賢學思政|Student Politicism
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1.使用TG Bot申請

進入Telegram Bot後可按指引輸入手足姓名、在囚編號、收押院所及所需物資,申請及資料核對後便可獲得參考編號(reference number),憑編號即可到指定地方領取物資。


WhatsApp number:98540435


另外,如欲捐贈物資,歡迎使用另一個TG bot @St_politicism_mbot或直接wts 98540435 與我們聯絡。

最後,亦希望眾人將 囹羽-在囚物資申請的方法分享給有需要的手足及親友。我們必定會繼續在嚴冬中盡己所能,為身陷囹圄的每一位手足及親友送上一點温暖。



此外,我們將開放最後一次產品訂購,望能將大量的剩餘貨品售出,所有貨品均自由定價,請透過Bio的Google Form進行訂購。所得款項會全數支援還押成員/前成員,如還押所需的物資費用及律師費等,望能盡快渡過窘境。


“Disbandment of Student Politicism”

Since May 2020, Student Politicism was blessed with the precious support from fellow Hong Kong people that have allowed us to run our operation until this day. Unfortunately, given the lack of foreseeable space for our organisation to continue our mission, we hereby announce the disbandment of Student Politicism. All relevant operations will cease to continue, all members and volunteers will be dismissed.

On that note, we will also open up our last online purchase to sell off the huge quantity of remaining products, which will be freely priced. You may purchase them through the Google form found in the link in our bio. All revenue will be used to support our ex-members in custody with the cost of supplies and legal fees so that they can get through this difficult period.

Last but not least, we want to express our sincere gratitude for the help and support from everyone on the way, and we wish all safe and sound.

Student Politicism
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 19 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.