# memolog.﹗﹑
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# memolog.﹗﹑
oral tips — by me(mo) / pt 2 [ spoken interaction ] you get about 8 minutes to read the text and watch the video before being tested by the examiners, utilise this! every single second counts so remember to keep your cool by then nervousness really does…
oral tips — by me(mo) / pt 3

[ spoken interaction ]
how do you predict questions?
've mentioned before that the examiners will not ask you what's going on in the video directly!
they'll ask questions revolving around the situation, or may ask you to predict what happens next in your opinion

e.g. would you like to (action being displayed in the video) too? why or why not?

where do you think (people in the video) are going and why? would you like to follow them too?

would you want to be like (people in the video)? why or why not?

i think you know where i'm going with this
examiners will ask questions that make you put yourself in the people's shoes or wonder about how they feel in the moment, etc

this is only for the first question out of the three!
remember how you should think of yourself, then your peers, surroundings and community, then the public and the world, etc? let's call it

myself — My
peers — Precious
school — Soft
community — Cat
public — Purrs

choose other words if you like!
#note — have this while i'm busy
oh crap people are joining
hi please don't expect much from me

i hope the tips help! :"D
okay so it's 10:45PM
it's time to start putting your work materials away
tomorrow's a school day, we don't want anyone half-awake in class!!
rest > work, especially if you're in upper sec >:(
i'm looking at you guys who have oral tomorrow
chop chop
sleep time
oral tips — by me(mo) / pt 4

[ spoken interaction ]
how do you predict questions? pt 2 #note
so we have the first question down, let's move onto the second question

they've asked you to guess how people might feel in the video, pretend like you're in their shoes and whether or not you would like doing so and so on

the second question revolves around the general topic of that situation!
if you get asked, "would you like to go swimming at the pool? why or why not?"

you might wanna predict the next question to be about sports in general
if it's not sports, then it might be about being in the water or saving someone from danger
might be a bit of a stretch but oral is pretty unpredictable so give it your best shot

the question is not going to be anything vague, they won't let you rest and answer a simple question like "do you like swimming/doing sports? why or why not?"

it'll be slightly indirect
like "what is the best type of sports in your opinion?"
or "why do you think sports is important?"

it might be hard because it's pretty out of the blue
it's okay!! keep your cool, if you're caught off guard, you can always ask the examiner to repeat the question to have a moment to think

if you see a group of girls shopping in a fashion store, what immediately comes to mind?
is it money, clothes, fast fashion, financial status, importance of appearance and whatnot?

it's a wide variety of predictions; but it's always better safe than sorry!
what would your predictions of questions be?
oh boy okay
i'll finish up before i go and sleep tonight!
try not to stay up too late you guys
kenz's tip for oral!
i'll edit the compilation when i'm done
oh boy oh boy is it harder to type tips on my phone
oral tips — by me(mo) / pt 5

[ spoken interaction ]
how do you predict questions? pt 3 #note

alright! last question
okay this one may be tricky bc half the time, it's not even RELEVANT to the first 2 questions — this is of course dependent on the video

first 2 questions may be asking about whether or not taking the train is the best transportation in comparison to the bus

and the last question might just be about

would the world be a better place if everyone took public transportation than private transportation?

it's not entirely too irrelevant
but it does kinda surprise you

see where i'm going at?

if the video shows you a cat cafe, and there are little children playing with cats and in some clips, show people caring for pet dogs and parrots,

you'd want to guess that first two questions may be about owning pets!

last question though, may talk about something a bit more far fetched like

do you think it's ethical that some animals are kept as pets? why or why not?


do you think zoos exist for a good cause? why or why not?

drive a bit further away from the situation and expand your creativity, you can never exactly predict what they might ask

but it doesn't hurt to recall a few things you know about the field/topic
oh my kachow

okay i'm done covering how to predict questions

now time to tackle how to answer and how to engage the teacher
oral tips — by me(mo) / pt 6

[ SI ]
— if you can't maintain eye contact with the teachers, direct your attention to their forehead or nose; at least it looks like you're trying to maintain eye contact! switch between the 2 teachers every so often!

— sit upright! take deep breaths, you will NEVER see those 2 people in your life again!!

this will be the last time you'll ever take o's oral ever in your life, you have one chance so give it your best shot and never ever think back on it

ask the examiner to repeat the question slowly to give yourself a BIT of time to think!

if you've never been in the situation before or have ever experienced the scenario before, it's okay! be honest if you can't lie

teachers can't exactly tell on you if you actually lie....that is if you do it well!

yes, it's OKAY to say "i've never done ____ before"

and say something like

"i've never done ___ before but, given the opportunity/chance, i'd love to/i wouldn't try it because ___"

then elaborate on your reasoning

don't worry about whether or not you're "wrong", it's your opinion

you're entitled to having your own feelings about a matter ^^

if you're informed about the topic, it's even better! this is why we read up on possible topics, the news and interesting things about the world whenever we can

knowledge really is power!

from what kenz has mentioned, peel IS VERY HELPFUL

and if you haven't heard of it (which i'd actually be surprised about because i'm sure many are taught this)

p — point
e — elaborate
e — example/evidence
l — link

what's your point?
> i like cats

elaborate! (5w)
> they have very soft, luscious and long fur which i find very comforting to pet (also serves as a great stress reliever)
> etc etc etc

evidence (my experience/what i've read or heard)
> i own 2 cats of my own! they have the sassiest personalities, like most cats do or so i have met

link (how does this relate to the point?)
> cats improve my life and i believe that cats are wonderful! that's why i love them

this doesn't only help you to expand your answers, but to help guide you to respond to the teacher!
oh i accidentally mentioned the same thing as chloe
Forwarded from [CLOSED] stu(dying) with chloezz (chloezz ❀)
hellos wld just like to add on and say if a teacher asks you about an experience but you have never done it before, you can make up stories but don’t make it so obv because the teachers can also tell!! or you can say. “ sorry, i’ve never done this before but i wld like to try it out because…”

also it is completely normal to feel nervous in front of the examiners, i did as well, but try to take breaths, you can do it! don’t cram so much things before oral and try to calm yourself down before your turn and also rmb to greet the examiners before sitting down! if you don’t know how to answer a question because your mind is blank, try coming up with one on the spot but do not keep quiet for too long because i think the examiners might mark you down for it!!

during reading aloud, remember to articular your words properly! if you have a tendency to speak faster when nervous like me, try to slow down when you catch yourself going faster!

atb for those taking eng oral this week!
there we go
unfortunately i can't squeeze in my sexy 30 fake oral practices today but i'm sure you guys can do perfectly fine without them!

why are you guys AWAKE
go to sleep

i cannot believe it's already half past 12
i attacked a person and they left
oh well
okay now i am going to sleep
sweet dreams all