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🌏 The War of Economic Corridors is now proceeding full speed ahead, with the game-changing first cargo flow of goods from Russia to India via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) already in effect.

Very few, both in the east and west, are aware of how this actually has long been in the making: the Russia-Iran-India agreement for implementing a shorter and cheaper Eurasian trade route via the Caspian Sea (compared to the Suez Canal), was first signed in 2000, in the pre-9/11 era.

The INSTC in full operational mode signals a powerful hallmark of Eurasian integration – alongside the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and last but not least, what I described as “Pipelineistan” two decades ago.

💬 Pepe Escobar writes

#Eurasia #BeltandRoad #SCO #EAEU

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❗️📑 Documents shared with MintPress @mintpress_news reveal that Valent Projects – a shadowy communications firm that advises social media platforms such as #Facebook on alleged state-backed online influence campaigns – has itself received $1.2 million from U.S. intelligence front USAID, for “counter disinformation and communications support.”

This relationship has hitherto never been publicly acknowledged, and the resulting income is not reflected in the company’s published accounts.

On Valent’s direction, Facebook has purged huge numbers of Sudanese accounts and pages critical of the Western-backed government, helping to keep a controversial civilian and military administration in power.

There are also suspicions the company may have played a role in the mass suppression of Ethiopian voices online supporting the government of Abiy Ahmed, and opposing U.S. attempts to overthrow him.

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🥶 Russia has made every effort to keep Europe supplied. European governments in hock to U.S. imperial policy have made effort to wreak havoc on their own people.

Freezing households, crippling energy costs and associated soaring food bills are the outcome of the United States and NATO’s war agenda towards Russia.

The summer season has brought sweltering heatwaves across Europe (and elsewhere) but in a few months, up to 500 million citizens of the European Union are going to face record levels of deprivation as gas shortages from Russia become fully manifest.

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#energy #EU

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🥶 Russia has made every effort to keep Europe supplied. European governments in hock to U.S. imperial policy have made effort to wreak havoc on their own people. Freezing households, crippling energy costs and associated soaring food bills are the outcome…»
🗽 Steve Bannon, the former political guru to Donald Trump and architect of the false narrative over the stolen 2020 election, should be prosecuted for more than merely contempt of Congress.

There’s an abundance of prima facie evidence that Bannon was a key plotter in a fascist coup to overturn the presidential election to keep Trump in power.

Not only that, Bannon’s media project to cultivate a popular base for Trump to repudiate the vote for Democrat rival Joe Biden was bankrolled by Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui. That makes Bannon and his patron Guo potentially guilty of high treason. Despite evidence of capital offenses – sedition and treason – Bannon and his Chinese sponsor remain at large, and not answerable to the law enforcement authorities.

That’s curious, to say the least 🤯

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

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🇲🇦 A number of analysts claim that Rabat is using the build-up of African immigrants in its northern enclave which borders the Spanish one as a game of blackmail.

Morocco’s border with Spain is beginning to emerge as Europe’s new soft underbelly with new flows of immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa expected to head for its border fence with two Spanish enclaves dotted along Morocco’s Mediterranean coast, experts are indicating.

The warning, after two recent assaults to climb flimsy fences, which allowed a total of 12,000 immigrants into the EU, that such crossings will become more of a common event, coincides with the EU admitting that a “huge” migration wave from the Middle East and Africa is expected “soon” because of the food crisis aggravated by the war in Ukraine.

Experts claim that a recent stunt in June was due to a spat between Morocco and the EU over Brussels’ new push to cosy up to Algeria, due to the energy crisis sparked by the Ukraine war – and will be repeated by Rabat, Strategic Culture Foundation can reveal.

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Morocco #Europe #Ukraine #Algeria

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🍽 Does it seem like you are living in a science fiction movie you saw when you were younger?

The world today appears to a collection of clips from that genre that foretold a dystopian and dark future for humanity. Collapsed economies, food riots, brutal militarised police, total surveillance, and relentless, increasingly absurd propaganda.

No longer a future scenario, this is happening now in more than 100 countries across the world.

As more than 90 nations are now perilously close to defaulting on their debts, we can expect that these protests will spread and intensify. The tragic situation in Sri Lanka is a portent of what is to come. Food and energy shortages are further damaging economies that were already devastated by the Covid scam.

In truth there is no real shortage of either food or energy. It is the collapsing financial system and the attendant inflation that is the main cause of what is rapidly becoming a global crisis.

Many causes and culprits will be blamed for what is coming, but it needs to be recognised that all of these problems can be traced back to one source. And, none of this is accidental, it is another move in the Globalists’ plan for the “Great Reset”.

If Covid was phase one, Food is phase two 🌐🍴

💬 Eamon McKinney writes

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🇬🇧 Western leaders would sooner drag down the entire planet than surrender their fever dream of a one-world political system.

The British butcher of Iraq, speaking on the demise of a Western-led one world order, is advocating for yet more stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction to even the score.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#UK #WorldOrder

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🚩 Winning their current Great Patriotic War is as crucial to today’s Russians as was winning those thrust on their forefathers in 1812 and 1941.

Because Ukraine is but one of several NATO fronts, victory in Ukraine does not ensure anything unless victory is also won in Russia’s economic and cultural wars as well. All these different fronts are, at day’s end, as one.

Think otherwise?

Just look at the most recent targets of the EU’s punitive sanctions 👀👇

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#Russophobia #Sanctions #CultureWar

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🚫🌐 What Legal Sanctions Are Currently in Place Globally

Sanctions are imposed by the United Nations Security Council to maintain or restore international peace and security under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

What is often referred to as “U.S. sanctions” are unilateral restrictive measures inconsistent with the international law.

Today, there are 14 ongoing sanctions regimes which focus on supporting political settlement of conflicts, nuclear non-proliferation, and counter-terrorism. Each regime is administered by a sanctions committee chaired by a non-permanent member of the Security Council.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #sanctions

😱 The Guardian journalist believes the solution is to put Putin in line and – ho-ho-ho – pull off a nuclear strike against Russia.

The Left in the UK and the U.S. has never been in a more pathetic state politically. And yet, it still controls some bastions of influence over the common beliefs which media perpetuate and which are often taken at face value.

Recently U.S. president Joe Biden visited the Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman to beg for oil production to be raised considerably from the Saudi oilfields so that Biden could reduce the pump price back home and not face what is inevitably going to be a crushing defeat at the polls when the midterm elections happen in November.

Biden’s popularity with the American people is already at a dangerously low level and even if he ignores the White House doctor’s predictions that his own health is in such a poor state that he won’t even finish his own second term as President, Biden will de be destroyed by the midterms which will be a signal that there needs to be a new candidate to take him on for president from the Democrats side.

According to some press reports, already Hillary Clinton is said to want to run again against Trump, if we can believe what we are being presented as credible journalism 🤪

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Clinton #Biden #UK

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🇺🇦🇪🇺 Meet Ukraine, a country with Europe’s poorest and sickest population, the hub of cigarette smuggling, the world leader in female body trafficking.

When a statutory minimum wage was first introduced in Ukraine, in 2015, it was 0.34 euros, or 34 cents per hour. After that, it was increased: in 2017 it was 68 cents, in 2019 it was 10 cents more, which is 78 cents, and since 2021 it has been 1.21 euros.

Ever heard of it?

💬 Werner Rügemer writes

#Ukraine #EU

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🇬🇧🛑 In their latest round of sanctions, the British regime has sanctioned British subject Graham Philllips @grahamwphillips, as well as a number of Syrians, who sent Syrian fighters to Ukraine.

The main reason Syrians have to emigrate to kill zones is because Britain, working through her Muslim Brotherhood proxies, has destroyed the country and should be held accountable in a court of law for this.

If Europeans are short of food and heating this winter, they should remember that that is what their governments have been doing to Syrians for the last ten years. That the British regime would further penalize Syrian Christians for fighting fascists in Ukraine should surprise nobody.

Rather than use Phillips to build backdoors to potentially save the lives of Aslin and his fellow killers, MI5 cast Phillips out into the cold 🚷

💬 By Declan Hayes

#GrahamPhillips #UK #sanctions #MI5

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🪖💲🇺🇦 Where Mercenaries Fighting in Ukraine Come From

According to data released by the Russian Defense Ministry, more than 7,000 foreign mercenaries have arrived in Ukraine since February.

In June, two British nationals were sentenced on charges of terrorism by a court in the Donetsk People’s Republic and are facing death sentence.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #Ukraine

🇷🇸🇷🇺 Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin made a shocking admission this week, revealing that a major foreign agency has been pressing him to change his official stance on Russia and China.

A smear campaign in the media is expected to start against Vulin in the coming days.

Belgrade’s official position with regards to Russia is that it will not join any anti-Russian sanctions, arguing that Serbia will adhere to its own independent foreign policy while maintaining strong bilateral relations with Moscow.

The dark underworld of global politics, however, hellbent as it is on controlling all positions with regards to Russia, is having none of it.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#Serbia #sanctions

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🇮🇹🇪🇺 It might well be Italy which marks the starting point of a demise of sorts of the EU, as the coalition government collapses.

Mario Draghi, who might be remembering interest rate hikes like the ECB’s this week, which only happened previously when he was the boss overseeing the eurozone crisis, is out.
By resigning his post as PM, he must be that he sees the writing on the wall and that we are heading towards another eurozone crisis.

Right now, the euro has already slumped to parity with the dollar and Eurozone inflation averages about 8.6 per cent (although it’s now 10 per cent in Spain, 12 per cent in Greece and a thundering 20 per cent in Estonia). Have a heart for Croatia which is planning on joining the eurozone soon.

But it’s Italy which will fire the starter’s gun on a turnaround on the EU’s policy on Russia and the Ukraine war 🔥

💬 By Martin Jay

#Italy #EU

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🥶 The U.S.-led imperial warmongering against Russia is indulged by European political lackeys and clowns who are treating their own citizens with outrageous contempt.

The surging export of American fuel gas to Europe demonstrates the underlying motive for the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. It should be so obvious and brazen, yet Western media push the absurd charade of the U.S. and NATO “defending” Ukraine and “aiding” Europe.

US exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European Union are on track this year to double the transatlantic trade volume for 2021. Media reports express admirable surprise at the “unexpected” surge in American supply and how it has exceeded what U.S. President Joe Biden had earlier promised to deliver to Europe in order to compensate for a fall in Russian exports. Cuts in Russian gas supplies have been largely due to European self-imposed restrictions purportedly to reprimand Russia over the war in Ukraine.

The United States has marginal energy trade relations with Russia, unlike the EU which up until recently relied on Russian gas and oil for about 50 and 25 percent of respective supplies. Those average figures belie much higher reliance among some EU members like Hungary on Russian hydrocarbons.

In any case, shutting out Russian gas and oil was thought to be a relatively pain-free call made by Washington, although in the integrated global economy the repercussions are hitting home with soaring U.S. inflation.

The European governments have by and large dutifully gone along with the American madness to cut their noses off to spite their faces and in the process inflict extreme economic hardship on their citizens.

Just wait until winter comes! 🧦❄️

💬 Read more in this week's Editorial

#Europe #gas #sanctions

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🥶 The U.S.-led imperial warmongering against Russia is indulged by European political lackeys and clowns who are treating their own citizens with outrageous contempt. The surging export of American fuel gas to Europe demonstrates the underlying motive for…»