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🌐 La reciente cumbre de los BRICS, ha culminado con dos noticias fundamentales para el desarrollo del mundo en los próximos años. Por un lado, el bloque aumenta su número de participantes, sumando desde el 1 de enero de 2024 a Argentina, Arabia Saudita, Irán, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Egipto y Etiopia. Por otro lado, los países del BRICS han reforzado su voluntad de reemplazar al dólar en sus transacciones comerciales y en su lugar utilizar sus distintas monedas nacionales.

A pérdida del predominio económico por parte del G7 con respecto al grupo BRICS significa el más fuerte desafío a la hegemonía de Estados Unidos 🗺️

💬 Por Luis Acosta Betegón

#SC_Spanish #BRICS #G7

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Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
Media is too big
🗣 Israel not prepared for Hezbollah’s second front:

"I would think that Hezbollah have surprises up their sleeve. And I can't even guess what they are. They might actually invade Israel. It's quite possible they would do that. They have 100,000 troops, all experienced. They've been fighting in Syria against ISIS, Daesh* for a long time. They're experienced. They're very sophisticated technically. Hezbollah has a huge arsenal of missiles. Something like 80,000 cruise missiles and smart drones. If Hezbollah joins this conflict, opens the front, this would present an existential threat to the future of Israel," Alastair Crooke, former British diplomat and MI6 agent, told the New Rules podcast.

*Daesh (also known as ISIS/ISIL/IS) is a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia and many other states.

👉 Watch the full episode of our show on Rumble

🎧 Listen to more of Crooke's analysis in our podcast New Rules
🇮🇱🇺🇸 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is banking all he has on a single bet: that the U.S. will go the full nine yards in his madcap idea of a regional war between Israel and Iran’s proxies in the region.

For Netanyahu, this was always the plan from the very beginning. But it will take a series of stepping stones to get to this objective. First off is that he has to convince the Biden administration to join the IDF in its war within the Gaza Strip. And even that’s not going to be easy.

The temptation by Netanyahu to arrange a false flag attack on the Americans is too great if and when he sees the conflict not going his way 💢

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Netanyahu #GazaStrip #Israel #Biden #Pentagon

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
When we talk about the US or the EU we often forget that we are not facing a rational actor with clear geopolitical goals but rather clusters of multinational corporations and financial elites with conflicting interests, lobbies and think tanks that control the knowledge and information that decision-makers act upon... and they are engaged in a global struggle for power, information and resources. Elites often have diverging interests and while pursuing their own agenda they are vying for influence both at home and abroad. The US is as politically divided as the EU, and though some players are pushing for an escalation in the Middle East, others are very much against it. ▪️It is cooperation that underlies the ability of human groups, whole societies and political organizations, such as states, to achieve their shared goals. But Western societies have fostered cut-throat competition rather than cooperation, which has bred mutual distrust and social disgregation. As Peter Turchin observed, beyond a certain point a formerly great empire becomes so dysfunctional that more cohesive neighbors begin tearing it apart. Eventually the capacity for cooperation declines to such a low level that "barbarians" can strike at the very heart of the empire without encountering significant resistance. But barbarians at the gate are not the real cause of imperial collapse. They are a consequence of the failure to sustain social cooperation. As the British historian Arnold Toynbee said, great civilizations are not murdered—they die by suicide. @LauraRuHK
🛑 It’s by now confirmed that Egyptian intel warned their Israeli counterparts only 3 days before Al-Aqsa Flood that something “big” was coming from Hamas. Tel Aviv, its multi-billion dollar security apparatus and the IDF, “the strongest army in the world”, chose to ignore it.

That configures two key vectors.

1️⃣ Tel Aviv get its “Pearl Harbor” pretext to implement a remixed “war on terror” plus a sort of Final Solution to the “Gaza problem” (already in effect).

2️⃣ The Hegemon abruptly changes the narrative away from the incoming, inevitable, cosmic joint humiliation of the White House and NATO in the steppes of Novorossiya – a strategic defeat that configures the previous humiliation in Afghanistan as a masked ball in Disneyland.

The total blockade of “human animals” (copyright Israeli Defense Ministry) in Gaza, in fact a civilian population of 2.3 million, has been imposed this past Monday. No food, no water, no fuel, no essential commodities.

The war against Russia in Ukraine and the Israeli “war on terror” in Gaza are just parallel fronts of a single, horrifyingly evolving, global war 💢

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#GazaStrip #Israel #MiddleEast #Palestinе

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🇺🇦 🚧 🇵🇸
Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Killed at least 4.5 million people.

And cost over $8 trillion.

It's now called "rules-based international order".
Forwarded from Vanessa Beeley
Western leaders talk a lot about the trauma of Jews – trauma their states were often responsible for – and the resulting need not to offend Jews by being critical of Israel. France and Germany have banned demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza, and the UK is close to following suit.

None of those leaders seem concerned that the families in Gaza currently being expelled live with the trauma of having been forced from their homes at gunpoint by Israel several times before, not least during the Nakba in 1948 and during the 1967 war.

This latest expulsion order forces them to relive that trauma – as well as the terror of living under Israel’s bombs – not just in their imaginations but in the real world. They are being ethnically cleansed once more by their serial tormentor.

They have every reason to fear that this is not some temporary 'relocation', even assuming they can reach the 'evacuation' zone and that the zone actually turns out to be safe.

This risks turning into another Nakba, except the footage this time is in high definition and colour.

For years, Israeli leaders have secretly worked with western allies to pressure Egypt to refashion the Sinai desert, next to Gaza, as a sham Palestinian state. Those machinations are one of the reasons Cairo has kept its short land border with Gaza so tightly closed.

Now 2.3 million Palestinians will be pressed up against that border, clamouring for an exit from the killing fields.

Jonathan Cook
Forwarded from Ron Paul
Media is too big
U.S. Neutrality Would Be So Much Better For The World (And So Much Better For Americans)
🗽How Americans View the U.S. Political System in 2023

According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, Americans’ views of politics and elected officials are unrelentingly negative, with little hope of improvement on the horizon. There are some findings ⬆️

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #UnitedStates #democracy #politics

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🇦🇲🇦🇿 Com as atenções centradas na Ucrânia, que desde fevereiro de 2022 resiste à invasão pela Rússia, há o risco de passar despercebido um outro conflito no antigo espaço soviético, aquele que opõe o Azerbaijão aos separatistas arménios do Nagorno-Karabakh e que está prestes a terminar com uma vitória total do Exército Azeri.

💬 Por Leonídio Paulo Ferreira

#SC_Portuguese #Armenia #Azerbaijan #NagornoKarabakh

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Media is too big
💰🪖During 11 days of Israel's hostilities in the Gaza Strip, the capitalization of the top 40 military-industrial corporations of the West increased by $55 billion. Before that, on the background of the failure of the so called Ukrainian counteroffensive, the capitalization of corporations fell, losing the same 7% ($58 billion) for 4 months.

Top 10 public corporations of the Western MIC by capitalization, $ billion (by 06.10.23,%)

1. 🇺🇸 Boeing – 112 (-1%)
2. 🇺🇸 Lockheed Martin – 111 (+10%)
3. 🇺🇸 Raytheon – 108 (+6%)
4. 🇺🇸 Northrop Grumman – 74 (+16%)
5. 🇺🇸 General Dynamics – 66 (+10%)
6. 🇺🇸 TransDigm – 48 (+2%)
7. 🇬🇧 BAE Systems – 40 (+10%)
8. 🇺🇸 L3Harries – 34 (+9%)
9. 🇫🇷 Thales – 32 (+11%)
10. 🇺🇸 Booz – 17 (+8%)

Al Jazeera: The death toll in the Gaza Strip has now risen to 3,300, with more than 13,000 injured since October 7. The death toll in Israel is 1,400 people, another 4,475 were injured.

#Palestinе #Gaza #Israel #military

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