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A Guerra Israel x Crianças Árabes, que também é a Guerra Hegemon x Eixo de Resistência, ambos sub-ramos da Guerra OTAN x Rússia e OTAN x China, está totalmente fora de controle 💢

A essa altura, já está bem estabelecido que, com a China intermediando a paz em toda a Ásia Ocidental e a Rússia e a China fazendo tudo o que está ao alcance do BRICS 11, facilitando os acordos de comércio de energia fora do dólar americano, O Império Contra-Ataca seria totalmente previsível.

💬 Por Pepe Escobar

#SC_Portuguese #GazaStrip #Israel #Nakba #Palestine

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🤔 El cantante puertorriqueño Manny Manuel tiene una canción titulada Se acabó lo que se daba, que dice: “Me querías tener pillado para toda una eternidad… ya de ti no quiero nada, se acabó lo que se daba”. Parece que los miembros del partido republicano de Estados Unidos, que han logrado suspender la ayuda a Ucrania, se la están cantando a Zelensky en ritmo de merengue. Puede que el ucraniano oyera la canción Amor eterno y se confundió, pero en política eso no existe y menos por parte de los gringos, pues los Estados Unidos no tienen amigos, solo intereses.

Este copioneta que va a la ONU vestido de verde oliva militar y con barba como el Che Guevara y Fidel Castro debería haber aprendido la frase del Che Guevara, que “en el imperialismo gringo no se puede confiar ni un tantico así”.

💬 Escribe Martin Jay

#SC_Spanish #Biden #Ucrania

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🤯 In the blistering summer of 2020, as Black Lives Matter marauders were cutting a billion-dollar swath of destruction across urban America, editorial departments of the major news publications decided this was the perfect time to update their style guides by capitalizing ‘Black’ while retaining the lowercase for ‘whites.’

Whites are a race being wrongly chastised for a hideous offense in the name of politics as usual.

💬 Robert Bridge writes

#racism #BLM #society #UnitedStates

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🦃 As Americans ready themselves to gorge on another 50 million turkeys this Thanksgiving Day, time for us to turn our attention to those not only locked out from their annual feeding frenzies but who have been subjected to American led turkey shoots down the years. First and most apposite cab off the rank are, of course, the native American Indians who were first massacred on, of all days, Thanksgiving Day, when they helped the settlers survive their first winter in Yankee land.

Think of that for a moment. The Indians helped the usual suspects survive and, for that, they have suffered every indignity imaginable from that day to this. As regards stuffing their faces with turkey drums, forget about it. As Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee recounts of them, the Gazans of their day, they were told “If they are hungry let them eat grass or their own dung.”

No turkey for them. Just starvation, disease, scrub-lands, inedible grass, dung and one broken treaty after another. And just as it was and is with the Indians, so is it with every other group these genocidally minded freaks have targeted right down to our own time in Gaza, the West Bank, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us 💥

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#genocide #Indians #Thanksgiving #UnitedStates

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🇨🇺 Un grito que resuena por trigésimo primer año consecutivo en los oídos de una comunidad internacional, ya casi inmune al eco de su propia voz, se ha elevado desde la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. Esta voz exige, con la firmeza del que sabe tener la razón pero la impotencia del que carece de poder real, el cese del embargo económico y comercial de Estados Unidos sobre Cuba. ¿De qué sirve, pregunto, una condena cuando el mundo ve que la condena se ignora y la vida sigue igual?

En esta danza de la democracia global, donde 187 países se alinearon en una coreografía de manos alzadas en favor de Cuba, sólo Estados Unidos e Israel, hermanos en su lucha contra el mundo, herederos de lo anacrónico, desentonaron con un gesto de negación, y Ucrania, en un suspenso de abstención. En la ONU, el aplauso que siguió al conteo de votos fue tanto un estallido de aprobación como un acto reflejo de desesperación ante la reiterada inacción.

💬 Por Javier F. Ferrero

#SC_Spanish #Cuba #NacionesUnidas

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Forwarded from Ron Paul
Media is too big
Don’t Worry, It’s Not Foreign Aid…It’s Corporate Welfare!
⚠️ Russia’s military operation in Ukraine has not only triggered anti-Russian sanctions and financial/military aid for Ukraine but has also exposed the multiple threats confronting Europe. As the West, led by the United States, seeks to wield Ukraine, a product of color revolutions, as a strategic lever, Europe bears the brunt of the ensuing political and economic tensions.

Presently, Europe grapples with escalating energy prices stemming from the Ukrainian crisis and anti-Russian sanctions. Additionally, unrest fueled by Ukraine’s grain restrictions on European countries, a deteriorating economy, the ongoing migration wave, and the challenges it presents continue to be pressing issues awaiting resolution. Meanwhile, Israel’s actions in Gaza and the U.S.’s supportive declarations further complicate matters for Europe.

Despite hopes that a resolution in the Israel-Palestine conflict might shift Ukraine from the forefront, European leaders are expected to navigate both crises simultaneously, with few exceptions like Spain.

It’s not limited to just Ukraine and Israel; there are also revealed color revolution plans in Kosovo-Serbia, ongoing issues in Georgia, an anticipated political crisis in Armenia due to Azerbaijan’s actions in Karabakh, and political pressure on opposition parties in Moldova, among other concerns.

Nations advocating multipolarity, stability, and security face threats of military encirclement, coups, and color revolutions 🗺️

💬 Erkin Öncan writes

#EU #Europe

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🇵🇸 Might the present turmoil in Palestine, simply and quietly, be put to rest under White House management?

To view the Israeli-Hamas war as a local event would be another error of ‘old think’. This has become a war for Palestinian existence – between the Hebraic vision of Israel, and the Islamic vision of its own civilisational Renaissance. In this second vision, the Palestinian wound constitutes a lacuna that has festered for 75 years, as a result of western map-management.

This Palestinian question will not now fade away – nor be resolved by restoring the discredited Palestinian Authority, nor vague ‘talks’ about some ‘one-day’ Palestinian State.

We must re-configure our thinking – onto the longer plane – to take account of the intrusion of shifting dimensions in consciousness.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#GazaStrip #Hezbollah #Israel #Lebanon #MiddleEast #Palestine

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🦅 Com a ascensão da China, o Sudeste Asiático assim também cresce. O Sudeste Asiático transformou-se lentamente em termos econômicos, infraestrutura, turismo, indústria e politicamente ao longo das últimas duas décadas, à medida que a influência chinesa aumenta e inevitavelmente desloca a influência dos EUA sobre a região.

💬 Por Brian Berletic

#SC_Portuguese #China #IndoPacific #Philippines #UnitedStates

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🦅 In the Western media, we are told the Israeli regime is giving short shrift to calls from the Biden administration for “humanitarian pauses” in its “war on Hamas” – which in reality is not a war but a mass slaughter of Palestinians 🛑

The U.S. and Western media report that American President Joe Biden is “concerned” about the mounting civilian death toll after more than four weeks of Israel’s siege and non-stop aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave equivalent to the area of Detroit.

The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#genocide #Israel #Biden #MassMedia #NuclearWeapons

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