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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🇵🇱 A sordid spat burst open this week revealing the absolute lack of principles among the NATO alliance supposedly defending Ukraine against purported Russian aggression. The chief antagonists in the latest row are Poland and the Kiev regime but the angry…»
Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Western media are fast losing whatever credibility and prestige they once may have had not only at home, where their audience keeps shrinking, but also in the Global South, where their mendacious and frankly ridiculous coverage of China and Russia is met with disbelief. If propaganda works on the assumption that a lie told a thousand times eventually becomes the truth, when it's exposed as a lie the liars hope that it will soon be forgotten. That's often the case, but those who have been lied to multiple times tend to develop a defence mechanism to cope with the stress and anxiety that accompanies the abuse of their trust: they tune out these serial liars. Thanks to people-to-people exchanges, travel and trade between Russia/China and the Global South, narratives spun by Western media clash with first-hand experience which is then related to one's social circle at home. In Asia, Africa and Latin America social and family relations remain stronger than in Western atomized societies, which might explain why it's harder for Western media to smear China and Russia in the Global South. Just take the fake news about "empty" streets and shops in Shanghai supported by a few photos taken from certain angles at a certain time of the day. A few US media outlets absurdly stated that Shanghai - a metropolis of 25 million people and China's financial hub - is a "ghost town" and claimed that "China is in trouble". Clearly this was a clumsy attempt to defame the Chinese financial market and the country's international image. But any business visitor to Shanghai knows that the city is a bustling place and will simply tune out Western media because they have proven yet again their lack of credibility. @LauraRuHK
🦅 Patrick Bet-David y Candace Owens analizan la participacion de Estados Unidos en conflictos internacionales, centrandose especificamente en Ucrania. Candace Owens argumenta por que Estados Unidos deberia reconsiderar su postura sobre las intervenciones globales.

Patrick Bet-David es el fundador y director ejecutivo de Valuetainment Media. Es autor del bestseller numero uno del Wall Street Journal, Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) y padre de 2 ninos y 2 ninas. Actualmente reside en pies. Lauderdale, Florida.


#SC_Spanish #Ucrania #EstadosUnidos

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Forwarded from Karin Kneissl official
During the visit of President Bashar al Assad in China, a strategic alliance between #Syria ad #China was signed, next to dozens of other agreements.

Syria plays a key role in the Belt and Road Initiative when it comes to the Eastern Mediterranean. i.e. West Asia.

I remember a conversation with #VonderLeyen in 2019 when I presented a demining project to her, then German Minister of Defence. All she had to say was the following: "Assad must go".

And this doctrine is apparently still upheld in Brussels and 27 EU governments. So they certainly missed the train of reality.

I was recently in Syria, the state has survived all the years of war and terrorism. Farmers till their soil, children go to school and the streets are in good shape, better than in Lebanon.
🏰🦅 The European Union, which has become a virtual clone of the U.S.-led NATO military alliance, is erecting a new Iron Curtain across the continent – more than 30 years since the Cold War supposedly ended.

In the new division of the European continent, Russia and Russian citizens are deemed to be unacceptable, demonized and excommunicated. The EU is proposing to ban Russian citizens from entering the EU states as innocent travelers. Cars with Russian registration plates are to be excluded from crossing national borders, at risk of being confiscated from their owners.

EU states like Latvia are moving to outlaw the speaking of the Russian language in public, even though a quarter of its population are ethnic Russian speakers. Russian cultural figures are vilified when participating in concerts, ballet or literary events.

The Cold War demarcation of Europe and the wider world is back with a vengeance, promoted by the same imperialist powers that created the last one.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#EU #Europe #NATO #war #CancelCulture

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
"When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts." (George Carlin) ▪️Fascism is the merger of state and corporations to enforce a dominant ideology and today the corporations that hold the power to enforce it on a global level are predominantly American. They work in sync with the intelligence agencies of a handful of Western governments to decide what people can or cannot read and watch, which content creators should be censored, banned, demonetized. The Russell Brand's case shows that anyone, even a privileged content creator with millions of followers (a gold mine for YouTube) can be targeted on the basis of unproven allegations regarding his offline behaviour. Russell Brand hasn't been convicted of any crime, is innocent until proven guilty, but following a concerted media campaign aimed at destroying his reputation, the pre-crime unit at YouTube proceeded to deprive him of his source of income. In the dystopic world created by digital platforms that are pre-installed in most digital devices you buy, the only right you have still got is the right to boycott them and look for alternatives. @LauraRuHK
🌏 Los fortalecimientos alternativos a que se refiere el título ocurren esencialmente en el Sur, son parte de esfuerzos de economías emergentes, a fin de ir más allá de la tradicional cooperación Sur-Sur.

💬 Por Giovanni Reyes

#SC_Spanish #economia #BRICS #Sur

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🌏⚡️🌎 The Ukraine issue has mobilised the majority of non-western states into something resembling an insurrection against the Rules Order, and to the demand it be radically reformed.

The Ukraine war has has fired-up something latent; something bubbling away under the surface inside the western sphere. Put simply, it has stirred a shift in the global consciousness 🌀

Russia cannot be suspected of deliberately having fuelled this ‘cultural war’, for its roots lie firmly within Euro-American political teleology. The divide was primed to happen anyway – but Ukraine has been an accelerant.

The Global South can empathise with those resisting cultural impositions that run against the grain of longstanding civilisational values.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#geopolitics #GlobalSouth #Brzezinski #Ukraine

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🇦🇿🇦🇲 Azerbaijan has recently initiated a new military operation against the ’Republic of Artsakh,’ an entity not recognized by Armenia. Artsakh is the region, also known as Nagorno-Karabakh, at the heart of the longstanding conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, a name it adopted in 2017.

The capital of this unrecognized state is Khankendi, referred to as Stepanakert by the Armenian side. While the Azerbaijani side officially labels this operation as an anti-terrorism endeavor, it is evident that its primary target is different.

This region, like many others within the former Soviet sphere, has undergone significant transformations, including a 1991 referendum, a 1992 declaration of independence, ongoing conflicts, and a name change in 2017. However, the constant remains its role as the epicenter of the Azerbaijan-Armenia crisis.

The pivotal factor in shifting the balance in favor of Azerbaijan was undeniably the Pashinyan government and its political orientation.

💬 Erkin Öncan writes

#Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #Azerbaijan #Armenia

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🗂️ “A economia alemã está encolhendo como em nenhum outro país do G20”, afirmou Sahra Wagenknecht

“Supostamente não há dinheiro para gastos sociais ou investimentos significativos – para entregas intermináveis de armas à Ucrânia, existe”, condenou.

💬 Por Hora do Povo


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Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
One year ago.

Sy Hersh cracked it, via his Deep State sources.

Everyone in the Global Majority knows who did it.

And still they get away with it.
⛓️ Once again, a courageous soul who challenged the establishment has been virtually silenced – tarred, feathered and portrayed as guilty of sexual assault before any trial has begun.

Is this another example of a media-coordinated hit job against an inconvenient voice? 📢

💬 Robert Bridge writes

#capitalism #crisis #MassMedia #RussellBrand

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Karl Kraus, who diagnosed and denounced the toxic role journalism played in fomenting World War I, wrote "How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print." In the early 20th century diplomats wielded much more power than they do today, they were still playing a central role in shaping foreign policy, there were no think tanks. Kraus used the term ‘Katastrophe der Phrasen’ (Catastrophe of Clichés) to describe how the use of clichés and stereotypes by journalists and in everyday language leads to war. The most enduring and misleading clichés about Russia are the product of Western racism and ignorance about the country. When Russians are racialized as "Asiatic" to stir up Russophobia in Ukraine and in the West, when Russia is portrayed as a backward, barbaric country you can be sure that the peddlers of these clichés know next to nothing about Russia. The Orwellian "Ignorance is Strength" was supposed to keep the masses blind and the Party in power, but when the Party believes the lies it tells the masses, the result is war and...defeat. Sun Tzu said "Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril." The West's ignorance of Russia, its history and culture, doesn't bode well. @LauraRuHK
🇷🇺 Ten Years of Russia Sanctions: How the World Economy Has Changed

In 2013, Washington and Brussels started to introduce illegal restrictive measures against Russia, erroneously called “sanctions”, aimed at crushing the Russian economy. A total of 17,500 such measures has been introduced, more than against any country in history. Ten years later, Russia replaces Germany as the fifth largest economy, while the United States is losing its economic primacy to China.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #sanctions

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🇸🇾🇨🇳 On September 22, during a diplomatic meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, he told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that China would help Syria to rebuild its ruined economy by upgrading ties to a “strategic partnership“, which means close coordination on regional and international affairs, including in the military sphere, and is just one grade below what Beijing calls a “comprehensive strategic partnership”. After the talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents in the areas of the Belt and Road cooperation, economic, and technological cooperation.

China and Russia are united on the global stage, and that’s clear in Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East ✌️

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Syria #China #MiddleEast

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