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#Important_notes_ssb #GD_Material

Opportunities for India Under Quad Arrangement

Checkmating China
◆The maritime space is a lot more important to China than engaging in opportunistic land grab attempts in the Himalayas.
◆A huge chunk of Chinese trade happens via the Indian oceanic routes that pass through maritime chokepoints.
◆In the event of any chinese aggression on borders, India by cooperation with Quad countries can potentially disrupt chinese trade.
◆Hence, unlike in the continental sphere where India seems facing a ‘nutcracker like situation’ due to China-Pakistan collusion, the maritime sphere is wide open to India to undertake coalition building, rule setting, and other forms of strategic exploration.

Emerging as a Net Security Provider
●There is a growing great power interest in the maritime sphere, especially with the arrival of the concept of ‘Indo-Pacific’. For instance, many european countries have recently released their Indo-Pacific strategies.
●With India, located right at the centre of the Indo-Pacific geopolitical imagination can realise the vision of a ‘broader Asia’ that can extend its influence away from geographical boundaries.
●Moreover, India can build around collective action in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, monitoring shipping for search and rescue or anti-piracy operations, infrastructure assistance to climatically vulnerable states, connectivity initiatives and similar activities.
●Further, India with Quad countries can check imperialist policies of China in Indian ocean region and ensure Security and growth for all in the region.

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Issues Related to Quad

Undefined Vision: Despite the potential for cooperation, the Quad remains a mechanism without a defined strategic mission.

Maritime Dominated: The entire focus on the Indo-Pacific makes the Quad a maritime, rather than a land-based grouping, raising questions whether the cooperation extends to the Asia-Pacific and Eurasian regions.

India’s Aversion of Alliance System: The fact that India is the only member that is averse to a treaty alliance system, has slowed down the progress of building a stronger Quadrilateral engagement.

Way Forward

Need For Clear Vision: The Quad nations need to better explain the Indo-Pacific Vision in an overarching framework with the objective of advancing everyone’s economic and security interests.
●This will reassure the littoral States that the Quad will be a factor for regional benefit, and a far cry from Chinese allegations that it is some sort of a military alliance.
●The forthcoming Ministerial meetings can be an opportunity to define the idea and chart a future path.

Expanding Quad: India has many other partners in the Indo-Pacific, therefore India should pitch for countries like Indonesia, Singapore to be invited to join in the future.

Need for a Maritime Doctrine: India should develop a comprehensive vision on the Indo-Pacific which would ideate on the current and future maritime challenges, consolidate its military and non-military tools, engage its strategic partners.

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Since the October month is not over yet,hence there is non availability of the compiled current affairs for the same month,but the current affairs of the month is as important as the previous month CA for the upcoming AFCAT,CDS exam.

So here,we are uploading the Weekly Current Affairs for the same month.
The rest part will be uploaded as the week passes.

Give wings to your Defence Exam Preparation and SSB Interview Preparation and come with the flying colours.

Jai Hind🇮🇳

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#Important_notes_ssb #Defence_equipment #Defence_News

Shaurya Missile

Why in News-Recently, a successful trial of the nuclear-capable Shaurya missile was conducted by India.

◆Also, Brahmos land attack cruise missile was tested a few days before this testing.

Shaurya Missile:
●Shaurya is a land variant of short-range Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) K-15 Sagarika, which has a range of at least 750 kilometers.
●It is capable of carrying payloads of 200 kg to 1000 kg.
●It is a surface-to-surface tactical missile.
●These ballistic missiles belong to the K missile family - codenamed after late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam - which are launched from Arihant class of nuclear submarines.
●Shaurya, like many of the modern missiles, is a canister-based system, which means that it is stored and operated from specially designed compartments.
●The missile is less vulnerable to anti-ballistic missile defence systems due to its high maneuverability.

The K Family of Missiles:
◆The K family of missiles are primarily Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs).
◆These have been indigenously developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
◆The development of these missiles began in the late 1990s as a step towards completing India’s nuclear triad.
◆Nuclear triad is the capability of launching nuclear weapons from land, sea and air-based assets.
◆Because these missiles are to be launched from submarines, they are lighter, smaller and stealthier than their land-based counterparts - the Agni series of missiles which are medium and intercontinental range nuclear capable ballistic missiles.
◆India has also developed and successfully tested multiple times the K-4 missiles from the family which has a range of 3500 km.
◆The early development trials of K-15 and K-4 missiles had begun in the early 2010s.
◆K-5 and K-6 with ranges of 5000 and 6000 km are also under development.

Strategic Importance of SLBMs:

Nuclear Deterrence: The capability of SLMBs has great strategic importance in the context of achieving a nuclear triad, especially in the light of the ‘no first use’ policy of India which acts as a deterrent.
●These submarines can not only survive a first strike by the adversary but also can launch a strike in retaliation thus achieving Credible Nuclear Deterrence.
●The development of these capabilities is important in light of India’s relations with the two neighbours China and Pakistan.

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#Personal_Interview #Defence_News

Ballistic Missile
◆It is a rocket-propelled self-guided strategic-weapons system that follows a parabolic trajectory to deliver a payload from its launch site to a predetermined fixed target.
◆Ballistic missiles can carry conventional high explosives as well as chemical, biological, or nuclear munitions.

Ballistic Missile Defence System in India
●A Ballistic Missile Defence system (BMD) is a missile defence system that acts as a shield against ballistic missile attacks.
●India’s BMD development began in 1999, after the Kargil war.
●The primary aim was to augment India’s defence against possible nuclear attack from Pakistan.
●India seeks to deploy a functional ‘iron dome’ ballistic missile defence (BMD), incorporating both low-altitude and high-altitude interceptor missiles.
●India’s BMD is primarily developed by DRDO with help of many public and private firms like BEL, Astra Microwave, L&T, etc.
Ballistic missiles of India: Agni, K-4 (SLBM), Prahaar, Dhanush, Prithvi and Trishul.

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Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012

●It was enacted to protect the children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography with due regard for safeguarding the interest and well-being of children.
●It defines a child as any person below eighteen years of age and regards the best interests and welfare of the child as a matter of paramount importance at every stage, to ensure the healthy physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of the child.
●It defines different forms of sexual abuse, including penetrative and non-penetrative assault, as well as sexual harassment and pornography.
●It deems a sexual assault to be “aggravated” under certain circumstances, such as when the abused child is mentally ill or when the abuse is committed by a person in a position of trust or authority like a family member, police officer, teacher, or doctor.
●It also casts the police in the role of child protectors during the investigative process.
●The Act stipulates that a case of child sexual abuse must be disposed of within one year from the date the offence is reported.
●It was amended in August 2019 to provide more stringent punishment, including the death penalty, for sexual crimes against children.

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#Current_Affairs #Defence_News #Defence_equipment

DRDO successfully flight tests supersonic missile assisted release of torpedo

◆India successfully flight tested the Supersonic Missile Assisted Release of Torpedo (SMART) from Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha on 5th October 2020.

◆All mission objectives, including missile flight upto the range and altitude, separation of the nose cone, the release of Torpedo and deployment of Velocity Reduction Mechanism (VRM), were met perfectly in the flight test.

◆This will be a major technology breakthrough for stand-off capability in anti-submarine warfare.

◆SMART is a missile assisted release of lightweight Anti-Submarine Torpedo System for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations for far beyond torpedo range. This launch and demonstration are significant in establishing ASW capabilities.

◆A number of DRDO laboratories, including DRDL, RCI Hyderabad, ADRDE Agra, NSTL Visakhapatnam, have developed the technologies required for SMART.

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#Defence_News #Defence_equipment

72,000 Sig Sauer Assault Rifles for Indian Army

1. The Indian Army is laying the groundwork to buy an additional 72,000 Sig Sauer assault rifles from the US, officials said. These rifles will cost Rs 780 crore, the spokesperson said.⁣

2. This proposed purchase follows an order for 72,400 assault rifles placed with the US last year. India signed the previous order worth Rs 700 crore in early 2019 and the deliveries of all the rifles have been completed.⁣

3. The DAC, headed by defence minister Rajnath Singh, also cleared the purchase of the smart anti-airfield weapon at a cost of Rs 970 crore to add to the firepower of the navy and the air force, the ministry said in a statement.⁣

4. The remaining requirements of the army will be met through a Make in India project for the local production of AK-203 assault rifles at Amethi’s Korwa, and this procurement is in its final stage.

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