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‘My Case Was Trivial’: Dr. Bhakdi’s Criminal Charges Took a Backseat to His Concerns About the WHO + the Shots

“I said during the day that I was probably the most relaxed person in court because I was never worried about myself,” professed German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.

“There were other worries that were so much greater that my personal situation really recedes into — it’s nothing. We’re worried about the WHO. We’re worried about the gene-transforming, so-called vaccinations. Everything else just becomes trivial,” he remarked.

Dr. Bhakdi was acquitted of the two charges against him, incitement of the masses and trivialization of the Holocaust, in only nine hours.

He sent his thanks to the judge and his supporters for saving “the face of honor of German jurisdiction.”

Watch the full episode with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on #CHDTV:


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Welcome to the Sucharit Bhakdi Case Updates Telegram group! Here you will find information about the case.

Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has informed the German and international public about the true nature of COVID-19 and the gene based-vaccines. He has written extensively on the subject and has been featured on several international news channels.

From a period between mid 2021 to early 2022, 4 individuals led complaints with the German authorities against Prof. Bhakdi for statements he made comparing the C19 vaccination program to 1930s/40s Germany. The complainants allege that such statements are a criminal offense.

Prof. Bhakdi was charged with one count of “incitement of the masses” and one count of “trivialization of the Holocaust.”

His court hearing was held on May 23, 2023, at Amtsgericht Plön in which a judge found him not guilty on both counts.

The prosecutor has filed an appeal.
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Prof. Bhakdi Case: Footage from the courthouse on May 23, 2023.
BREAKING: I can confirm Prosecutor Füssinger filed an appeal against the not guilty verdict in the Prof. Bhakdi case

There are 2 types of appeals that can be applied in this case.

Following a verdict, the dissatisfied party may file an appeal to either enforce another court hearing in which the discovery of evidence is repeated, this kind of appeal is called “Berufung” in German OR the dissatisfied party may file an appeal to determine if the law was properly applied, this kind of appeal is called “Revision” in German. Regarding the latter, the facts on which the judgment is based are not called into question.

At this time, there is no written judgment in the Prof. Bhakdi case, and as long as there is no written judgment, the party who files an appeal may only decide which type of appeal to pursue until the written judgment is available to both the prosecution and defense. Prosecutor Füssinger has filed an appeal and will decide which appeal to pursue based on the written judgment.
Hero of the Week: May 29, 2023: Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab
Martin Schwab has been Sucharit’s lawyer ever since Dr. Bhakdi was first charged.
The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?

At around 5:45 in the evening on Tuesday May 23, Judge Malte Grundmann entered the courtroom at Amtsgericht Plön to deliver his decision in the case of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Following nine hours of deliberations, testimony and final arguments, all who were present in the gallery stood up eagerly awaiting for the outcome to be read before the court. 

Not guilty.

In an instant, the crowd of supporters outside the courthouse could be heard erupting into cheers and applause. Inside the courtroom, Prof. Bhakdi’s family and friends embraced with relief, the press hastily took notes, the legal counsel remained attentive, and all the focus was on Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi.
A nearly two-year long legal process had come to an end – or so one thought.

Read more: https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-issues/the-trial-of-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-who-is-trying-to-silence-the-leading-scientific-voice-warning-us-about-mrna-technology/
The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?

“It is important to note that a year and a half before the not guilty verdict, the investigation into Prof. Bhakdi was closed by the Kiel authorities on Nov. 1, 2021, due to a lack of sufficient suspicion. 

Kiel State Court Prosecutor Lorenz Frahm determined that a conviction was unlikely and therefore chose to close the case. However, after two individuals sent notices to the Prosecutor’s Office urging for a continuation of the investigation, the case was reopened on Nov. 24, 2021.

To best understand this, one must revisit key details surrounding the initial opening of the case against him.”

An in-depth look at the case: https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-issues/the-trial-of-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-who-is-trying-to-silence-the-leading-scientific-voice-warning-us-about-mrna-technology/
Hero of the Week: Lawyer Martin Schwab

"Dr. Schwab’s flawless presentation in defense of Sucharit Bhakdi, both in front of the court and also in the media, was impeccable in terms of its clarity, factuality, and anchoring in the law."

Read more: https://home.solari.com/hero-of-the-week-may-29-2023-prof-dr-martin-schwab/…
Der Prozess gegen Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Wer versucht, die führende wissenschaftliche Stimme zum Schweigen zu bringen, die uns vor der mRNA-Technologie warnt?

„Am Dienstag, den 23. Mai, betrat Richter Malte Grundmann gegen 5.45 Uhr den Gerichtssaal des Amtsgerichts Plön, um sein Urteil im Fall von Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi zu verkünden. Nach neun Stunden Verhandlung, Zeugenaussagen und Schlussplädoyers standen alle Anwesenden auf der Tribüne auf und warteten gespannt auf das Ergebnis, das dem Gericht verlesen wurde.

Nicht schuldig.

Im Nu brach die Menge der Unterstützer vor dem Gerichtsgebäude in Jubel und Applaus aus. Im Gerichtssaal umarmten sich Prof. Bhakdis Familie und Freunde erleichtert, die Presse machte sich eilig Notizen, der Rechtsbeistand blieb aufmerksam, und die ganze Aufmerksamkeit galt Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi.

Ein fast zwei Jahre dauernder Prozess war zu Ende gegangen – so dachte man zumindest.”

Lesen Sie mehr: https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/de/europaeische-belange/der-prozess-gegen-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-wer-versucht-die-fuhrende-wissenschaftliche-stimme-zum-schweigen-zu-bringen-die-uns-vor-der-mrna-technologie-warnt/
Please share on Twitter: https://twitter.com/_taylorhudak/status/1663973602239102991?s=20 This message says (in Deutsch) that the German media coverage of the case has been very one-sided. Read my in-depth article on the case. Please share the article to share the facts)
I will be on TNT Radio’s Jerm Warefare with Jeremy Nell today at 4pm European CET / 11am US EST

We will discuss Prof. Bhakdi’s court hearing and my research into the case and investigation.