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SSB Future Officers
#DAILY_PRACTICE #SRT_SET 1. He was reading a book under a tree in the park, he noticed a snake sleeping beside him on the dry leaves. He_______ 2. He went to buy some vegetables but a clash started in the market. He_______ 3.His wife blames him for all…

Chose the best best SRT Response and write the reason

1. He was reading a book under a tree in the park, he noticed a snake sleeping beside him on the dry leaves. He ___
- He slowly stood up and informed nearby people to keep distance.
- He called the park authorities to safely remove the snake.
- He moved away quietly and alerted others around.

2. He went to buy some vegetables but a clash started in the market. He ___
- He quickly moved to a safer area and called the police.
- He tried to calm the situation if it seemed safe to do so.
- He left the market immediately and avoided any involvement.

3. His wife blames him for all the failures at his home. He ___
- He calmly discussed the issues and sought solutions together.
- He reassured her and suggested they work on improvements.
- He listened to her concerns and proposed a plan to address them.

4. He observed his room-mate in the hostel is smoking inside the room. He ___
- He informed his roommate about the hostel rules against smoking.
- He requested his roommate to smoke outside for everyone's safety.
- He reported the issue to the hostel warden if the behavior continued.

5. He is going to the head office, on the way a truckload of apples has fallen down. He ___
- He helped the driver to collect the apples if time permitted.
- He alerted traffic authorities to manage the situation.
- He ensured the road was safe to pass and continued his journey.

6. Heavy rains spoiled the crop in your village. You ___
- He coordinated with local authorities for relief and aid.
- He mobilized villagers to salvage whatever they could.
- He sought government assistance for compensation and future prevention.
SSB Future Officers
#DAILY_PRACTICE #WAT_SET 1.Happiness 2. Educate 3. Soul 4. Business 5. Medicine 6. Exercise 7. Poetry 8. Intelligence 9. Old 10. Patriotism 11. Criticism 12. Fear 13. Past 14. Tear 15. Friendship For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

Responses for todays WAT

1. Happiness
- Happiness is a state of mind.
- Happiness comes from helping others.
- True happiness lies in contentment.

2. Educate
- Educate the young for a bright future.
- Educate yourself daily through reading.
- Educate to eradicate ignorance.

3. Soul
- A kind soul brings joy to others.
- Meditation nourishes the soul.
- A pure soul reflects in actions.

4. Business
- Ethical business practices build trust.
- Innovation drives business growth.
- Good business requires strategic planning.

5. Medicine
- Medicine heals both body and mind.
- Advancements in medicine save lives.
- Preventive medicine is crucial for health.

6. Exercise
- Regular exercise keeps the body fit.
- Exercise reduces stress and anxiety.
- Exercise boosts overall health and energy.

7. Poetry
- Poetry expresses deep emotions.
- Poetry connects hearts and minds.
- Reading poetry inspires creativity.

8. Intelligence
- Intelligence is the ability to learn and adapt.
- Intelligence combined with hard work leads to success.
- Emotional intelligence strengthens relationships.

9. Old
- Old friends share timeless memories.
- Old traditions preserve cultural heritage.
- Wisdom often comes with old age.

10. Patriotism
- Patriotism means serving the nation selflessly.
- True patriotism involves respecting diversity.
- Patriotism inspires unity and strength.

11. Criticism
- Constructive criticism leads to improvement.
- Accepting criticism fosters personal growth.
- Criticism should be fair and unbiased.

12. Fear
- Overcoming fear leads to personal growth.
- Fear is conquered by facing challenges.
- Fear is temporary, but courage is lasting.

13. Past
- Learn from the past, live in the present.
- The past shapes who we are today.
- Reflect on the past to improve the future.

14. Tear
- Tears are a sign of emotional strength.
- Tears can cleanse the soul.
- Tears of joy are priceless.

15. Friendship
- Friendship is built on trust and loyalty.
- True friendship stands the test of time.
- Friendship adds joy to life’s journey.

### Acceptable Responses

1. Happiness
- Happiness is found in simple joys.
- Happiness increases when shared.
- A positive mindset brings happiness.

2. Educate
- Educate girls to empower society.
- Continuous learning educates the mind.
- Good teachers educate effectively.

3. Soul
- A kind soul attracts positivity.
- Music soothes the soul.
- Meditation nurtures the soul.

4. Business
- Ethical business practices build trust.
- Innovation drives business growth.
- Effective management leads to successful business.

5. Medicine
- Medicine cures diseases and saves lives.
- Preventive medicine ensures good health.
- Modern medicine advances rapidly.

6. Exercise
- Regular exercise boosts health.
- Exercise improves mental clarity.
- Morning exercise energizes the day.

7. Poetry
- Poetry expresses deep emotions.
- Poetry connects hearts and minds.
- Reading poetry inspires creativity.

8. Intelligence
- Intelligence is the ability to adapt.
- Intelligence combined with hard work leads to success.
- Emotional intelligence strengthens relationships.

9. Old
- Old traditions preserve culture.
- Old friends share timeless memories.
- Wisdom often comes with old age.

10. Patriotism
- Patriotism means serving the nation selflessly.
- True patriotism involves respecting diversity.
- Patriotism inspires unity and strength.

11. Criticism
- Constructive criticism leads to improvement.
- Accepting criticism fosters personal growth.
- Fair criticism helps in self-improvement.

12. Fear
- Overcoming fear leads to personal growth.
- Fear is conquered by facing challenges.
- Courage eliminates fear.

13. Past
- Learn from the past, live in the present.
- The past shapes who we are today.
- Reflect on the past to improve the future.

14. Tear
- Tears can cleanse the soul.
- Tears are a sign of emotional strength.
- Tears of joy are priceless.

15. Friendship
- True friendship stands the test of time.
- Friendship is built on trust and loyalty.
- Friendship adds joy to life’s journey.

### Not Acceptable Responses

1. Happiness
- Happiness is only found in wealth.
- Happiness is unattainable.
- Happiness is a waste of time.

2. Educate
- Educate only the privileged.
- Education is unnecessary.
- Educate people to follow orders blindly.

3. Soul
- The soul doesn't matter.
- A corrupted soul cannot change.
- The soul is irrelevant to success.

4. Business
- Business is all about profit, no matter the cost.
- Unethical practices are part of business.
- Business success is achieved through deceit.

5. Medicine
- Medicine is only for the rich.
- Ignoring medicine is better.
- Medicine causes more harm than good.

6. Exercise
- Exercise is a waste of time.
- Only athletes need to exercise.
- Exercise leads to exhaustion.

7. Poetry
- Poetry is useless.
- Poetry is a waste of time.
- Poetry is boring and irrelevant.

8. Intelligence
- Intelligence is innate, cannot be developed.
- Intelligence is overrated.
- Only academic intelligence matters.

9. Old
- Old things should be discarded.
- Old people are useless.
- Old traditions hinder progress.

10. Patriotism
- Patriotism is blind obedience.
- Patriotism justifies any action.
- Patriotism is pointless.

11. Criticism
- Criticism should be harsh and unforgiving.
- Criticism discourages people.
- Criticism is always negative.

12. Fear
- Fear should be avoided at all costs.
- Fear controls life.
- Fear cannot be overcome.

13. Past
- The past is irrelevant.
- Dwelling on the past is pointless.
- The past dictates the future completely.

14. Tear
- Tears are a sign of weakness.
- Crying is for the weak.
- Tears should be hidden.

15. Friendship
- Friendship is unnecessary.
- Friends are a burden.
### Acceptable Responses

1. His class teacher was too strict. He…
- He respected the teacher’s authority and focused on his studies.
- He followed the rules and sought clarification when needed.
- He understood the teacher's intent to instill discipline and cooperated fully.

2. It was night time, he had just arrived from a long NCC route march. When his step mother refused to admit him into the house. He…
- He calmly explained the situation to his stepmother and requested entry.
- He found a place to rest for the night and planned to discuss the issue the next day.
- He called a friend or relative nearby and stayed with them for the night.

3. Most of his friends left their home town during war time. He…
- He stayed back to support his family and community.
- He ensured his family’s safety and contributed to local relief efforts.
- He volunteered for civil defense or other local support activities.

4. His poor parents had educated him up to BA bearing many hardships. He keenly felt he must quickly get a job and help his family, but no suitable job was forthcoming. He…
- He continued to apply for jobs while taking up part-time work to support his family.
- He upgraded his skills or pursued further education to improve his job prospects.
- He sought advice and networked to find job opportunities.

5. The college recreation hall was still under construction when the masons went on strike. The principal called upon the girls for help. For a moment none volunteered. She…
- She stepped forward to encourage others and led by example.
- She organized the girls into groups to contribute to the construction effort.
- She discussed with the principal and planned a coordinated effort to complete the work.

6. They had gone on an All-Indian University Tour and he found that their secretary was mishandling the funds. He…
- He reported the issue to the tour leader and suggested corrective measures.
- He gathered evidence and informed the concerned authorities.
- He ensured the funds were properly managed and suggested a more transparent system.

7. After passing her high school, she was forced to take up a job in a bank but she was not interested in it. She…
- She performed her job diligently while exploring her interests in her free time.
- She pursued further studies or training in a field she was passionate about.
- She discussed her aspirations with her family and planned a transition to her desired career.

Solution will be provided only if more then 50 candidates participate in solving the SRT

1. When traveling by train he goes to toilet and on return he finds his brief case is missing.He.....

2. He receives conflicting order from his two superior officers.He.....

3. He was appointed team captain of basket ball but other players revolted against his appointment.He…...

4. An epidemic has spread in the village due
to poor hygienic condition.He…..

5. Once, he discusses his view points others do not listen
to him carefully.He...

6.His parents want him
to marry a wealthy and less educated girl and he has already found a suitable educated girl for himself.He…...

7.He makes a silly mistake and his friend points out. He…

8.He hears the neighbour cry thief-thief at mid night.He....

Healthy and Constructive reviews are welcome.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

Solution to these WAT will be provided only if more then 50 candidates participate in solving these



For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

Here are three acceptable answers for each SRT scenario,

1. When traveling by train he goes to the toilet and on return he finds his briefcase is missing. He.....
- He immediately informs the train conductor and requests to check if anyone has seen his briefcase.
- He calmly searches the nearby areas and asks fellow passengers if they saw anyone taking it.
- He contacts the railway police and provides a detailed description of the briefcase.

2. He receives conflicting orders from his two superior officers. He.....
- He seeks clarification from both officers to understand the priorities and tries to find a balanced solution.
- He evaluates the urgency and importance of both orders and executes the one that aligns with the organization's immediate needs.
- He communicates the conflict to his superiors and asks for a clear directive to avoid any misunderstandings.

3. He was appointed team captain of basketball but other players revolted against his appointment. He…...
- He calls for a team meeting to address their concerns and explains his vision as a captain.
- He demonstrates his leadership and playing skills to earn their respect and support.
- He proposes a team vote to ensure everyone is comfortable with the captaincy decision.

4. An epidemic has spread in the village due to poor hygienic conditions. He…..
- He coordinates with local health authorities to arrange medical camps and sanitation drives.
- He educates villagers about maintaining hygiene and the importance of preventive measures.
- He organizes a clean-up drive with volunteers to improve sanitary conditions in the village.

5. Once, he discusses his viewpoints, others do not listen to him carefully. He...
- He ensures his viewpoints are clear and concise, and engages them with relevant facts and data.
- He actively listens to others' viewpoints first and then respectfully presents his ideas.
- He seeks feedback on why they are not listening and adapts his communication style accordingly.

6. His parents want him to marry a wealthy and less educated girl and he has already found a suitable educated girl for himself. He…...
- He respectfully discusses his feelings and reasons with his parents, highlighting the importance of mutual compatibility.
- He introduces his chosen partner to his parents and demonstrates how she aligns with their family values.
- He seeks a compromise where both his parents' and his preferences are considered.

7. He makes a silly mistake and his friend points it out. He…
- He acknowledges the mistake, thanks his friend for pointing it out, and corrects it immediately.
- He takes it as a learning experience and ensures not to repeat it in the future.
- He maintains a positive attitude, apologizes if necessary, and continues with improved caution.

8. He hears the neighbor cry thief-thief at midnight. He....
- He quickly calls the police and informs them about the situation while ensuring his own safety.
- He alerts other neighbors to create a collective response and checks on the neighbor.
- He assesses the situation to see if immediate help is needed while waiting for the authorities to arrive.

Solution to these WAT will be provided only if more then 50 candidates participate in solving these

1. Failure
2. Fear
3. Anger
4. Hate
5. Disaster
6. Jealousy
7. Pain
8. Conflict
9. Defeat
10. Sickness

Solution will be provided only if more than 50 candidates participate in solving the SRT

1. While walking on a crowded street, he sees a child crying and looking lost. He…

2. He is at work and his colleague faints suddenly. He…

3. He is driving and his car breaks down in a remote area. He…

4. He is attending a team meeting and notices that his team members are not focused. He…

5. He is in an exam hall and realizes that he has forgotten his admit card at home. He…

6. He finds that his subordinate has been consistently missing deadlines. He…

7. He is playing a crucial match and his teammate gets injured. He…

8. He is at a social gathering and someone starts making offensive comments. He…

9. He notices a suspicious unattended bag in a public place. He…

10. He has a flight
to catch in the morning but wakes up late. He…

Healthy and Constructive reviews are welcome.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

Solution to these WAT will be provided only if more than 50 candidates participate in solving these


1. Corruption
2. Laziness
3. Abuse
4. Dishonesty
5. Revenge
6. Neglect
7. Betrayal
8. Hopelessness
9. Violence
10. Addiction

Solution to these WAT will be provided only if more than 50 candidates participate in solving these


1. Prejudice
2. Oppression
3. Envy
4. Injustice
5. Resentment
6. Desperation
7. Cynicism
8. Manipulation
9. Intolerance
Forwarded from SSB Future Officers (DEEPESH)

We feel proud to showcase the achievements of the candidate of "SSB Future Officers" group.

Sairaj got
recommended form 18SSB Allahabad. NDA entry
Congratulations to him and great and adventurous life ahead.

Notes are for just Refference and to understand whole process.

Keep preparing , make SSB your daily life, and we hope we will meet each other in various academies sooner or later.

Do join @ssbgeneraldiscussion
Forwarded from SSB Future Officers (DEEPESH)

We feel proud to showcase the achievements of the candidates and admins of "SSB Future Officers" group, who have joined academies and going through the training to fulfill their dreams to serve the nation.

It was our constant support and their hard/smart work and improvements which helped them
to achieve their goals, and we will be helping the candidates in the same way by providing evey possible material regularly which is helpful in your SSB Preparation.

🏅Admin Bhavana Singh who got featured in recently released AFCAT merit list and joined the prestigious AFA Dindigul.

🏅Aman Kumar Singh who got featured in TES 45 merit list and is under training at CME, Pune.

🏅Digaant Garg, who recently featured in TGC 133 merit list and keeping his boots ready for IMA Dehradun.

And many more ........ And many more yet to get recommended...🏅

Keep preparing , make SSB your daily life, and we hope we will meet each other in various academies sooner or later.

Do join @ssbgeneraldiscussion