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Forwarded from iamdrsamwhite
Well worth reading, one doctors account of the horrors of working in the ‘modern’ NHS. This is not what they signed up for. More and more will come forward….

Forwarded from Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
Every doctor should have realised that the house of corona cards was built on nothing but lies, and that the modRNA injections are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe, also Dr. Aseem Malhotra!

Others and myself explain the corona nonsense narrative since February 2020, over and over again. For doing this, I was arrested on Easter Saturday 2020 in my practice as an alleged "terrorist dangerous to others" by 60 policemen of an anti-terrorist unit, and then kept in a closed psychiatric ward for six days because of alleged "self-dangerousness in corona madness". I was forcibly medicated psychiatrically for weeks.

Who are actually the honest doctors?

He's on 🔥! Keynote speaking at Valhalla Network's inaugural event - Return of the Ragnarok
My full speech on the Julian Assange case at the Better Way Conference in Vienna is LIVE now!

Watch it here: youtu.be/yuz2dswMB4I
NEW: A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19

“Numerous cases of encephalitis and encephalomyelitis have been reported in con- nection with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, with many being considered causally related to vaccination [31,38,39]. However, this is the first report to demonstrate the presence of the spike protein within the encephalitic lesions and to attribute it to vac- cination rather than infection. These findings corroborate a causative role of the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, and this diagnostic approach is relevant to potentially vaccine-induced damage to other organs as well.”

Read more: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651
You may have already seen the brand-new paper by pathologist Dr. Michael Moerz, which describes a case of necrotizing encephalitis after COVID vaccination. Using immunohistochemical methods, Moerz clearly demonstrates the presence of vaccine-encoded spike protein in the brain lesions. This is as close as one can get to proof of causation in pathology.

Inflammatory lesions centered on expressed spike protein are likewise present in the heart, but here they were less pronounced. Overall, this is a landmark paper. Download it while you can — too many valuable studies have been purged already from the heavily censored scientific literature.

In 2004, I attended the WEF Summit in Davos and questioned President of the ECB, Jean-Claude Trichet, on the ECB's behaviour backing structural reform or other political agendas.

"Where in the Maastricht Treaty or ECB statutes does it say that it's the job of the ECB to back structural reform or any political agenda?"

I wasn't invited back...!

Listen to his response:
Hi all! I’ll be joining The Backstory with Lee Stranahan on Radio Sputnik tonight at 4:15pm US EST/ 10:15pm CET!

We will be discussing the Julian Assange case, my work related to COVID, the vaccines and more!
❗️A Further Investigation into the Leaked EMA Emails & Confidential Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Related An investigative report by Sonia Elijah
In June, Trial Site News published a bombshell investigative report on the leaked European Medicine Agency (EMA) emails and other Pfizer-related confidential reports, which exposed concerning facts in the run-up to the authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This report focuses on further leaked emails with specific reference made to the European Commissioner, Ursula von der Leyen and the unusual extent she was willing to go in corralling member states (MSs) in avoiding the use of Article 5 (2) (their national Emergency Use Authorization for the COVID-19 vaccines) but go with an EU Conditional Marketing Authorization (CMA). It shines light on other leaked EMA sensitive documents: the 24 November, 2020 Quality Office CMC observations presentation by the BWP (Biologics Working party) and Rapporteur’s Rolling Review assessment report, revealing more evidence which supports the ‘major objections’ discussed in the original Trial Site News report. It looks at unredacted versions of Pfizer vaccine contracts and the EC’s Advance Purchase Agreement signed in November 2020 with Pfizer and BioNTech ‘for the development, production, priority-purchasing options and supply of a successful COVID-19 vaccine for EU Member States.’ https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-issues/a-further-investigation-into-the-leaked-ema-emails-confidential-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-related-docs/
‼️ Deadline today.

The EU propose use of facial recognition...


Remember you can read the documents and answer in your own lanuage.

Send a feedback as a citizen or as your organisation. You can answer with your name or anonymous.

We - the Europeans for Safe Connections - have sent these to the EU:

For inspiration: I have sent this as a citizen: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13514-Travel-digitalising-travel-documents-to-make-travelling-easier/F3346950_en
Gene-based vaccination: quo vadis? The case against mRNA vaccines, argued from first principles of immunology. This post explains why future mRNA vaccines against any and all viruses or other microbes must be expected to be just as toxic as the COVID vaccines.

This Thursday, I'll be speaking at Token Summit Liechtenstein on Decentral Banking.

My talk will begin at 13:30.
Die Verfolgung von Julian Assange | Die wichtigsten Fakten

Sehen Sie sich meine Rede zum Fall Assange von der The Better Way Konferenz in Wien an

LINK: https://youtu.be/iB-xWQW6iQ8
The European Commission authorised the conversion of the conditional marketing authorisation for Comirnaty to standard marketing authorisation
The Commission did so with The EMA’s continued narrative of safe and effective vaccinations despite (even) the official numbers of side effect showing just the contrary. None of the conclusive clinical trials were made available on the EMA’s site – the statements show they are still ongoing.
This latest act adds to the mounting questionable procedures surrounding the development, purchase agreement and prior conditional marketing authorisations of the so-called vaccine.