Dentalblog | Talabalar kanali👨‍⚕👩‍⚕
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Kanalimiz talabalar fanlardan bir-birlariga yordam berish maqsadida faoliyat olib boradi
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👤Creator : @Bekhzod_9
👤Admin : @quronqalblarshifosii
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Yqilgaanlaga hamma ga yetqazin bugun soat 4 da dekanatga odil akani oldiga yigilish kere ekan
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shu gruppalar Ankalogiyadan Jurnal ni birinchi varagida biladigan talabalar haqidagi malumot toldiriladigan joyini yozishmagan akan ,shuning doimiy uchun turar joyi , Toshkendagi vaqtinchalik turar joyi, stipendiya kayifitsiyenti ,ism familiya o'chestvalari bilan ,jo'natishi iltimos qilinadi, Kafedra Mudiriga,

+998979284252 Kafedra Mudiri Onkologiya
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