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36th ASEAN Summit -

Why in News-Recently, the 36th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit was held via video conference to focus on the Covid-19 pandemic response, post-pandemic recovery and further cooperation with partner countries.

●The theme for the Summit was "Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN".

●The Summit was chaired by Vietnam which is also holding the chairmanship of ASEAN currently.

Key Points

ASEAN Covid-19 Response Fund:
--The summit has decided to establish the ASEAN Covid-19 response fund with a reserve for medical supplies to meet urgent needs during epidemics.
--A special ASEAN meeting convened in April to tackle the pandemic had failed to agree on an emergency fund.
--It has also decided to build the ASEAN standard procedures of epidemic response in case of health emergencies.

Crippling Economies:
--The Summit has stated that the ASEAN region's economy is expected to contract for the first time in 22 years.
--It has also focussed on the crippling cost of the coronavirus, which has ravaged the economies of tourism and export-reliant countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.

South China Sea Issue:
--The Summit noted concerns over land reclamations and recent developments in the South China Sea.
--China claims most of the resource-rich South China Sea but is also contested by Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan.
--Vietnam had also accused China of sinking its trawler. This incident had prompted the USA to warn that China is trying to exploit the pandemic situations of other states to expand its unlawful claims.
--The USA is not a claimant to any territories in the South China Sea but has sent its navy to patrol the area in support of freedom of navigation, while China had slammed this move as an interference in regional affairs by an outside power.
--Both Vietnam and Philippines lodged protests with China after it unilaterally declared the creation of new administrative districts on islands.
--Also, in April China has officially named 80 islands and other geographical features in the disputed waters to which Vietnam and the Philippines also have competing claims.

--The Summit has also called on parties to refrain from escalating tensions and abide by responsibilities under international laws.

Way Forward
◆The pandemic has already thrown the challenges within the political, economic and social environment of the world and in each region.
◆The major economies like the US, EU and India etc. are witnessing economic shutdowns due to the lockdown imposed by the pandemic.This, in turn, has reduced the demand for oil and dragged the oil prices to a historic low.
◆Irresponsible acts which are also violations of international law are affecting the environment of security and stability in certain regions. Thus, cooperation among regions as well as among countries to manage such geopolitical tensions and pandemic situations are expected to resolve such scenarios.

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#GD_Material #Current_Affairs

The World Drug Report 2020: UN

Why in News-Recently, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in its 2020 World Drug Report, has highlighted the possible consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on Illegal Drug Production, Supply and Consumption.

India and Illicit Drug Trade
◆Major Hub of Illicit Drug Trade: According to a report by the United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), India is one of the major hubs of illicit drug trade ranging from age-old cannabis to newer prescription drugs like tramadol, and designer drugs like methamphetamine.

Drug Trafficking Routes: India is in the middle of two major illicit opium production regions in the world, the Golden Crescent (Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan) in the west and the Golden Triangle (South-East Asia) in the east.

Associated Challenges:

Easy Borders: The borders are porous and difficult to control in the lower Mekong region so cross-border movements in many places are not significantly hindered by Covid-19 measures.
Evolving Ways of Trafficking: The methods of containerised trafficking, couriers and body-packing have reduced due to shutting down of borders and trade. However, dealers might come up with other ways limiting the impact of reduced trade.
Limited Control: There is limited government control in the Golden Triangle, trafficking would continue at high volumes.
Unaffected Supply: The supply of precursor chemicals is not likely to be disrupted because major organised crime groups source chemicals through direct diversion from industry and not diversion from illicit overseas trade channels.

Way Forward
◆Additional efforts would be required at the national, regional, and international level to carefully analyse methods and trends to understand changes to drug markets in the wake of the pandemic.
◆There is a need to understand the change in the strategy of drug trafficking organisations as a result of the Covid-19 measures.
◆Therefore, use of maritime trafficking routes from Myanmar along the Andaman Sea, some of which cross Indian territorial waters must be strategically observed by India to curb the trafficking.
◆Moreover, methods or procedures to deal with illicit drug supply, their usage must be institutionalised in order to ensure that fight against this menace is not compromised in face of a pandemic or any other crisis.

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#Important_notes_ssb #Current_Affairs

Anti-Drug Action Plan for 2020-21

Why in News-Recently, on the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking an annual Anti-Drug Action Plan for 2020-21 for 272 districts was launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

●The plan includes awareness generation programmes, identification of drug-dependent population, focus on treatment facilities and capacity-building for service-providers to curb drug abuse and alcoholism.
◆Drug abuse or substance abuse is the use of illegal drugs (Heroin, Morphine, Opium etc), or the use of prescription drugs for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used.

Key Points
Action Plan for 2020-21:

De-addiction Facilities: These would be set up in the “most affected” 272 districts identified by the Narcotics Control Bureau focussing on building up treatment and de-addiction facilities and giving emphasis on reaching the youth and high risk population.
--The districts mostly belong to Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and the North-East.

Drop-in-Centres for Addicts: The focus will be on setting up drop-in-centres for addicts and also on peer-led community based outreach programmes for high risk populations – particularly the youth.
--These centres will have provision for screening, assessment and counselling and would provide linkage to treatment and rehabilitation services for drug dependents.

Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs): Funded by the Ministry, IRCAS would reach out to communities to help those affected by drug addiction.

Drug-Free India Campaign: The ministry also announced the launch of the ‘Nasha Mukt Bharat’, or Drug-Free India Campaign which focuses on community outreach programmmes.

◆To step-up the battle against the severe challenge posed by drug use and alcoholism, the campaign will focus not just on institutional support but also on community outreach programmes in the districts identified in coordination.

Way Forward
●The action plan aims at addiction-free India by countering the growing menace especially across colleges and universities. However, there is a need to design a more targeted campaign against drugs and substance abuse.
Addiction should not be seen as a character flaw, but as an ailment that any other person could be struggling with. Therefore, the stigma associated with drug taking needs to be reduced through social awareness and voluntary processes like medical help by psychologists, as well as strong support from family.

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UN 75 Declaration -

Why in News-Recently, a commemorative declaration marking the 75th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations (UN) Charter was delayed as member states could not reach an agreement on phraseology.

Key Points-

The Five Eyes (FVEY)— Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States— along with India, objected to the use of a phrase “shared vision of a common future”, which is associated with China.
--The Five Eyes (FVEY) network is an intelligence sharing alliance between these five countries.

◆The ‘silence’ process was broken at the request of the U.K’s Ambassador to the UN, who wrote a letter on behalf of the six countries to the President of the 74th General Assembly, suggesting alternative wording.

Silence process is a procedure by which a resolution passes if no formal objections are raised within a stipulated time.

◆However, China, on behalf of itself and Russia, Syria and Pakistan raised objections to the silence being broken.

◆The current impasse comes at a time when China’s relationships with a number of countries, including India, Australia and the U.S.A, are strained.

◆Given the impasse, the UN General Assembly President has suggested an alternatively phrased declaration, which he has placed under the silence procedure.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

for all AFCAT entry and AFSB candidates

1)What is the honarary rank of IAF and who all have got it?

2)What is meant by sonic boom?

3)What is ceiling with respect to aeronautics?

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Forwarded from DEEPESH

One Sun One World One Grid

In recent years, India has leveraged forums like the G20 and the UNFCCC to collaborate with major powers in new areas of growth and in bringing about global reforms. One such initiative is One Sun One World One Grid’ (OSOWOG).

Under OSOWOG vision, India seeks to replicate its global solar leadership (International Solar Alliance) by encouraging the phased development of a single globally connected solar electricity grid to leverage the multiple benefits (Low cost, Zero pollution) of solar energy.

The underlying logic behind OSOWOG is that a grid spread across multiple time zones could balance intermittent renewables with other renewables: the setting sun in one part of the grid is made up for by solar, wind or hydropower produced in a distant place.

#GD_Material #Defence_News

One Rank - One Pension

◆One Rank One Pension means ‘Retired soldier of the same rank and have same length of service will receive same pension irrespective of their date of retirement’.

◆Indra Gandhi led congress government in 1973 during Third pay commission terminated one rank one pension.

◆It was the long-awaited demand of military personnel and PM Narendra Modi led NDA government approved OROP in 2015.

●One rank one pension benefit many retired soldiers and to wives of martyred.

●Equal payment issued to soldiers irrespective of their retirement date. Earlier if a sepoy retired in 1996 was receiving 82% lower pension than the sepoy who retired in 2006.

●It has created equity among the pensions of military personnel to that of civilian.

●Now pensions will be increased automatically with every pay commission.

●Increased pension is easing the life of old pensioner as the cost of living is getting higher with time.

●Through implementing one rank one pension, government is standing with their soldiers.

◆The total cost of one rank one pension had put enormous pressure on the government treasury.

◆Since the pension is on the basis of rank, higher rank will be paid higher pension than the other ranks even though the cost of living is same.

◆More significance is given to rank, not to the number of years of service. It is not fair to those soldiers who rendered more service to the nation.

◆One rank one pension will put burden on government in near future as there might a chance government will pay more to pensioners than to the serving.

◆It may create similar demands in future by other serving personnel or citizens for increase in their pension. It will be hard for the government to handle public pressure and again it will create pressure on government budget.

◆One rank one pension is the right of every serving and retired military personnel who are continuously risking their lives for our sake and for our nation.
◆At times, this is the only source of income to martyred families. Government had understood this and one rank one pension is now implemented. Government is also working for their well-being through various schemes.

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