Cellular Therapy & Regenerative Medicine
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Automated System uses machine learning (ML) to screen for hard-to-detect cancers #cancer #ML #bloodtest
Studies evaluating microbial transplant and inflammatory signalling highlight the significance of gut microflora in alcohol-related liver disease and hepatocarcinogenesis #cancer #liverdisease
Using AI and Augmented Reality To Detect Cancer Real Time With A Microscope #cancer #AI #augmentedreadlity
Activating the immune system at the site of a tumor can re-engage the immune system. #immunesytem #cancer #immunotherapy
While the association between exercise and recovery in cancer patients has been known for decades, we know little about how this works on a molecular level. #cancer #exercise #tcells
The diagnostic method shows microscopic view of the cyst wall and allows doctors to determine almost immediately if it is precancerous. #pancreaticcancer #biopsy #cancer
Researchers utilized cellular barcoding and mathematical modeling in patient-derived colorectal cancer models. Analysis revealed that therapy has no effect on tumors that entered death evasion state #cancer #research #science
Pancreatic cancer is particularly resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. The tumors rarely shrink, even after exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation. #cancer #pancreas #healthcare
Early detection offers the potential to save many lives. This promising blood test could therefore be a game-changer in cancer care, helping thousands more people to get successful treatments #cancer #biotech #earlydetection