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🇬🇧🇺🇸 British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak went to Washington last week cap-in-hand hawking a nefarious deal. Post-Brexit Britain is seeking a much-coveted bilateral trade pact with the United States, and to avail of Uncle Sam’s favor the British are offering to step up its role as provocateur-in-chief in the proxy war against Russia.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Sunak hailed the usual platitudes about their nations’ “special relationship” during the British premier’s two-day trip to Washington. Sunak added a new unctuous epithet, referring to the U.S. and Britain as the world’s “indispensable alliance”.

Topping their agenda in the White House summit was the conflict in Ukraine, Russia, China and trade issues.

Biden and Sunak unveiled an “Atlantic Declaration” promising closer cooperation on economics, security, military and artificial intelligence between the United States and Britain.

But crucially missing from the U.S. side was any concrete commitment to a new bilateral trade deal. When Britain left the European Union in 2020, the historic departure from that trade bloc was calculatedly made with the aspiration of securing an alternative special trading arrangement with the United States.

Reality check: warmongering Britain and the U.S. are leading the world to the abyss 🌑

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#UK #UnitedStates #War

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Chinese experts have pointed out that the announcement of a Ukrainian counter-offensive comes at a time of growing anxiety in Western countries, especially in the US, as there are no signs of the much touted Ukrainian victory.

Now that the conflict has dragged on for 15 months, the US and some European countries urgently need positive developments to convince Western public opinion and political forces to continue providing military and financial assistance to Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers are being sacrificed for a PR campaign. @LauraRuHK
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🇩🇪 A German tank with a balkenkreutz on its tower is back on Russian soil just for the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk.

It's hard to imagine something more symbolic 🌟

via @voenacher

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🏰 Europe it seems is (broadly) moving in the same direction as U.S. politics.

The European Élites – like their U.S. Democratic counterparts – embraced war on Russia. The Euro-Élites have adopted massive MSM narrative and social control and have dismembered the basic civic norms of marriage between a man and a woman and biological gender to which many Europeans still adhere.

The European ‘outsiders’ have begun calling “Enough”! Yet they may expect to receive the same rough treatment from the main-stream media as Kennedy is receiving (whatever their views). The U.S. Deep State will stop at nothing to ensure that neither Kennedy – nor Trump – comes anywhere close to office. Brussels will act in parallel, in Europe.

Where is this realignment all leading? Well, we are in a chaotic re-sorting period right now 🌀

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Europe #UnitedStates #war

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🛠 These 10 Countries Produce 85% of the World’s Steel

Global steel production in 2022 reached 1,878 million tonnes, barely surpassing the pre-pandemic production of 1,875 million tonnes in 2019.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #steel

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🇷🇸 An intriguing paradigm shift is apparent with the onward marching multipolar world. It would surely be a shame for Serbs not to seize their opportunities with regard to righting the wrongs of NATO’s dismemberment of their historic lands and the illegal occupation of the Kosovo province in particular.

Historical bitter-sweet irony abounds in the following paradox: of all the countries in the world, it was the United States that orchestrated the quasi-self-declaration of independence by Kosovo in 2008; yet recent angry protests by the local Serb population amid a violent crackdown by the NATO-backed regime in Pristina necessitated Washington to censure the Kosovan regime – proving that Kosovo is not actually a sovereign independent state, but rather a NATO protectorate enclave of Serbia 🕹

💬 Tatiana Obrenovic writes

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija

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🇸🇾 Dr. Faisal Mekdad, Syria’s Foreign Minister, is in Saudi Arabia for meetings held on June 11 and 12, which marks his third visit to the Kingdom in the last three months. In April, he made his initial visit and accompanied President Assad to Jeddah to attend the Council of the League of Arab States summit on May 19.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known as MbS, promoted the aid and recovery of Syria through his position as host of the Arab League Summit in May. MbS asked for an Arab decision to bring Syria back to the brotherly league of Arab nations, while the U.S. voiced condemnation of the plan.

The U.S. and its allies, who created the war and supported terrorists, refuse to participate in the recovery process for the Syrian people💢

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Syria #SaudiArabia #ArabLeague

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🦅 The NATO military alliance holds its largest-ever air force maneuvers since the bloc was formed 74 years ago. From June 12-23, the German Luftwaffe will lead the massive mobilization across the Baltic territories and Central Europe in an undisguised provocation to Russia.

The United States will deploy the most warplanes out of the 25 participating NATO partners. But Germany is the lead nation for the drills.

What’s even more provocative, the date for the so-called Air Defender 23 exercises falls on the 82nd anniversary of Operation Barbarossa. On June 21, 1941, Nazi Germany and its Axis allies launched the biggest military invasion in history, against the Soviet Union. That invasion turned out to be a military disaster for Germany, heralding its historic defeat nearly four years later, along with horrific suffering and millions of deaths.

It’s not just the dates that provide an uncannily grim echo. The sinister symbolism today of the German balkenkreuz (Teutonic cross) emblazoned on warplanes flying close to Russia’s border is reinforced by the participation of many of the Third Reich’s former Axis allies in the present day. Finland and the Baltic territories were the staging post for Hitler’s master plan to conquer Russia and carry out its Final Solution of genocidal extermination.

If they were around, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler would be cheering on their NATO incarnation – albeit 82 years too late 💢

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#NATO #war

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🏙 Russia’s economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies which held that Western sanctions would bring the Russian economy to its knees and force it to submissively “Cry Uncle”.
When the conflict in Ukraine escalated 16 months ago (after eight years of NATO-sponsored aggression using the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime), various Western politicians and pundits were relishing the prospect of the Russian economy collapsing from “Total War” launched against its international banking and trade.
Well, it didn’t turn out like that. Far from it. As the World Bank noted above, the Western sanctions have simply helped Russia boost alternative markets in China, India, and elsewhere around the globe. A principal earner for Russia is energy exports of oil and gas. Increased sales to Asia have maintained revenues despite the loss of European markets due to Western sanctions.
The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have actually made the latter stronger 💪

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#sanctions #war #economy

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🏙 Russia’s economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies which held that Western sanctions would bring…»
Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
(via Nury Vittachi)
🇵🇱 In a letter of support, historians and scholars worldwide said that the Polish attack on Holocaust scholar Prof. Barbara Engelking harmed the attempt ‘to understand the processes that allowed the Holocaust to take place’.

Two hundred historians, including senior Holocaust scholars from Israel and around the globe, signed a letter in support of Prof. Barbara Engelking, a Polish historian who has been under attack in her homeland after she said the Poles did not do enough to help Jews during the Shoah.

“We, the undersigned scholars of the Holocaust Era, the Second World War, and Modern and Jewish History, express our firm support for Professor Barbara Engelking and for academic freedom, in the face of an unbridled and unfounded attack by politicians, media, and other public figures …

We can attest to the fact that she is a scholar of impeccable personal and professional integrity. Her scholarship adheres to the highest academic standards, for which she has earned worldwide esteem,”
the historians wrote.

💬 Read more by Ofer Aderet

#Holocaust #Poland #Israel #history #WW2

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🤔 Russian President Putin recently wondered why the European Union no longer produces leaders of the calibre of former French President Jacques Chirac who, Putin recounted, had previously explained to him that the West’s current crop of leaders lack the rounded and deep culture both Chirac and De Gaulle had in abundance. Although Putin attributes this modern Western failing to the lack of proper education and sense of self that Chirac and De Gaulle both epitomised, because Putin’s question deserves a much longer and more detailed answer, this short article is designed to kick-start that process.

Although volumes have been written on De Gaulle, Chirac is the more pertinent here primarily because, like the great De Gaulle, he defied the Americans, in his case by not sending troops into Iraq, where the Americans committed the most unconscionable of war crimes. That defiance cost France very dearly.

In this extraordinarilty revealing interview, Arnaud Montebourg, France’s former Minister of the Economy, explains how the United States punished France for not colluding in its Iraqi war crimes, which ranged from gang-raping pre-pubescent Iraqi schoolgirls to poisoning its wells, looting its museums and emptying its bank vaults of their gold reserves. Montebourg goes on to explain how the United States not only loots France’s intellectual property at will but it also tortures French patriots like Frédéric Pierucci for refusing to betray France. American state-sanctioned criminals not only eavesdrop on France’s political, religious and industrial leaders but even refuse to sell to France paint varnish and similar marginal components for its aircraft if it can thereby instead win those aircraft export contracts for American companies. In that regard, let’s not even waste time on how America brazenly stole the Australian nuclear submarine contract from their French partners (ha ha).

Because it takes a patriotic leader of the calibre of De Gaulle, Pierucci or Chirac to stand up to Uncle Sam, today’s Western leaders simply kowtow to the Yanks 🤯

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#France #Germany #Italy #NATO #NewWorldOrder #Politics #UnitedStates #West

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🪖 Can NATO expect to survive its policy on blinded dogma escalation in the longer term or face a period of decline, even expiration? Seems far-fetched? Not when you examine the timeline of the past two years and you observe the direction this war machine business empire conglomerate is heading under the leadership of Washington.

At Vilnius we are expected to believe that despite the summer offensive going well for Ukraine’s army – which is a lie perpetuated by western media – that Ukraine should be given full NATO membership. The hysteria which can be seen in the eyes of Zelensky who is calling for this is palatable.

But few if any western pundits ask themselves “if it’s going well, then why the immediate demand of NATO membership? Where’s the crisis?” 🤨

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#NATO #Ukraine #Zelensky #War

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🇷🇸 The political naiveté of the Serbian people and the manipulative professionalism of its adversaries are on full display in the weekly mass protests “against violence” in Belgrade.

The protests are now entering a phase of heightened tension and increasing demands served upon the fully dismayed authorities. That means that the warm-up phase is nearly over and that gradual transition is being made to the decisive stage of the operation. At that stage, the point will come when a crisis situation will be provoked. Depending on how the crisis will come to be resolved, a new personnel configuration of Serbia’s next colonial regime will emerge. It is superfluous to point out two things:

(1) there will be no substantive change in the direction of the policies which the soon-to-be-installed regime will pursue

(2) no improvements of any sort in the condition of the politically inert Serbian people are envisioned.

If after several weeks’ observation there is still any dilemma whether these protests are spontaneous or controlled, the following three examples should suffice to show their contrived and controlled nature.

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#Serbia #ColorRevolutions #society

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Probably the biggest piece of quiet news that I've heard lately is Venezuela adopting the MIR payment system. Their financial isolation die to sanctions just became a much easier burden to bear.

In fact it looks like any sanctioned nation can join the MIR club, and since it would be suicide to sanction China, where they can freely use MIR, you can see that the sanctions sword is now very blunt.

- Tim Kirby Russia Hardcore