# memolog.﹗﹑
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dumping trains of thought ♪ ‰
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to anon who asked smtg about "backstreet relationship", i googled it and it showed me some indonesian threads... so i believe this is a term more common in indonesia

i don't fully understand what that term means, so if anyone could explain to me, i'd really appreciate it!! :D thank you for reading heh
hi, genuinely curious about something + self-reflection time i guess

why are some of us super stubborn? i think i'm stubborn to accept that i'm flawed in some areas because i feel that i've been wronged numerous times before such that i absolutely must stand up for myself from then on ^^

what about you?
tellonym.me/t1red6 or comment below
🥹🫶🏻 thank you for self-reflecting w/ me!!

i think this is v heartening to know!
altho the recorded suicide rate for 10-19yo range is still increasing but the people in that range who r reaching out increased too (127% increase frm 2020 ^-^)

--> also they included impt helplines in thr so i'll pin this :>
Forwarded from Timeless Study Cafe (ash 🍓 (muted))

• National Care Hotline:

1800-202-6868 (8am - 8pm)

Mental well-being

• Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline:

6389-2222 (24 hours)

• Samaritans of Singapore:

1800-221-4444 (24 hours) /1-767 (24 hours)

• Singapore Association for Mental Health:


• Silver Ribbon Singapore:


• Tinkle Friend:

1800-274-4788 and www.tinklefriend.sg

• Community Health Assessment Team:

6493-6500/1 and www.chat.mentalhealth.sg


• TOUCHline (Counselling):


• TOUCH Care Line (for seniors, caregivers):


• Care Corner Counselling Centre:


Online resources

• mindline.sg

• My Mental Health

• Fei Yue’s Online Counselling Service

• Tinkle Friend

• Community Health Assessment Team
Forwarded from sugarhse☀️ (zxꨄ)
before anyone attacks me on this bHAHAHAHA i knw i said tht sub counts don't matter before but IT IS THE FACT THAT THERE ARE THIS LARGE GROUP OF PPLE ACTUALLY READING WHAT I AM TYPING and WOW tht feeling is MMM yums
OK BUT i still wna say tht SUB COUNTS DONT MATTER its the efforts tht you put into your channel tht matters! if pple dont like thn they js wont sub! don't force people to sub to your channel or whatsoever and also dont feel too bad about it if people leave!! you still have your other subbies out there for you!! <33
Forwarded from procrastination is history (kenz 🦖🦕🐯)
sending tips and other content takes a lot of time and we want you give you the best quality answers and advice we can.

don’t get me wrong, like i said, you are more than welcome to send tells.

but remember that we all have different timetables and schedules everyday, and if we are busy, please don’t pressure us and dm-ing us SPECIFICALLY to actually answer.

IM SORRY IF I SOUND REALLY AGGRESSIVE, but i had to raise this topic up because it had been bugging me a lot.
Forwarded from [CLOSED] sushi corner 🍣 (umi)
lastly don't forget to drink water and hydrate yourself! that's it for today, goodnight sushi friends
yes pls! have you guys seen the news, singapore is only getting hotter and hotter :"( rmb to turn off electrical appliances when not in turn, use water as little as possible and clear out email inboxes!!
good morning everyone!

i've mentioned NUMEROUS times that i don't answer all tells, either because i'm not ready to answer, i think it's too personal or it's just a hate tell

when i'm not ready to answer, it means that i haven't done enough research, haven't had the time to type everything out, feel that i'm not the best person to ask input from and whatnot because i don't want to give people the wrong advice, seem ignorant or say something inaccurate!

i don't really find answering hate tells benefitting.. i mean, what are the subscribers gonna do? what am i going to do? there's no need to show much attention to haters anyway – best thing to do is to keep quiet and improve on myself :]

i encourage everyone to rant and vent on me through my bot or tellonym as an outlet because i understand how it's like to keep quiet despite all the destruction in our heads – and i'll definitely try my best to reply too! it takes me some time to learn about the situation properly, find appropriate approaches and solutions AS WELL AS comforting the sender ^^ so, i'll say it again, please feel free to keep on dumping your feelings, thoughts or whatever if you need it – i'll always be there for you

on another note, i noticed the types of tells that kenz receive! i'm sure she's delighted and appreciate that her subs trust her enough to ask her for her advice or opinions on certain matters. with all due respect, may i remind everyone she's only 16 and taking her o's this year? she may be willing and nice enough to reply asap but we have no idea how much this drains her – not to say that you shouldn't send anymore but rather, please keep in mind that we're actually just kids too, PLUS we have our own set of mental health issues.

once again, i'm only a student (17) and i'm not a professional. i greatly appreciate everyone's trust and support in me, i really do! i can't put together enough words to express how i feel about it; i'm deeply heartened by all of you 🫶🏻🫶🏻

thank you so much if you've read from the start till the end! i wish everyone the best of endeavours ╰(*´︶`*)╯
btw, to avoid misunderstandings, no i'm not angry! just explaining things 👍🏻

i hope everyone has a good and productive day today
i'm going to assume many of you know who our dear kenz is but if not (this is kenz) but i believe she said "long paras that she specializes in" which the 'she' refers to me


why yes i am

how many of you miss my lovely long donkey paragraphs <\3
yes i say donkey instead of 'ass' bc i want to sound as swear word friendly as possible 👍🏻
Channel photo updated
i'll be switching pfps bc i can't decide between the 2 ;")
i still feel v perturbed about the acronym for the diatomic molecules
idk if it's js my sch but it's literally

I (iodine)
Have (hydrogen)
No (nitrogen)
Bright (bromine)
Or (oxygen)
Clever (chlorine)
Friends (fluorine)