Talk To Life
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Stories have the Creative Power to Solve Actual Problems that people encounter in their work & daily lives.
So TTL believe every story Deserves to be Celebrated whatsoever.

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Talk To Life - Emerging Artists
‘Recognizing a Star’
TTL. Can you tell us about yourself briefly?
A: My name is Abraham (Chapii) and I’m 24. I am a music producer, production manager at Berana Audiobooks and I am a medical Radiology technology student at Menellik Health Science College. I have been producing for over five years now.


TTL. Can you tell us about what you are currently working on?
A: My friends and I started a company a while ago. And we have been developing an Audiobook app. It’s called Berana Audiobooks. So Right now I’m mainly working on Audiobook productions and editing. As a music producer I’m experimenting with different music genres that are new to our country and I am also trying to incorporate Ethiopian feels and vibes to the music I make and come up with fresh new sounds.


TTL. How was life as a child? Had it any functional relation with your profession?
A: I would say my life as a child was pretty ordinary.
With that being said, I feel like my childhood has a great impact on my decision to pursue music. I grew up listening to many songs and I remember being fascinated by how much they can evoke people’s emotions. Hence why I focus on making music that elicit people’s emotions, just like that of my favorite tracks by other musicians.


TTL. Is there any situation that you used your professional prospects to mobilize society? Or to impact towards any set goal?
A: Not yet, but I have plans to do so in the near future. I believe music and the tech industry has a lot of ability to mobilize society. So as a music producer and also as production manager at Berana Audiobooks I hope to make a meaningful impact in our society. I believe music can be used to unite people, give them hope, help them through their toughest times and enjoy their best moments as well and am striving to make a music that can do all the things I mentioned, so yeah even though I haven’t done it yet I’d say am on the right track and it wouldn’t be long until I achieve my dream.


TTL. Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do?
A: I was 18 when I first got introduced to music production but I didn’t take it seriously for years it was like a hobby at the time. As I got to learn more about it, especially about DAW (digital Audio Workstation), I became more fascinated and passionate about producing music. I made a couple of tracks and sent it over to friends, family and professionals, and the response I got was pretty encouraging so I decided to pursue it.


TTL. What is Entrepreneurship for you?
A: Entrepreneurship is simply taking risks to achieve your dream or some business idea you have.


TTL. How can a person achieve his/her goals?
A: I don’t think there is simple answer for this question but once you know what you want to do and what you are passionate about its all about putting in the work and dedicating yourself to it. And never ever give up and settle for anything less. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it but we might be closer than we think to the goals we hope to achieve.


TTL. What are a few resources you would recommend to someone looking to gain insight into becoming a better leader?
A: Even though there are lots of books out there that help a person to become a better leader by emphasizing on different values, I personally believe the main thing you need to work on as a leader is your social skills and no book can teach you on how to have a good social skill as well as actually going out there and working on your skills yourself. So I believe as a good leader you need to know how to get through to people and you only get that by surrounding yourself and interacting with people that have different views and ideologies.

TTL. What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader?
A: I surround myself with people that have different views on things in order to get a better insight and learn from people. I believe you can learn a lot from sharing ideas so I try to listen to other people’s ideas and I believe that helps me become more open minded and accepting to people’s outlook on a specific matter or even life in general, and I think being an understanding person and being able to have a healthy conversation with anyone is one of the best qualities of any leader.


TTL. Do you have any specific mood or time to do your works?
A: Personally I prefer the night time to work. I can easily get into my zone and work during this time. As far as moods go, I don’t really have any specific mood that helps or even make me work, but I like to make songs that evoke certain types of emotions so I think me being emotional definitely helps me be more creative with the music I make.


TTL. Where do you finding ideas for your work?
A: I mostly find Ideas form listening to other Artists.


TTL. What’s the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative?
A: That would have to be the words of my friends, they told me to be open to exploring new things as it helps with the creative process in coming up with new and interesting things. Another good advice I received was to not over focus on things as it can disrupt my creativity and that moderation is key.


TTL. What do you read?
A: I don’t really read that much. But occasionally I like to read Amharic fiction books.


TTL. What do you listen?
A: I will listen to any kind of song if it resonates with me. But lately I been listening to a lot of melodic and emotional songs like Illenium and 90’s Ethiopian songs.


TTL. Which social Medias you use to share your works and network with the people?
A: Right now I’m mainly on telegram and YouTube, but I hope to expand my social media presence in the future.


TTL. How can people have access to your works?
A: I have a telegram channel (@Chapii_official) and a youtube channel ( both with the name C H Λ P I I, so people can either use that or the links I mentioned above.


TTL. Anything Else You Would Like to Add?
A: I would like to say me and my team are bringing the greatest entertainment platform where you can find your favorite audiobooks and podcasts which are produced in such a way that is suitable and interesting for all audiences, and I ask all of the TTL family to be part of our journey. You can visit our Telegram channel (@beranaAudiobooks) to get more information about it and register on Berana’s website to get the latest updates, and you can also find my previous and future works on my Youtube and Telegram channel.
Finally, I would like to thank Talk To life for this interview and for recognize me as an up-and-coming artist.
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልኝ።


TTL. Thank you for doing the interview with us.
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Talk To Life - Talk Poetry

Name: Neyat Kamil

About: I write poems that barely rhyme.
If you fancy those, you can find some at my joint channel on telegram @jittery_scribblings



She walks in through the small wooden door that barely hangs on its hinges

I watch as she bends her neck a little to fit in through it

She shakes her head to relieve her curls of the rain drops they have gathered on her way here. Some let go, most dont.
She smiles at something; the sight of me, the fire over at the fireplace, a thought; I dont know yet.

We are one here, with eachother, with the ferns and the wolves
We speak the fox's language
We sing the blue jay's song
The stars are brighter here away from the mayhem, like her eyes. Still and bright.

Her body feels less angulated; it doesn't carry the weight of pretend.
She sits by my side and recounts stories from within the woods
Drawing from me the laughter only meant for her and the creatures that roam outside
They loiter unaltered by our existence, Unaffected by the impediment to their freedom.

And we laugh, we laugh until the fire burns out, we laugh until the sun threatens to replace the moon.
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Talk To Life - Emerging Media Personal
‘Recognizing a Star’

TTL. Can you tell us about yourself briefly?
I: Hi my name is Ismail and I am one of the co-founders or creators of benched topics podcast along with Nathnael and Getnet.


TTL. Can you tell us about what you are currently working on?
I: we are working on developing a podcast that focuses on addressing the issues that the youth of our generation face especially here in our country.


TTL. How was life as a child? Had it any functional relation with your profession?
I: when I grew as a child I never thought I would ever be interested in these things, it didn’t occur to me that I would be interested in content creating as I am now, but as I grew up with internet and watching many people creating influence and using their content to educate so many individuals and change how they think about many things. So that inspired me a lot and I loved it ever since and I am doing my best to be the best influencer that I can be.


TTL. Is there any situation that you used your professional prospects to mobilize society? Or to impact towards any set goal?
I: yes, For example I myself as a youth have different issues to solve as a result I share what I know and find other solutions up online from different people and share it on our podcast. But there is this situation I remember and one day I was just talking with some of my friends and we started asking each other what success means and whom are those people we say they are successful and I’ve learned from that conversation and went up on the podcast and shared what I learned.


TTL. Are you a dreamer? A visionary? Tell me what your wildest dream or vision are?
I: yes I have a dream like I don’t even know where to start telling, one of my wildest dream is to become a well know influencer that is known for his creative and problem solving mindset. And I have a vision to develop a podcast that will entertain, educate and help so many people here In our country.


TTL. If you could change something, what would you change?
I: I honestly wouldn’t change anything, everything we did lead us to this path which I think is just the start.


TTL. What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever created?
I: we are just getting started and we have so much to do but I say our first podcast is our favorite thing because it’s the first step to everything we started.


TTL. Do you have any specific mood or time to do your works?
I: yeah creating the content needs focus and attention and a good mood, we have our own program that we do these things with but sometimes if we are not in the mood we will try our best and if we can’t the next day follows. Since we are three we motivate each other to work hard and that has never been a problem to us.


TTL. What are you trying to communicate with your platform/ Channel?
I: we are trying to give a clear image of what should we do with our youth life and how we can live an effective life, not just that we tackle many issues that we think are hot issues and discuss around that and give a clue on how we think that can be solved or used for the better.


TTL. Where do you finding ideas for your work?
I: as I told you we are three and some of us come up with ideas or share a story that make us say “yeah we should say something about it” or we look up on the internet and find issues that can be discussed or maybe we start from the problems that we also have as a youth and we will come up with something to share.


TTL. What’s the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative?
I: being creative is just the art of connecting ideas so trying to come up with your own idea is key and never look for something that has been created or don’t be more focused on the things that have been created before.

TTL. What do you read?
What do you listen?
I: I think am not a good reader but I know that will change after this because reading changes everything on how you think, how you live your own life and how you look at problems you face. But I will say I am more interested in self-development and scientific books. And I listen to other podcasts, speeches, audiobooks and things like that just to help myself be more creative.


TTL. Which social medias you use to share your works and network with the people?
How can people have access to your works?
I: people can access our work on Telegram, Anchor, Spotify, Teraki App and others like Google podcast, Breaker, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic. And our socials include Twitter, Instagram and Telegram.
Twitter –
Instagram –
Telegram –


TTL. Anything Else You Would Like to Add?
I: for the youth out there I want to say that we face a lot of problems, uncertainty and feel depressed sometimes but we have only one life a limited time that is given for us to do something so I say try to be the best version of yourselves and stay humble.


TTL. Thank you for doing the interview with us.
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Talk To Life - Talk Poetry

Name: Helina Bekele

About: I am a person with a positive approach to life.

What I like: I like music, a good laugh, photography, books, nature, heights, learning something new.

What I'm doing now: doing different extracurricular works and posting on my mini channel @justcheckitout

I was looking at this quote earlier and it took me back a year, few years back. Back when I was an expert in holding on to the things I adored, back when I would give up almost everything to be able to hold on, to be able to be there for my loved ones, whatever you might call it, I did it.

It was a horrible time I tell you. I lost my authentic self, sacrificed my wants and needs for nothing just because I didn't realize that in the end you have to be there for yourself because no one got you like you.

Fast forward few years now I'm "fearfully fearless.
I fear I will lose my loved ones one by one but fearless that I will get through it all with my head held up high.

I fear I will not be people's first choice but I'm fearless cause I am my first choice. The one that truly matters.

As Rupi Kaur said "Nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway."

And that my friend is what strength looks like.

Ps: Fearfully fearless is a phrase I took from one of Pomy's writings I adored.
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Talk To Life - Talk Poetry

Name: Emin

About: I love listening to music, taking pictures, reading poems and prose and sometimes just writing down what I have in mind.
Telegram: @poetryaddicts

Title: You and I - I

I think it was our fifth or sixth fight. I'm not sure, I couldn't keep up after a while. But there we were again, drawn back to each other knowing it'll just end up a disaster after a month or less. I guess I loved you somehow, and maybe you did too.

Of all the memories, my mind wedged on our last make up. As we were talking in the back of your car, I had to say it, 'you know this is over right?' and you had to ask for a last chance. Just one more you begged with your hypnotizing eyes. Swore you wouldn't break nor leave me this time, how you know what is important now and I'm on the very top of the list.

I remember walking back home wondering if I was the problem, if the fact that I couldn't give it all, give you all is the main cause of our endless fights.
I know it'll just take a decision, to either put down my thorns and stand before you unguarded, or keep my main root held to the ground incase my flowers are once again left to die. For the first and last time, I took a leap to free fall.
And like they said, everything that falls....
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Talk To Life - Talk Poetry

ስም: ሕሊና በቀለ

ስለ: የህግ ተማሪ ስሆን በትርፍ ሰአቴ የተለያዩ ከሴቶች እኩልነት፣ ከስራ ፈጠራ እና ከማይንድሴት ጋር የተያያዙ ስራዎችን መስራት ያስደስተኛል።
የሙዚቃ፣ የመፅሃፍ አፍቃሪ ነኝ። ፎቶግራፍ ማንሳትም አንዱ የሚያስደስተኝ ነገር ነው።

በአሁኑ ሰአት ጊዜዬን የተለያዩ መፅሃፍቶችን ማንበብ፣ ሙዚቃ በመስማት እና ቻናሌ @justcheckitout ላይ በመፖሰት
እያሳለፍኩ እገኛለሁ።


"It is the last straw that breaks a camel's back."

ትናንት ከአባቴ ጋር እያወራሁ ከላይ የፃፍኩትን አባባል አውቀው እንደሆነ ጠየቀኝ። እኔም እንደማላውቀውና ምን ለማለት እንደሆነ እንዲነግረኝ ጠየኩት። እሱም « ብዙ ጊዜ ግመልን ለጭነት ይጠቀሟታል። እናም ሲያሸክሟት፣ በላይ በላዩ ሲጨምሩባት ይቆዩና ወገቧ ሊሰበር ሲደርስ ግን አንዲት ንፋስ የሚያነሳት ገለባ እንኳን ብትጨመር ግመሏ ወገቧ ተሰብሮ ትወድቃለች። ምንክያቱም የመጨረሻ ሃይሏ የሚያልቀው እዛ ጋር ስለሆነ።» በማለት መለሰልኝ።

የነገረኝ ነገር ስለአኗኗራችን ስለአስተሳሰባችን እንዳስብ አደረገኝ። ስንቶቻችን ነን የመጨረሻ መሰበሪያ ነጥባችን(breaking point) ጋር ሳንደርስ ራሳችንን የተንከባከብን፣ የጠበቅን፣ ያስታመምን፣ ያለብንን ጭንቀት ለመቀነስ ማድረግ ያለብንን፤ መራቅ ያለብንን ለመራቅ የሞከርን?
ከራሳችን አልፈንም ስንመለከት በቤተሰባችን፣ በማህበረሰባችን፣ በአገራችን ያሉ ችግሮችን ተባብሰው ትልቅ ደረጃ ሳይደርሱ ለማስተካከል የበኩላችንን ድርሻ የተወጣን ስንቶቻችን ነን?

አዎ! የአብዛኞቻችን መልስ እኔንም ጨምሮ ምንም አላደረግንም የሚል ይመስለኛል።

ታዲያ በአዲሱ አመት የምመኘው ዋናው ነገር ነገሮችንን ከስር ከስር እየፈታን እንድናልፍ፣ ራሳችንን እንደ ዋና እና ውድ ኢንቨስትመንት ቆጥረን እራሳችን ላይ እንድንሰራ ከራስም አልፎ ለሀገርም የምንተርፍ ችግር ፈቺ ሰዎች እንድንሆንና እናም ቀድመን ራሳችንን ካለመጠበቃችን የተነሳ በአንድ ገለባ ብቻ ከሚፈጠር አይሆኑ አይነት አወዳደቅ ራሳችንን እንድናድን ነው።

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ሀሳቦትን በስነ ፁሁፍ ወይም በኪነጥበባዊ መንገድ ይላኩልን
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Talk To Life - Talk Poetry

Name: Emin

About: I love listening to music, taking pictures, reading poems and prose and sometimes just writing down what I have in mind.
Telegram: @poetryaddicts


yet fragile.
too cloudy
it's dark.
my eyes shut,
to see
you go,
Oh baby
never felt
so strong
as my mind defying
your farewell,
so sure
you'll be back
for the weekend.
yet fragile
as the agony
to the stifle
of my lungs
the unbearable pain,
unforseen loss.
so baby please
Stay a little longer
let me see
that little face
one more time,
just a glance
and you'll leave
even the weekends.
say so long,
and walk away.

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Talk To Life - Talk Poetry

Name: Neyat Kamil

About: I write poems that barely rhyme.
If you fancy those, you can find some at my joint channel on telegram @jittery_scribblings



I was born from the roots of a tree whose xylem was rotten black

It shed its leaves from my cry until it stood there bare naked
Until it had no use for the wind that would sway it's branches.

I was weaned off of the moonlight and into the sun despite my screams
It burnt my eyes and my skin until I disintegrated into ash
Ash the wind that couldn't sway the tree carried.

I crawled on ground made of clouds that couldn't bear my weight
I walk on ground made of quills
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