Tasker | ADVANCED (channel)
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Welcome to Tasker Profile Center channel!
Here you will find all the content posted at TPC site, and other projects shared by its users too.

Hope you enjoy it ;)

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#warning #TaskerDev
[HOW-TO] Create Tiny URL for the current web page in a browser
Sometimes you want to share a URL with someone but it would be great if it could be a shorter URL that's easier to share.

Here's a simple profile to do just that: https://forum.joaoapps.com/index.php?resources/create-a-tiny-url-from-tasker.432/

Import it directly here if you want: https://taskernet.com/shares/?user=AS35m8ne7oO4s%2BaDx%2FwlzjdFTfVMWstg1ay5AkpiNdrLoSXEZdFfw1IpXiyJCVLNW0yn&id=Profile%3ATiny+URL

Hope this helps! :)

Source: Go!
#warning #TaskerDev
[HOW-TO] Create Tiny URL for the current web page in a browser or replace long URL with tiny one when editing some text
Yesterday I posted a tutorial about this, but I figured it was incomplete.

In this updated version you have 2 ways of creating a Tiny URL:
- From a Share: When you're on a web page, share the page to AutoShare and it'll put the Tiny URL on your clipboard. Demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3OR6tb3fDA
- When editing text: When you're editing some text in any app, select a URL > AutoShare > Tiny URL and the edited text will be converted on the spot. Demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6BuMR-y7zk

You can get the full tutorial here or import it directly here.

Again, enjoy! :)

Source: Go!
Tasker | ADVANCED (channel)
#profile #SetRandomWallpaperEveryDay
These profiles set a random wallpaper based on different contexts.

- Wallpaper files have to be placed locally.


- New: Change wallpaper on screen on. (separate profile)
- Other: Minor changes to base version.

Tasker | ADVANCED (channel)
#project #FingerprintDemoActions
As per user requests, I have decided to create this little project to show you some examples of how to use the biometric sensor of your device (if available) to perform different actions.

These are the things you will learn...
• Finger Touch (any): Perform customized actions depending on which finger has touched the sensor. (*)
• Finger (down/up): Calculate elapsed time between finger (down) and finger (up), so you can perform long press actions.

This project does not contain predefined actions that execute certain applications, nor does it carry out specific actions. What is included are generic actions as a demonstration, which can then be extrapolated (idea) to other projects.

- The project uses the 'Logcat Entry' action, added in Tasker v5.9.beta8.
- To use it just toggle according profile(s) from the list above.
- There are several ways to make the profile detect the decided filter: applying regex expressions, filtering by specific words/terms, or searching for matching elements from within the associated task by reading the %(lc_text) var.
- (*) The device needs to be locked (Lockscreen).
- ids are unique for each device, and also components can vary from device to device too.
- This project was built based on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 device.


Tasker | ADVANCED (channel)
#project #FingerprintDemoActions
As per user requests, I have decided to create this little project to show you some examples of how to use the biometric sensor of your device (if available) to perform different actions.

These are the things you will learn...
• Finger Touch (any): Perform customized actions depending on which finger has touched the sensor. (*)
• Finger (down) [1] + (up): Calculate elapsed time between finger (down) and finger (up), so you can perform long press actions.
• Finger (down) [2]: Double tap gestures (or more).
• Finger (down) [3] + Screen (unlock): React to specific unlock attempts (failed).

This project does not contain predefined actions that execute certain applications, nor does it carry out specific actions. What is included are generic actions as a demonstration, which can then be extrapolated (idea) to other projects.

- The project uses the 'Logcat Entry' action, added in Tasker v5.9.beta8.
- To use it just toggle according profile(s) from the list above.
- There are several ways to make the profile detect the decided filter: applying regex expressions, filtering by specific words/terms, or searching for matching elements from within the associated task by reading the %(lc_text) var.
- (*) The device needs to be locked (Lockscreen).
- IDs are unique for each device, and also components/services can vary from device to device. Therefore, I recommend you not to take these components/filters that I have used in the project as them are. If they work, perfect! But if not, you should look for the corresponding ones for your device. But at least you will have a base to start.
- This project was built based on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 device (Xiaomi.eu beta ROM).


- New: Double tap gesture (or more).
- New: Detect unlock attempts (failed).
- Other: Small changes.

#warning #TaskerDev
[DEV] Tasker 5.9.rc.2 - Bugfixes for hopefully the last release before going public
Here's another release candidate update. Hopefully the last one before the public launch.

Sign up for the beta here.

If you don't want to wait for the Google Play update, get it right away here.

You can also get the updated app factory here.

Here's the changelog:
- Fix some issues with Clipboard getting on Android 10
- Fixed an issue with checking license on some cases
- Fixed issue with Tasker Keyboard being the active keyboard after the Keyboard action is ran
- Added some settings for OnePlus devices to be used with the Custom Setting action and conditions
- Fixed Quick Setting tiles with app icons not showing the icon
- Fixed some errors not appearing when using the app's UI so users were left wondering what was wrong
- Fixed Get Location v2 for kid apps
- Updated Spanish, Japanese and French translations
- Fixed some crashes


Source: Go!
#warning #TaskerDev
[DEV] Had to update Play Store Description - Feedback needed
Hi everyone! So my latest Tasker update was rejected because of the (ancient) play store description that contains too many lists of words for their liking, so I had to make a new one.

So I thought to myself: I have this amazing community of people here that are passionate about Tasker that could really give good advice on this!

Here's my current version. Any feedback/suggestions of what can be changed/improved? Maybe some Tasker feature that is really important to you that I missed? I'll update the OP with accepted suggestions/changes so this post will always contain the most updated version. :)

Thank you very much in advance!

This is the current play store description:


Total Automation, From Settings to SMS.

☑️ Actions

350+ actions allow you to truly customize your phone like never before! Send SMS, create notifications, change almost any system setting like Wifi Tether, Dark Mode, Always On Display, change any volume, control Do Not Disturb, open apps, file manipulation, control music playback, get your location... you get the idea. If you can think of it, Tasker can probably do it for you!

Note: a few of the actions (like the Airplane Mode action) require root. It's an Android limitation that I wish I could work around.

☑️ Automations

Make your phone a true smart phone! Why remember to change the volume every day when you leave home when your phone can do it for you?

Automate stuff based on the app you're in, the time of day, your location, your Wi-Fi network, Received SMS or Calls, the currently playing song and many other (130+) states and events!

Check out how easy it is to create an automation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6EAbLW5WSk

☑️ Other Triggers

Manually trigger your actions via launcher shortcuts, quick setting tiles, widgets and more!

☑️ Join - Remote Tasker

Adding Join to the mix will even allow you to trigger tasks from another Android device or PC!

☑️ Scenes

Design your own UI and use it to display any info you want or trigger any task!

☑️ App Creation

Create your own standalone apps to share or sell with the Tasker App Factory!

☑️ Huge List of Plugins

A lot of 3rd party developers already allow you to perform actions in their apps and listen to their events/states through Tasker!

Check out a list of plugins here: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/pluginlist.html

☑️ 7 day trial - one time payment to unlock


☑️ Useful Links

Starter Guides: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/guides.html

Pre-made projects: https://forum.joaoapps.com/index.php?resources/

Official Support Forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tasker

Community full of people willing to help: https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/

Queries, Problems: see Menu / Info / Support in-app

It's not possible to fix problems reported via Play Store Comments so please use the "Report Issue To Developer" option in the app > Menu to do so.

Note: Tasker uses the BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission in order to provide the System Lock functionality.

Source: Go!
Tasker | ADVANCED (channel)
#profile #StartPlayingMusicOnBTConnected
This profile will allow you to automate music playback when the desired BT device is connected.

- I used the Poweramp music player, but you can use your own if you like. To find its itents, go here.
- To set your BT device, edit 'Name' or 'Address' (MAC) from the 'BT Connected' profile settings.


#warning #TaskerDev
[HOW-TO] Protip: Create a debug task that you can call from anywhere
It's helpful to create a task such as this one:
Debug (7)
A1: Stop [ With Error:Off Task: ] If [ %Debug !Set ]
A2: Notify [ Title:%par1 Text:%par2 Icon:mw_action_bug_report Number:0 Permanent:Off Priority:5 Repeat Alert:Off LED Colour:Red LED Rate:0 Sound File: Vibration Pattern:0,100,200,200 Category:Debug ] If [ %DebugNotify Set ]
A3: Flash [ Text:%par1
%par2 Long:Off ] If [ %DebugFlash Set ]

Then, from any other task use the Perform Task action to call it and set Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 to the title and text of what you're trying to debug.

The result is something like this: https://youtu.be/z0IuZb8wHbE

Notice how at the top the notification will show the progress of whatever is happening in the following task:
Assistant Command (4)
A1: Voice Command
A2: Perform Task [ Name:Debug Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1):Assistant Parameter 2 (%par2):Opening Return Value Variable: Stop:Off ]
A3: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:1 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A4: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Open explore page
Action : Click Timeout (Seconds):23 ]
A5: Perform Task [ Name:Debug Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1):Assistant Parameter 2 (%par2):clicking Return Value Variable: Stop:Off ]
A6: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:1 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A7: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Id
Value: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:id/opa_hq_content_footer_icon_keyboard
Action : Click Timeout (Seconds):23 ]
A8: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:1 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A9: Perform Task [ Name:Debug Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1):Assistant Parameter 2 (%par2):Writing Return Value Variable: Stop:Off ]
A10: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Type a message
Action : Click Timeout (Seconds):23 ]

This debugging task also allows you to enable or disable debugging very easily by setting or unsetting the %Debug variable.

You can even just enable or disable debugging via various methods. In this example I allow enabling and disabling of debugging via notifications or flashes by setting/clearing the %DebugNotify or %DebugFlash variables. Since these are normal variables you can even automate them as you wish :)

Import the Debug task here.

Hopefully this'll make debugging in Tasker easier and faster for you! 😁: Keyboard [ Input:write(hello there),Enter Time Between Inputs:500 Don't Restore Keyboard:Off ]

Source: Go!
#profile #NavigationButtonsActions
It will allow you to distinguish what button was pressed, or assign different actions to each button, depending on the time pressed.

This project does not contain predefined actions that execute certain applications, nor does it carry out specific actions. What is included are generic actions as a demonstration, which can then be extrapolated (idea) to other projects.

- The project uses the 'Logcat Entry' action, added in Tasker v5.9.beta8.
- To use it just toggle according profile.
- There are several ways to make the profile detect the decided filter: applying regex expressions, filtering by specific words/terms, or searching for matching elements from within the associated task by reading the %(lc_text) var.
- IDs are unique for each device, and also components/services can vary from device to device. Therefore, I recommend you not to take these components/filters that I have used in the profile as them are. If they work, perfect! But if not, you should look for the corresponding ones for your device. But at least you will have a base to start.
- This profile was built based on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 device (Xiaomi.eu beta ROM).
- Profiles are bundled in a single project file to make it easier to be imported. So, import it as a project.


Tasker | ADVANCED (channel)
#task #MIUIScreenRecorderIntents
Intents (broadcast and control) for the MIUI Screen Recorder app, included in all Xiaomi devices.

- All is bundled in a single project file, so import it as a prj.

