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Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
One year ago.

Sy Hersh cracked it, via his Deep State sources.

Everyone in the Global Majority knows who did it.

And still they get away with it.
⛓️ Once again, a courageous soul who challenged the establishment has been virtually silenced – tarred, feathered and portrayed as guilty of sexual assault before any trial has begun.

Is this another example of a media-coordinated hit job against an inconvenient voice? 📢

💬 Robert Bridge writes

#capitalism #crisis #MassMedia #RussellBrand

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Karl Kraus, who diagnosed and denounced the toxic role journalism played in fomenting World War I, wrote "How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print." In the early 20th century diplomats wielded much more power than they do today, they were still playing a central role in shaping foreign policy, there were no think tanks. Kraus used the term ‘Katastrophe der Phrasen’ (Catastrophe of Clichés) to describe how the use of clichés and stereotypes by journalists and in everyday language leads to war. The most enduring and misleading clichés about Russia are the product of Western racism and ignorance about the country. When Russians are racialized as "Asiatic" to stir up Russophobia in Ukraine and in the West, when Russia is portrayed as a backward, barbaric country you can be sure that the peddlers of these clichés know next to nothing about Russia. The Orwellian "Ignorance is Strength" was supposed to keep the masses blind and the Party in power, but when the Party believes the lies it tells the masses, the result is war and...defeat. Sun Tzu said "Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril." The West's ignorance of Russia, its history and culture, doesn't bode well. @LauraRuHK
🇷🇺 Ten Years of Russia Sanctions: How the World Economy Has Changed

In 2013, Washington and Brussels started to introduce illegal restrictive measures against Russia, erroneously called “sanctions”, aimed at crushing the Russian economy. A total of 17,500 such measures has been introduced, more than against any country in history. Ten years later, Russia replaces Germany as the fifth largest economy, while the United States is losing its economic primacy to China.

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🇸🇾🇨🇳 On September 22, during a diplomatic meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, he told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that China would help Syria to rebuild its ruined economy by upgrading ties to a “strategic partnership“, which means close coordination on regional and international affairs, including in the military sphere, and is just one grade below what Beijing calls a “comprehensive strategic partnership”. After the talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents in the areas of the Belt and Road cooperation, economic, and technological cooperation.

China and Russia are united on the global stage, and that’s clear in Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East ✌️

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Syria #China #MiddleEast

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🚨 The sheer total impunity over the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines raises an appalling vista of the lawlessness and barbarity in today’s world.

The United States and its NATO accomplices are recklessly and callously pushing a war in Ukraine against Russia which has seen up to half a million Ukrainian soldiers slaughtered and is putting the world at risk of a nuclear conflagration. The criminal insanity stems from the lack of any legal accountability for the United States, which grotesquely declares itself the custodian of “rules-based order”.

One year ago this week, an outrageous crime against international peace was committed and yet the Western governments and media perform like the proverbial monkeys who incredibly refuse to see, hear or speak of any evil.

The profound moral and philosophical challenges are worthy of exploration in an epic novel akin to Dostoevsky’s classic Crime and Punishment.

But this is not fiction. They are cold facts of real life 🎮

The fact that Biden and the U.S. have been permitted to get away with the
outrage of Nord Stream terrorism is why Washington and its NATO acolytes have continually escalated the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia over the past year.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#SC_Editorial #NordStream #Nordstream2 #HybridWar #WarCrimes #UnitedStates

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🚨 The sheer total impunity over the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines raises an appalling vista of the lawlessness and barbarity in today’s world. The United States and its NATO accomplices are recklessly and callously pushing a war in Ukraine against…»
🫣 Sane and decent people everywhere reacted with indignation to the stupid and offensive video of the scowl-faced Ukrainian Armed Forces spokesperson haranguing publicly for the “hunting down” of journalists who question the righteousness of the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. The individual in question went on to threaten other forms of harsh and lethal reprisal against anybody who dared withhold support for the Kiev regime’s disastrous war and the auto-genocide resulting from the application of its catastrophic military and political “strategies.”

A counterfeit President, counterfeit political activist, and counterfeit “performance artist” … a handsome gallery do they make 🤡

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

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🪖 Cuando hablamos de Ucrania inmediatamente pensamos en guerra, en vidas sesgadas por las bombas, en hombres reclutados a la fuerza, desde adolescentes hasta mayores y, en definitiva, en un estado fallido incapaz de generar bienestar y desarrollo evolutivo para sus ciudadanos.

Pero no nos engañemos, esto no es así para todos los ucranianos. Existe una élite corrupta que acumula riqueza sacando provecho de la situación.

💬 BlackRock, la 3ª potencia mundial

#SC_Spanish #Ucrania #BlackRock #mundial

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🎬 Ron Ridenour, an international journalist who has reported extensively on CIA murder operations, believes the United States is stepping up efforts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin 😱

The proposition may seem absolutely ludicrous given the risk of triggering a nuclear world war. But bear in mind the long history of U.S. obsessive aggression towards Russia and the former Soviet Union. Bear in mind the CIA’s long history of murdering foreign enemies. And bear in mind the reckless, desperate gambit that the U.S. may be calculating to trigger internal turmoil in Russia and regime change.

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#sc_interview #CIA #Putin

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🇵🇱🇺🇦 It all started with the grain dispute. After Ukraine was blocked from exporting its agricultural grains, primarily wheat, via the Black Sea, the only available route left was overland through Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. It turned out that such a route was not available anymore.

The Polish authorities faced with their farmers’ massive protests were quick to note that Ukrainian wheat is of substandard quality and didn’t meet the EU’s requirements. It was also being sold at one-third of the European price and would have meant a financial disaster for the European farmers.

In view of Poland’s forthcoming general elections on 15 October, the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) in Warsaw was quick to realize that the social and economic problems caused by cheaper Ukrainian grain imports could even put them out of power. After all, rural votes are the traditional electoral stronghold of the PiS party.

However, there were other international political developments that cast a long shadow on the relations between Poland and Ukraine. Last week at the UN General Assembly, President Zelensky accused Poland of the grave sin of “helping Russia”. The reaction of the Polish political leadership was furious. President of Poland Andrzej Duda refused to meet Zelensky on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Furthermore, President Duda stated publicly in reference to Zelensky that “insulting Polish people again” would not be tolerated.

The honeymoon is over and is never to come back 💔

💬 Richard Barton writes

#Poland #Ukraine #grain

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🇨🇦🇺🇦 While Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has enjoyed great success in cajoling Western countries to contribute a vast amount of military hardware to support Kiev’s fight against Russia, there is one precious commodity he must provide for himself: manpower.

The NATO-bloc countries can send Ukraine all of the military equipment at its disposal, but if there are no qualified personnel to operate the sophisticated machinery the massive contributions will be of no avail. And make no mistake: Ukraine is bleeding troops faster than they can replace them.

Any full-blown war between NATO and Russia would end in a nuclear wasteland, and distant America would not be spared as it was in the last world war.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge @russiawaytogo

#NATO #Ukraine #Canada

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
The reason why the Nazi scandal broke out in the Canadian parliament rather than in the European parliament is that old members of the SS are mostly dead and the over-90s no longer live in Europe anyway: many of them had found a safe haven on the American continent at the end of World War II to escape justice. In the European Parliament, billions of euros have been allocated to support their offspring in Ukraine and those who are applauding and cheering them will one day say 'sorry, we didn't know they were Nazis', just as their Canadian colleagues claim ignorance as an excuse. This ignorance is the product of systematic censorship, both in the mainstream media and on the Internet: Anyone who dares to highlight the crimes of the Kiev regime and its ideological orientation is threatened, labelled as a Russian propagandist, discredited and silenced by watchdogs paid by NATO and the Anglo-American security services. @LauraRuHK
🌍 In the Kremlin’s strategy the ultimate aim is to demilitarize and smash NATO.

We’re getting there, slowly but surely

What is already established is that the Serial Rape of Europa by the American bull has totally broken it – physically, economically, culturally and psychologically.

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Europe #US #geopolitics

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