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🇦🇫🇺🇸 Regarding the Biden administration and its unctuous professions of transatlantic unity, the European governments must be wondering… with friends like that who needs enemies?

President Joe #Biden vowed “America is back” when he took office, meaning that Washington would realign with and respect European allies under its global leadership after the years of Trump discord.
The European political establishment swooned and cooed like dutiful debutantes apparently having Uncle Sam’s affections and patronage again.

How quickly indeed has that supposedly rosy relation between the U.S. and the Europeans been ruptured with bitter recriminations following the disastrous collapse in #Afghanistan. The #EU is scrambling to cope with the potential fallout of mass migration from the Central Asian country after the return to power of the #Taliban.

This is the militant group that Washington and its #NATO allies spent two decades fighting at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars – only for the militants to seize power amid a total collapse of a U.S.-backed regime in #Kabul.

Yeah, America is back alright. Causing mayhem and political headaches for its supposed European partners.

🇦🇫 Everything depends on which way Iran turns and whether the Taliban can control its own country and stop it short from falling into the abyss.

Much has been written about the partners which the Taliban are signing up. But its relations with Iran is the only issue which the whole world is watching with bated breath.

The creation of a new government in Kabul has sent ominous signs to the weary West of how seriously it can take the Taliban. Much hope was placed on it including a few members, as ministers, of other groups from the previous government. In the event, it was made up entirely of Taliban figures and not even one woman. Similar to most faint indications that the Taliban have changed in recent weeks, it showed that in fact, really nothing has changed at all. In fact, the only real thing which has changed between the Taliban on the late 90s and the colourful figures brandishing weapons in Kabul today can be summed up with one word: smartphones. Read more by Martin Jay ⬇️

#Afghanistan #Taliban #MiddleEast

🇦🇫 New trends that have appeared in regional security since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan are highly consequential for regional politics.

The joint statement issued on February 6 following the four-day visit by the Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan to China has been an exceptional gesture by Beijing underscoring the highest importance attached to that country as a regional ally. Beijing feels the need to underscore that not only does it back the government in Islamabad to the hilt but is determined to boost the ties, especially by boosting the flagship of the Belt and Road Initiative known as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Aside its overt emphasis on the launch of the CPEC’s Phase 2, the two highlights of the joint statement are: one, the affirmation that ’stronger’ defence and security cooperation will be ‘an important factor of peace and stability in the region,’ and, two, the joint initiative to take up with the Taliban government the holding of the China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue as well as the ‘extension of CPEC to Afghanistan.’

Read more by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar:

#Afghanistan #Taliban #Pakistan #AntiTerrorism #China #CPEC

🇦🇫🦅 This week marks two years since the United States and NATO abandoned Afghanistan in ruins. The country is wracked with poverty and devastating war impact. The same fate awaits Ukraine, except on a far greater scale.

A key likely difference is that the political and military consequences for the U.S.-led bloc will be unavoidably calamitous for Washington’s presumptions of imperial power.

Two years ago on August 15, 2021, Taliban insurgents swept into the Afghan capital, Kabul, ousting the U.S.-backed president, Ashraf Ghani, who fled the country. By the end of that month, all American and allied NATO forces withdrew in a chaotic, hurried retreat from Afghanistan that saw desperate people clinging to the undercarriages of aircraft as they took off from runways. It was a debacle on U.S. President Joe Biden’s watch.

The forced abandonment of Afghanistan marked the end of 20 years of U.S. military occupation in the Central Asian nation. The Americans had invaded in November 2001 out of dubious revenge for the alleged 9/11 terror attacks which occurred two months prior in New York and Pennsylvania and on the Pentagon headquarters in Virginia state. The official narrative beggars belief.

In any case, the military quagmire Washington subsequently created in Afghanistan became futile and unsustainable. Biden eventually got his nation out of the mess, but he hardly deserves praise for ending an “endless war”.

The glaring fact – absurdly ignored by Western media – is that Afghanistan’s struggle for recovery is a result of the 20-year destruction that the U.S. and NATO inflicted on that country

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Afghanistan #imperialism #NATO #Taliban #Ukraine #UnitedStates

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🧨 There is a revolutionary process underway in the Middle East, the trigger for which was the start of Operation al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023, and which is being spread throughout the region as Israel’s genocide in Gaza generates exemplary responses from the Axis of Resistance.

💬 Read more by Eduardo Vasco

#Afghanistan #ArabSpring #GazaStrip #Islam #Israel #MiddleEast #Palestine #Taliban #war #Yemen

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🇦🇫🇷🇺 The whole Russia-Taliban affair involves a humongous package – encompassing oil, gas, minerals and loads of rail connectivity.

There’s no doubt a lot of juicy extra details will emerge at the upcoming St. Petersburg forum – as a Taliban delegation including their Labor Minister and the head of the Chamber for Commerce and Industry will be there.

And there’s more: Afghanistan under Taliban 2.0 is bound to be invited to the upcoming BRICS+ summit next October in Kazan. Talk about a mega strategic convergence. The UNSC better hurry up to normalize Afghanistan for the “international community”.

Oh, wait: who cares, when Russia-China, the SCO and BRICS are already doing it.

💬 Pepe Escobar writes @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Afghanistan #Taliban

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