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oral checklist: [ it's late, im so sorry !! ]

🎒pack all ur necessities
✎ entry proof + NRIC
↳ preferably put in a clear folder, clearly showing both :>
✎ water bottle
↳ the wait may be long + u may read out loud while waiting for ur turn
✎ reading materials
↳ do smth productive while u wait
↳ revise on additional vocab, harder passages etc

all the best for oral !!
36 days to prelims
= 25 sch days
- 6 geog topics
* 5 days a topic
- 19 bio topics
* 1 day a topic
- 11 hist topics
* 3 days a topic

overall im in deep shit and these are the only content heavy subjs 😁
this is a wakeup call everyone
not many know this but there are actl podcasts on spotify for olevels that you can listen for rev on lazy days! ^^

i will link some ik of here:
- chemistry
- biology
- physics
- combined sci (bio, chem, phys)
- geography
- history (mr allsop)
- olevel history (mr D’s)

apart from mr D’s hist podcast, the rest are made for UK GCSEs but content covered are more or less the same for olevels! #tips
popping in to remind u that
- prelims are in a month time
- olevels are less than 100 days away

if you arent gna put in the hard work who will do it for you?
force yourself to study for 5 mins, its better than nothing! at least it will get you one step closer to your goals
yeah ik studying sucks but ykw worse? looking at ur results being disappointed w yourself when you know you HAVE the potential to do MUCH better while watching everyone else celebrating their grades

there is still time to change that now before its actually too late! we can do this alright! i believe in every single one of you 💗
my eae portfolio is due today 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i will get in. watch me nyp im cmg for you 🤞🏻
done and dusted w portfolio now it will be the interview & the aptitude test before i can get in aha.. 🤣
can i also say how COLD my hands were when pressing the submit button 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
bio + hist + p.geog is sucha killer subj combi sial 💀
AND the fact bio & geog Os is on the same day haunts me every night is cambridge tryna be funny or what sial??? 😭😭😭
good morning slayers
it’s friday that means the wknds are FINALLY here?? ❤️‍🔥 it’s really an endless cycle.. till i get reminded there’s 14+ weeks till Os GAHAHDBDH what a joke
chi olevel oral topics
day 1: disabled / elderly
day 2: food wastage
day 3: traditional / modern cafes
day 4: exercise / sports related activities
day 5: reading
day 6: health (doctor / clinic)
day 3 is the worst eh
in exactly 24h i would most likely be examined for oral um please dont pull another cafe topic on us im begging 💀💀

we will do well. we would do well. we will ace this.
im placing my stakes on cashless payment, cyberbullying, family relationship, pressure on teens, values to come out
eh shi i forgot traffic safety hasnt came out yet i absolutely despise that topic NO
      🕯  🕯   🕯
         🕯   we will all    🕯
        🕯 get distinction 🕯
🕯 for oral 🕯
               🕯 🕯 🕯