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#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #GD_Material

Do you know? Only 39 per cent schools in the country had computers while only 22 per cent had an internet connection in 2019-20.

Here's the detailed information about Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+), a report released by Department of Education and Literacy.

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Dowry System in India{1/2}

◆Dowry is a social evil in society that has caused unimaginable tortures and crimes towards women and polluted the Indian marital system. Dowry is payment made in cash or kind to a bride’s in-laws at the time of her marriage.

◆Today the government has come up with many laws (The Dowry Prohibition Act 1961) and reforms, not only to eradicate the dowry system, but also to uplift the status of the girl child by bringing in many schemes.

◆However, owing to the social nature of this problem, the legislation has failed to produce the desired results in our society.

◆In order to get rid of this problem, appealing to the social and moral consciousness of the people, providing education and economic independence for women, and effective enforcement of legislation against the dowry system, can help.

▪️Impact of Dowry System

✔️Gender Discrimnation: Due to the dowry system, many a times it has been seen that women are seen as a liability and are often subjected to subjugation and are given second hand treatment may it be in education or other amenities.

✔️Affecting Career of Women: The larger context for the practice of dowry is the poor presence of women in the workforce, and their consequent lack of financial independence.

●The Poorer sections of society who send their daughters out to work and earn some money, to help them save up for her dowry.

●The regular middle and upper class backgrounds do send their daughters to school, but don't emphasize career options.

✔️Many Women End Up Being Unmarried: An uncountable number of girls in the country, despite being educated and professionally competent, remain endlessly unmarried because their parents cannot fulfil the demand for pre-marriage dowry.

✔️Objectification of Women: Contemporary dowry is more like an investment by the bride's family for plugging into powerful connections and money making opportunities.

●This renders women as merely articles of commerce.

✔️Crime Against Women: In some cases, the dowry system leads to crime against women, ranging from emotional abuse and injury to even deaths.

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Dowry System in India {2/2}

▪️Way Forward

✔️Recognizing Limitations of Political Solution to Social Problem: No law can be enforced without the wholehearted cooperation of the people.

●Enacting a law no doubt sets a pattern of behaviour, activates social conscience and renders some assistance towards the efforts of social reformers in getting it abolished.

●However, social evil like dowry cannot eradicate itself unless the people carry the philosophy behind the law much further.

✔️Educating Girls: Education and independence is one powerful and valuable gift that parents can give to their daughter.

●This will in turn help her to be financially sound and be a contributing member of the family, giving her respect and right status in the family.

●So providing the daughters with a solid education, and encouraging her to pursue a career of her choice is the best dowry any parent can ever give their daughter.

✔️Creating Social Stigma Around Dowry: Accepting dowry should be made a social stigma, and all generations should be addressed. For this, social consciousness about the ill effects of the dowry system needs to be aroused. In this context:

◆The Union and State governments must take effective steps for stepping up ‘anti-dowry literacy’ among people through Lok Adalats, radio broadcasts, television and newspapers on a ‘continuing’ basis.

◆Youths are the only ray of hope to effectively combat the menace of the dowry system. They must be given moral value based education to broaden their minds and widen their outlook.

✔️Multi Stakeholder Approach: Dowry is not a standalone problem, thus society should take every step to bring gender parity. In this context,

◆States should look at gender-disaggregated data across the life cycle – birth, early childhood, education, nutrition, livelihood, access to healthcare, etc – to address gender inequality.

◆There is a need to expand childcare and safe public transport, reduce discrimination in hiring, and create affirming workplace environments.

◆At home, men should share domestic work and care responsibilities.


The practice of dowry is not only illegal but also unethical. Therefore, the conscience of society needs to be fully awakened to the evils of the dowry system so that the demand for dowry itself should lead to ‘loss of face’ in society for those who demand it.

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1. He and his friend were going for an afternoon walk on a cold, windy day. Suddenly two men surrounded his friend and started removing his wrist watch. He…………………………………

2. Once he was in charge of school library shifting operation from ground floor to 3rd floor when all of a sudden the lift failed in its upward movement in between the floors.

3. His father slipped on a banana peel and hurt his eye badly as they were hurrying towards the railway station to catch the only train to their village. He……………………

4. Her elder brother wanted to celebrate the death of their very old father but she felt otherwise. She…………………………………

5. He was near the playground on his bicycle when the speeding car hit him from behind and he…………………………………

6. A few refugees attacked him while he was distributing rations in a refugee camp. He…………………………………

7. Some of his classmates did not co-operate with him in certain matters and

8. When she comes in conflict with others. She…………………………………

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Important TAT image for all Entries.
Try to write within prescribed time i.e. 4 minutes.
Be honest with your preparation and attempt this image and write a desirable story.

(For better practice,Write the story on A4 paper within prescribed time.)

Healthy and constructive reviews are welcome.

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#Editorial_Analysis #GD_Material #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview

The problem now with the military synergy plan


◆In India, Military, Army and Navy continues to work in silos due to which Prime Minister Modi felt the need to bring about jointness among the three.

◆He assigned the task of Jointness to the first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) of India to bring about a synergy in operations while economising through the elimination of duplication and wasteful practices or processes.

◆Further as said by media reports and debates that the Indian Air Force (IAF) is playing ‘dog in the manger’ and resisting the formation of theatre/functional commands is not true.

◆Based on IAF Doctrine and philosophy, it is clear that IAF is keen to bring in the requisite reforms to improve the war-fighting capabilities of the Indian military as well as economise the cost.

▪️Nuances of air power

◆Media is displaying that IAF wants to fight its own private war but it’s not true.

◆In the current formulation suggested, air power is seen as an adjunct to the two surface forces, the Indian Army and the Indian Navy, leaving the air force divided into penny packets affecting the effectiveness of air operations in any future conflict or contingency.

◆However, It is good that objections and dissenting opinions of air forces come out now itself before the structure is formalised and the use of air power is sub-optimal under the military ethos of “an order is an order”.

▪️Political objectives

●If war is the continuation of politics by other means, first there is a need to define the political objectives flowing into a national security strategy before any effective use of force can be truly contemplated.

●Mightiest militaries have failed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and even our own Indian misadventure in Sri Lanka due to lack of clear political objectives and appropriate military strategies.

●Even after seven decades of Independence, India still does not have a clearly articulated national security strategy.

●Only a clear National security strategy can define the types of contingencies the military is expected to address, for appropriate military strategies, doctrines and required capabilities.

●The strategy should define the structures required for the conduct of synergised operations with the requisite communications and training requirements.

●CDS with the help of national strategy first should identify duplication, wasteful resources and practices and then freeze the structure and hammer square pegs in round holes.

●In doing so, air power may be a lead element, and a large, manpower-intensive army with unusable armour formations may be highlighted.

●Further, the recent conflicts by Air force is due to unwillingness to do away with its power and to be leaded by a land force commander with little expertise in employment of air power and which may lead to failure of air power.

▪️The Army-Air Force silo

◆Historically, the Indian Army has not synced with the IAF and it has kept IAF out of the information loop and demonstrated a penchant to ‘go it alone’.

◆It is said that IAF joined the party late during Kargil (1999) is not true.

◆A lack of knowledge of events and a failure to learn from historical facts may lead to negative consequences.

◆Historically, IAF began conducting reconnaissance missions on May 10 as soon as the Indian Army made a request for attack helicopters, without sharing full information.

◆Also, the request for photo-reconnaissance of the entire area by the army was not made to gather essential intelligence on what the Army was facing, but instead it asked for armed helicopters though IAF highlighted that armed helicopters were unsuitable at these altitudes and their vulnerability.

◆The use of offensive air power close to the Line of Control required the political leadership to be kept informed but the Army was unwilling to do.

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#Editorial_Analysis #GD_Material #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview


◆Chief of Army Staff (CoAS) has himself admitted that information was not shared even between the Director General of Military Operation (DGMO) and the Director General of Military Intelligence (DGMI) within Army headquarters, much less with the IAF, this was despite the Defence Programme post-1962 which was based on the assumption that China posed the major threat and that the IAF be made capable of assuming some of the Army’s deterrence capability.

▪️Echoes from Kargil

●The Chinese incursion into Eastern Ladakh last year is reminiscent of Kargil, However India’s clear intent to use combat air power, as against 1962, has significantly contributed in deterring China.

●The continuing build-up of the infrastructure for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) in Tibet has further emphasised the need for an air-land strategy, with air power as the lead element to deter or defeat the Chinese designs at coercion.

▪️Address the structural gaps

●There is a need for an institutionalised higher defence organisation, after the Defence Committee of the Cabinet (DCC) became defunct in the 1950s, leading to little regular dialogue between the political and military leadership, except in crises resulting in knee-jerk responses.

●CDS, being the permanent chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC), would exercise operational control and functional commands, that may be unpalatable to the politico-bureaucratic leadership and lead to further deliberations.


◆Instead of fixing structures without adequate deliberations and discussions with all stakeholders, First there is a need to evolve appropriate military strategies in a nuclear backdrop in concert with the political objectives.

◆After a clear national security strategy, joint planning and training for all foreseen contingencies, with war-gaming, would automatically show the payh way for the required structures with suitable command, control and communications.


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Child Soldier Recruiter List

✔️Why in the news- The United States of America has recently added Pakistan and 14 other countries to a Child Soldier Recruiter List.

◆The US Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) requires the publication in the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report a list of foreign governments that have recruited or used child soldiers during the previous year (April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021).

◆It identifies foreign governments having government-supported armed groups that recruit or use child soldiers, a designation that could result in restrictions on certain security assistance and commercial licensing of military equipment.

◆The countries which have been added to the annual TIP list of the US State Department this year are: Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.

▪️Definition of a Child soldier

◆The recruitment or use of children below the age of 15 as soldiers is prohibited by both the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions, and is considered a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

▪️Optional Protocol

●The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child further prohibits kids under the age 18 from being compulsorily recruited into state or non-state armed forces or directly engaging in hostilities.

●The United States is a party to the Optional Protocol.

▪️About Convention on the Rights of the Child

●It is a treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 and entered into force on September 2, 1990.

●It recognises a child as every human being under 18 years old.

●It sets out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child, regardless of their race, religion or abilities.

●It includes rights such as Right to Education, Right to Rest and Leisure, Right to Protection from Mental or Physical Abuse including Rape and Sexual Exploitation.

●Currently, 193 countries have ratified the CRC which is the world’s most widely ratified human rights treaty.

●It further prohibits the state parties from recruiting children under 15 into the armed forces.


The CRC requires states to refrain from using children under 15 in direct hostilities; the Optional Protocol rises this age to 18.

▪️What are prohibited for countries in the list?

●The following types of security assistance are prohibited for countries that are in the list:

•Licenses for direct commercial sales of military equipment
•Foreign military financing for the purchase of defense articles and services, as well as design and construction services
•International military education and training
•Excess defense articles
•Peacekeeping operations

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