the US and Russia, which would spell the end of Civilization “as we know it.

The establishment media and state outlets have been duly feeding the public with these and other alarming prophecies. All things considered, it amounts to a giant PR campaign to gain sympathy and acceptance for the annual meeting of the international crime syndicate that thinks it is running the world.

Of course, we are talking about the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is holding its annual Davos convention from January 15 to 19, and where thousands of brothers and sisters in crime will be feasting, boozing and fornicating for a week.”

Read more: https://arktos.com/2024/01/14/war-on-us/
Mein Interview mit Prof. Arne Burkhardt ist jetzt auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar! Es war mir sehr wichtig, dieses Interview in Prof. Burkhardts Muttersprache übersetzen zu lassen. Für die Übersetzung und Untertitelung bedanke ich mich bei Jutta Degner, der Managerin des Übersetzungsteams von CHD Europe.

Das ausführliche, persönliche Interview wurde nur wenige Wochen vor dem Tod von Prof. Burkhardt aufgezeichnet. Wir besprechen 20 Fälle aus seiner Studie, in der er das Autopsie- und Biopsiematerial von geimpften lebenden und verstorbenen Patienten untersucht hat. Prof. Burkhardt erörtert auch seine Sicht auf das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen und die akademische und medizinische Wissenschaft.

Das Video endet mit Prof. Burkhardts Hoffnungen für die Zukunft der Wissenschaft und der Medizin sowie mit seiner letzten Botschaft an seine Kollegen.

Sehen Sie sich das Interview hier an: https://rumble.com/v481jhh-prof.-arne-burkhardt-final-interview.html
Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel (Mike Yeadon)
Media is too big
Please do not allow people, whether in positions of authority or not, to get away with absurd statements that fly in the face of the facts.
There is no climate emergency and there’s not going to be one.
The entire premise is wrong.
Best wishes
The public hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice will be on 20-21 February. It may be the final chance for the UK to stop Julian’s extradition. Gather outside the court at 8:30am on both days. It’s now or never. Date: 20-21 February 2024 Location: Royal Courts of Justice Time: 8:30 am GMT

Hero of the Week: January 29, 2024: Ryan Cristián, The Last American Vagabond

This week, we are delighted to select Ryan Cristián, founder and editor of The Last American Vagabond, as our Hero of the Week. Cristián’s website and publications offer bold content and a first-rate team of writers and investigators, including the talented Whitney Webb, among others.

Of Cristián, Taylor Hudak says, “A man of honor, integrity, and professionalism—this is what new media needs. We need more like him.”

Read more: https://home.solari.com/hero-of-the-week-january-29-2024-ryan-cristian-the-last-american-vagabond/
Forwarded from Rise
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It would be impossible to imagine these levels of gaslighting and arrogance if they weren’t manifest here in front of us.

BBC ‘disinformation’ tsar, Marianna Spring, talking about ‘redemption’ for those who have the temerity to point out she’s a) a pathological liar and b) a professional propagandist for one of the world’s most powerful media outlets.

This ‘cry bully’ brand of young female media personality (not journalist) will forever be one of the strangest phenomena of this period in history.

Do you think she actually believes her own narrative or is it truly just an act?

Taylor Lorenz from Washington Post falls into the same category.

Nasty, manipulative little jezebels the lot of ‘em.