St Andrew's Anglican Church Moscow
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The channel for St Andrew's Moscow Anglican Church
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Some photos from our Good Friday and Easter services.
Good Morning. Its Mike here and I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning (Fri 21 April) at 8.30am (Moscow time) from the small chapel. Do join us.
Good Morning everyone. Its Mike here and I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning, Sat 23 April at 9.00am (Moscow time) from the small chapel. Do join us.
Good Morning everyone. Its Mike here and I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning, Mon 25 April at 8.30am from the small chapel.
... eeks ... that is in 5 minutes : )))
Do join us.
Good Morning everyone... I discovered during the night my filming schedule changed today. So I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning, Thur 28 April at 8.30am (Moscow time) from the small chapel. Do join us ...
Good Morning, hello and a happy Saturday to you all ... Just letting you know - I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning, Sat 30 April at 9.00am (Moscow time) from the small chapel. Please do join us ...
Good Morning all! I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning 8.30am (Moscow time) from the small chapel ... in a few minutes : )) Please do join us ...
Good Morning Everyone! Yet another message saying the same : )) ...
... I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning 8.30am (Moscow time) from the small chapel ... Please do join us ...
Hello all! I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning 8.30am (Moscow time) from the small chapel ... Please do join us on the live stream ... See you there : ))
Hello, Good Morning and since Malcolm is back later today this may be the last of these notices saying ... 'I will be doing Morning Prayer this morning 9.00am (Moscow time) from the small chapel ... Please do join us in person or on the live stream' : )))
Really looking forward to seeing everyone at our services tomorrow. We’re waiting to board the flight! Malcolm and Alison.
Slight technical hitch! Flight from London to Istanbul was delayed by an hour and a half, so we could not make onward flight connection to Moscow. We now fly early tomorrow morning, but sadly we won’t be at 9 or 11. However if things go according to plan, I should be able to lead a simple said communion at 3pm for those who wish. Nicolette will update people at 11am.
Do look forward to joining you again for morning prayer today at 8:30am. A huge thank you to Mike for keeping it going while I was in the U.K.
This evening we have our service of Holy Communion at 7:30pm.
We have our very postponed workday - subotnik - this coming Saturday, from 1pm to 5pm. Please do come along if you are able to help. We'll order in some pizzas for when we finish!
On Sunday after the service we will have a shared lunch - but we need people to bring along items to share!! Please do bring something with you. We'll also be taking donations which will go to John Kopitsky, who is hosting about 150 refugees from Ukraine on his farm in the Vladimir region.
We have just been sent a message from the Kopitsky’s that they now need tea, coffee, sugar etc. If you can help, please bring on Saturday or Sunday.
Our new icon of the saints from the British Isles of the first millennium (i.e. recognised by both Western and Eastern churches) in place in our chapel.