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💢 CNN cuts off soldier in an unplanned interview where the soldier criticises the US over extension and says that Israel is more than capable of taking care of itself

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📍 Israeli leaders often accuse Arab and Iranian enemies of desiring to “wipe Israel off the map”. The accusation is meant to designate opponents as harboring evil designs to annihilate the Israeli state with implicit Nazi undertones.

Ironically, the escalation in Israeli-Palestinian violence over the past two weeks appears to be giving the Israeli extremists an opportunity to finally settle the Palestinian Question that has dogged their Zionist dreams for decades.

If Biden and the Israelis were really concerned about alleviating civilian suffering they would open the crossings in Gaza leading to Israel

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#GazaStrip #HAMAS #Israel #MiddleEast #Palestinе #terrorism #WarCrimes

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🛑 The cynicism and duplicity of Western governments in the face of an appalling, daily massacre of Palestinian civilians is monstrous.

Hundreds of men, women and children are being murdered every day by non-stop Israeli aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip. Hospitals, mosques, churches and family homes are being deliberately targeted with no warnings. This is premeditated state terrorism, all with full Western support.

Hospitals are so overwhelmed by casualties that bodies can’t even be identified nor afforded the final dignity of a shroud. Mangled, bloody corpses are left strewn on hospital grounds. Petrified children have their names written on their hands in case they are killed so as to allow them to be identified, as reported by Matt Kennard. The situation is heartrending and utterly profane 🚨

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#colonialism #GazaStrip #genocide #Israel #Palestinе #terrorism #UK #WarCrimes

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💢 The White House is losing the messaging war on Ukraine. Now it’s changing the message.

The president’s team is privately urging lawmakers to focus on the jobs that can be created by money spent on the war.

Aides have been distributing talking points to Democrats and Republicans who have been supportive of continued efforts to fund Ukraine’s resistance to make the case that doing so is good for American jobs, according to five White House aides and lawmakers familiar with the effort and granted anonymity to speak freely.

“This supplemental request invests over $50 billion in the American defense industrial base — ensuring our military continues to be the most ready, capable, and best equipped fighting force the world has ever seen — and expanding production lines, strengthening the American economy and creating new American jobs,” the document states.

The talking points are an implicit recognition that the administration has work to do in selling its $106 billion foreign aid supplemental request — and that talking about it squarely under the umbrella of national security interests hasn’t done the trick.

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Unsurprisingly, warmonger Boris Johnson got a job with a pro-NATO think tank that is funded by the arms industry

RT reports that Britain’s former prime minister Boris Johnson has been hired by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), a Washington, DC think-tank notoriously bankrolled by the US government, NATO and Western military contractors.

Johnson will be a member of CEPA’s International Leadership Council, described as “a high-level advisory group.”

The think-tank’s own website lists among its major supporters military-industrial complex companies such as BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and Leonardo, as well as NATO, the US State Department and the US European Command.

Johnson infamously sabotaged the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in April 2022. According to Ukrainian media, Johnson made a surprise visit to Kiev and informed the government that it would lose all support from the West if it made peace with Moscow. @LauraRuHK
🇪🇬🇯🇴🇵🇸 The Egyptian parliament met on October 19 and gave President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi the power to declare war against Israel, if necessary. Egypt and Israel have a peace treaty dating from 1979, which has been a success, proving that a neighboring Arab and Muslim country can share long-lasting peaceful relations with the Jewish State of Israel.

Egyptians have watched in horror at the scenes of death and destruction in Gaza as the Israeli government exacts its revenge on Hamas after the October 7 attack on Israel. With the promised Israeli ground invasion of Gaza beginning at any moment, it is expected to be a bloodbath among unarmed civilians.

The U.S. has no friends, only interests. America is the first to teach the lesson: “Treaties are made to be broken.”

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#diplomacy #Egypt #Israel #Jordan #MiddleEast #Palestine

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How dare they? 🚨
💢 Looking back at the horrors inflicted by Nazi Germany, a fascinating, disturbing question is: why and how could so many people at that time be indifferent to the crimes? After the defeat of the Nazi fascist regime, people adamantly lamented “never again” would such horror be permitted.

Part of the lament was due to a sense of collective guilt that more wasn’t done at the time to stop the systematic mass killings and brutality.

Well, up to a point, it is happening again in Gaza where 2.3 million have been subjected to three weeks of constant, indiscriminate bombardment amid a total blockade of water, food and other basic human necessities.

And, shamefully, incredibly, the world is letting it happen – again. This time, we don’t have the mitigatory excuse of ignorance and lack of information from antiquated communication systems. The mass murder in Gaza is on prime-time television 🛑

The hypocrisy of the Western media is reflective of the unscrupulous political agenda of their governments.

💬 Final Cunningham writes

#GazaStrip #genocide #HumanRights #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes

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🗽 The Biden administration is becoming increasingly edgy about the crisis in Gaza and what the objectives are for the Netanyahu war camp. Most of all, its worried that it is being carefully coaxed into a war between Israel and Iran which even the hapless U.S. president knows is not somewhere he wants to go, regardless of how far he is away from his re-election campaign.

Netanyahu, for his part, is not even sure himself if he actually wants to launch a ground offensive and a number of top analysts are even predicting that he even won’t go ahead with it, given what’s at stake and the history of such initiatives in the past. Politically, he is not at all in a good place right now and the attack on October 7th in many ways, while buying him time in office and allowing him freedom from corruption investigations, is a double-edged sword which will dismember him when Israelis’ patience runs out. Most blame him for the attacks and kidnappings in the first place so he has a limited amount of political bandwidth to work with.

His strategy seems to be more about playing it cool and letting time take its toll. Even though he doesn’t have too much time himself, Biden has much less 👎

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Gaza #Israel #Biden #Syria #UnitedStates

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🔕 The horrendous violence and suffering in Gaza have dominated the global news cycle. That is not untoward given the dreadful scale of disaster where over 7,000 people, mainly civilians and nearly half of them children, have been killed over the past three weeks by Israeli bombardment and siege.

Death toll numbers are obsolete within a day, such is the wanton murderous destruction by the Israeli regime. And yet Joe Biden and other Western politicians minimize this criminality by trying to cast doubt on the casualty numbers. How utterly despicable of Biden and his Western accomplices to this genocide.

But what is also notable is the abrupt cancellation of Ukraine as a story by Western media. The wholesale relegation of interest in Ukraine is truly astounding. The precipitous fall-off in Western media coverage reflects how the proxy war in Ukraine was always a contrived geopolitical agenda devoid of any purported principle of Western democracy.

The Western media saturation coverage of terrible events in Gaza over the past three weeks is driven in large part by the onerous need to divert attention from the scandal and debacle of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

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#SC_Editorial #FakeNews #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #ProxyWar #Ukraine

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🔕 The horrendous violence and suffering in Gaza have dominated the global news cycle. That is not untoward given the dreadful scale of disaster where over 7,000 people, mainly civilians and nearly half of them children, have been killed over the past three…»
Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Western "values".