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A surrealist play by Elena Stashkova revisiting the image of the Horned God of the Baltic, Celtic, Khanty-Mansi, and Slavic mythologies, studying the aesthetics of gloomy Western European fairy tales in considering the themes of war and industrialization.

Сюрреалистическая пьеса Елены Сташковой ревизионирующая образ рогатого бога балтийской, кельтской, ханты-мансийской и славянской мифологий, изучающая эстетику мрачных западноевропейских сказок в рассмотрении тем войны и индустриализации. Из коллекции журнала “Здесь”.
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Anastasia Galimova published an article about how architecture influences social consciousness. This text scrutinizes the impact of urban surroundings on human emotions through the lens of Situationist ideas, Marxism and actual architectural research, using the example of the Chilanzar district in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

“One of the highlights of Tashkent’s exploration was the Chilanzar district, located in the south-western part of the city. The district consists of more than 20 blocks, most of which were built after the earthquake. In April 1966 a strong earthquake happened in Tashkent and most of the buildings were destroyed because they were built from clay and unstable materials. This event became a landmark for Tashkent urbanism, because after the earthquake an active construction of Khrushchev houses started in the city: houses were built very quickly and, accordingly, quality and comfort were not considered. Thus, most of the panel houses in Tashkent were built and people still live in them today”.
#sygma_en #architecture is an open platform where everybody can publish. The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the views of the authors. Support us via Patreon.
Is there a place for the belief in alternative ways of living and a potential for resistance beyond power?

Daria Markushevska
published an exploration of the concept of emancipation and its multifaceted nature: from the ideals of the Enlightenment to avant-garde movements, from the realms of education and knowledge to the realm of the body, and from decolonial struggles to the dismantling of oppressive systems.

The preceding claims of this paper have exposed the unsettling reality that nothing can be fully trusted, and power, in its various manifestations, offers no true flexibility or freedom. This lack of emancipation permeates not only the realm of aesthetic experience but also the domain of education, leaving us longing for an alternative. It is within this context that the analysis of the social body through the lens of Freud and Foucault becomes crucial, as it uncovers a space where power’s grasp loosens: the deconstructed body.

Judith Butler,
delving into the depths of the psyche, unravels the intricate relationship between the body and power. She reveals that beneath the layers of discourse lies something primordial—a psychic body that predates the mechanisms of power and its reproductive grid. This psychic body, characterized as the melancholic gendered body, escapes the clutches of power, rendering it free from the cycle of production and reproduction. In this state, amorphism takes precedence over the previously discussed forms of social activism. It is a state of being ‘bare,’ akin to Bergkamp’s concept of “bare life,” or a state that transcends clinical or human boundaries, as proposed by Lyotard. Within this realm of resistance, subjugation remains an ongoing process, for any mobilization against subjection ultimately becomes reliant on the very resources of subjection. Paradoxically, the attachment to harmful interpellations, driven by a necessary alienated narcissism, becomes the condition for the possibility of resigning these interpellations.

In essence, the resistant body, emerging from the depths of melancholia, challenges the notion of power’s all-encompassing grip. It unveils a space of potential subversion where the subject can assert agency beyond the confines of power’s influence. The melancholic gendered body disrupts established hierarchies and opens avenues for the exploration of alternative subjectivities. It embodies the indomitable spirit of resistance, reminding us that the struggle against subjection is never truly finished. By interrogating the melancholic gendered body, we aim to uncover new possibilities for challenging power’s dominion and envisioning a more liberating future”.
#sygma_en #philosophy #emancipation is an open platform where everybody can publish. The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the views of the authors. Support us via Patreon.