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Handwritten notes by recommended candidates are available, accessed by ex. psychologist.(original material , you will not find these responses in any book or on any YouTube channel , use these notes for your own recommendation, )

Especially for repeaters these notes are really fruitful , check them

- 40+ acceptable TAT stories, full of actions, OLQs, and new ideas,
- WATs,
- Responses to Interview questions, and
- Self descriptions are available on demand.
- along with PIQ
Check the reality and gain the confidence on your own responses.

These notes are assessed by ex senior psychologist of 1AFSB dehradun
If interested, contact on WhatsApp number
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SSB group discussion , SSB Lecturette ,**interview GK** topic has been covered in this pdf.
Paid pdf 150/-
If interested, contact on WhatsApp number 8527747120
#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_Navy

Vice Admiral Puneet K Bahl took over as the Commandant, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala on 26 Dec 21.

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#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_Navy

The Western Fleet, known as the ‘Sword Arm’ of the Indian Navy, witnessed a change of helm on 27 December 2021 as Rear Admiral Ajay Kochhar, NM handed over the baton to Rear Admiral Sameer Saxena, NM.

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#Personal_Interview #INTERVIEW_QUESTION

❗️Common SSB PI Questions asked for Freshers

1. Why do you want to join defence ?

2. Tell me about your schooling , best friends , fav teachers , subjects you liked , all the activities you were involved in , which subjects you chose after 10 and why , all the competitive exams you attempted , and their results .

3. These questions are called rapid fire questions , there is nothing to panic, stay calm and they are easy to remember  because they are connected  to each other .

4. Tell me about your family , your siblings , what you like and dislike about your father , with whom you are more friendly , how you solve a problem or issue at your home .

5. What will you do if you do not get selected ?

6.Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses , what  did you do to improve them ?

7.Tell me about your hobbies , likes and dislikes ?

8.Which arm are you aspiring for ?

9.Questions related to national and international current affairs ?

10. Tell me something about yourselves ?

11. What are your  career plans ?

12.Which qualities do you like and dislike about your best friends ?

13.Who is your role model and why ?

14.Do you have boyfriend / girlfriend ? If yes tell me about his/her qualities you like and dislikes . If no , tell me about the qualities you want in your partner ?

15.Tell me about a situation when you cried / helped someone etc ,officer will give a situation based on your personality .

16. Rate your performance during the SSB out of 10 and why do you think so ?

17.What do you like to do during your free time ?

18. Which is your fav subject ?

19. Did you join any coaching institute ?

20.Tell me about the place you reside in?

21.Tell me about your participation in sports ?

22.What is the meaning of your name  ?

23. Suppose you are the Prime Minister of India for one day , what will you do ?

24. Do you smoke if yes , how often ?

25.You will be asked about military , that shows a  candidate’s knowledge and interest about the organization is aspiring for .

26. If you are given 60,000 or so how will you spend this amount ?

27.What is your daily routine ?

28.If you are granted three wishes what they would be  ?

29.Tell me about a situation when you were mentally broken and how you overcame that ?

30. With whom you want to travel in the train , parents or friends ?

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#Personal_Interview #INTERVIEW_QUESTION

❗️Common Questions asked for Repeaters at SSB PI

1. Why you were not selected in you previous SSB ?

2. What special preparation you have done this time to clear SSB ?

3. What are your weaknesses and what have you done in the previous months to overcome that ?

4. What have you performed best during your previous SSB ?

5. You are left with how many SSB attempts ?

6. What is your career plan if you get rejected this time too ?

7. Tell me something about this selection centre and city ?

8. What are your strengths, tell me about a situation where you used have used your biggest strength ?

9. Who is your role model and why ?

10. Which arm are you aspiring for or which regiment will you join if you get selected ?

11. How do you face rejections and start preparing again ?

12. Why do you want to join Army / Navy / Air Force?

13. Tell me the organisational structure, new weapons inducted , and Battles Army / Navy / Air Force have fought ?

14. Did you join any coaching institute ? Tell me about the experience and learnings ?

15. What is your daily routine ? What do you like to do during your during your free time ?

16. What motivates and demotivates you, how do you overcome demotivation ?

17. What is your biggest fear in life

18. When did you decide to join defence forces and what have you done to prepare yourself for the forces ?

19. How are you different , give me some reasons to select you ?

20. Whom do you like the most , your mother or father ? Tell me about the qualities you like and dislike in both of them .

21. Situational based questions can be asked based upon candidate’s fears to check his mental stability and ability to overcome fear ? Example – What will you do if a lion is coming Towards you in the jungle.

22. Did you make friends during previous SSB, tell me about them?

23. General rapid fire questions can be asked. Rapid fire questions

24. 7-9 questions asked together in a series together. These Questions follows a pattern that makes them easy to remember. Example ; Tell me about your schooling, subjects you liked and disliked, which stream you chose in 11 and why, which all competitive exams you gave and cleared etc.

25. Do you have any girlfriend / boyfriend ? If yes tell me about her/him. If no. then what all qualities you will look for into your future partner ?

26. If I give you 50,000 or so, how will you spend that ?

27. What is the meaning of your name, who gave you this and why?

28. Tell me about the social services you have done in your life so far?

29. Tell me about all the extra – curricular activities you participated in, did you join NCC or NSS tell me about that briefly ?

30. Tell me about the biggest thing on your life that you are proud of ?

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#Editorial_Analysis #Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette

Nuclear: A more Reliable Source of Energy{1/2}

◆In the immediate past, the world was dealing with a power and energy crisis. While the factors that caused this emergency differ country to country, the upshot has been a clamour to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase production of renewable energy.

◆However, the current green energy paradigm needs some serious examination in terms of 24x7 availability of these renewable resources.

◆Notwithstanding that Nuclear Power may be the cheapest, greenest and safest source of energy currently known to man. Every time the word “nuclear" is uttered, it gets a negative and often hysterical response rather than a reasoned fact-based one.

◆In the Indian context, nuclear, despite being a cleaner fuel, remains outside the priority list of power sources in India; India contributes only 1.72% of global nuclear installed capacity.

❗️Nuclear Energy

〰️About: Nuclear energy comes from splitting atoms in a reactor to heat water into steam, turn a turbine and generate electricity.

◆Inside nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors and their equipment contain and control the chain reactions, most commonly fuelled by Uranium-235, to produce heat through fission.

〰️Emissions from Nuclear Power Generation: Nuclear power is zero-emission. It has no greenhouse gases or air pollutants.

〰️Land Usage: According to US government data, a 1,000-megawatt nuclear plant requires 360 times less land than a similar-capacity wind farm and 75 times less land than solar plants.

✔️Nuclear Over Renewables:

〰️Renewables are Unstable Sources: Solar and wind energy are intermittent and unstable. The power from these sources can only be generated when the sun shines or wind blows.

●Even in the best case scenario, solar and wind farms do not and can never generate power round the clock, they require fossil-fuel back-up.

●Currently, 24% of Britain’s power comes from wind. But the country saw an unexpected “windless summer" this year, which is one of the reasons for the UK power crisis.

〰️Ecological Damage from Renewables: Wind and solar projects can cause ecological damage to the relatively pristine areas where they are set up.

●It is conservatively estimated that 500,000 birds are being killed every year by collision with wind turbines in the US.

〰️Nuclear as an Alternative: In contrast to the intermittent nature of renewables like solar and wind, nuclear power can be used both to cover the electrical base load and for peak load operations.

●Among the EU nations, Germany’s household-sector electricity price is the highest in the EU: $0.37 per kilowatt-hour (KwH) whereas in France, it’s $0.19.

●Power in France is much cheaper and cleaner as the country is mainly dependent on nuclear energy.

●In 2020, nuclear power made up 78% of the energy France generated, and renewables 19%. Fossil fuels accounted for only 3%.

〰️Nuclear Energy and India: India under the Prime Ministership of Dr Manmohan Singh signed the Indo-US nuclear deal.

◆However, due to the usual protests and short-term political thinking not much strict actions were taken in the direction and only 3% of the power India generates is nuclear.

◆In September 2021, the government announced that India would triple its nuclear power capacity in the next 10 years.

❗️Issues Associated to Nuclear Energy

〰️Lack of Public Funding: Nuclear power has never received the quantum of generous subsidy the fossil fuel received in the past and renewable is receiving currently.

◆In absence of public funding, nuclear power will find it tough to compete against natural gas and renewables in the future.

〰️Factors Pulling Nuclear Out of Competition: Increasingly poor economics of nuclear power across the world, skyrocketing construction costs, made worse by the post-Fukushima safety upgrades, and reliance on massive government subsidies are making nuclear power uncompetitive.

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#Editorial_Analysis #Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette

Nuclear: A more Reliable Source of Energy{2/2}


〰️Poor Financial Conditions of Investors: The dire financial state of the foreign companies (Toshiba-Westinghouse and Areva) that were planning to build nuclear power plants in India is also the cause of failure of nuclear energy as a priority resource for India.

◆The very survival of these companies is at stake today as either they are indebted to the State or their value has been degraded due to competition.

〰️Grassroots Resistance: Reluctance towards new nuclear power plants in India resulted in considerable delay in commissioning the Kudankulam plant and forced the shifting of Westinghouse’s first planned project from Gujarat to Andhra Pradesh.

〰️Acquisition of Land: Land acquisition and selection of location for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is also a major problem in the country.

NPP’s like Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu and Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh have met with several delays due to the land acquisition related challenges.

Way Forward

〰️Utilising the Available Resources: The estimated natural deposits of Uranium are about 70,000 tonnes and Thorium are about 3, 60,000 tonnes in the country.

◆Hence, India imports much of the uranium it uses. However, it is both expensive and geopolitically tricky.

◆Instead of spending large amounts in imports of uranium, it shall invest ambitiously in projects that convert thorium to fissile uranium and produce power.

〰️Addressing the Pre-Project Issues: The government must address issues related to the pre-project activities such as land acquisition at new sites, clearances from various ministries especially from the environment ministry and finding timely foreign collaborators.

◆In addition, continuous efforts must be made to bring down the capital cost of nuclear power plants.

〰️Addressing Safety Concerns: Safety which is a major concern should be addressed on priority basis.

◆Complete phasing out of nuclear power generation for the fear of nuclear accident would be a wrong move.

◆If nuclear energy is generated adhering to the highest standards of safety, there is less possibility of catastrophic accidents.

◆In this regard, setting up a Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority at the earliest would be helpful to the nuclear power programmes in the country.

〰️Technological Support: Reprocessing and enrichment capacity also require boost in India. For this India needs advanced technology to fully utilise the spent fuel and for enhancing its enrichment capacity.


●The global energy crisis should spur a rational relook at an energy source as clear as nuclear which needlessly seen as a hot potato.

●We must make the right choices between various low-carbon technologies, all of which have some social and environmental impact.

●To meet rising energy demands, nuclear power is one of the better solutions. Considering lower capacity utilisation of renewables, rising fossil fuel prices and ever soaring pollution problems, the potential of nuclear power must be fully exploited.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

2. Streak
3. Pick
4. Train
5. Respect
6. Warm
7. Rogue
8. Dew
9. Crime

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

1. While going on a cycle trip, your cycle got punctured and no one in that place and it is getting dark, you will...

2. Your long back friend asks you some money which you have, but you already know that he has the habit of drinking. You will...

3. Due to metro rail works, you find your normal way of traffic is blocked and its getting late for meeting and members waiting at meeting hall are yelling at you, You will..

4. You get less score in 12th standard and because of this, you get seat in rural college and as you were from city boys are not friendly with you. You will...

5. You are about to start to office and your mother faints in kitchen, you are asking leave to boss which he neglects the appeal. You will...

6. You are in urgent need of birth certificate at taluk office but the clerk asks you some bribe for urgent delivery, you will...

7. Because of strenuous training for competition, he got severe muscle cramp before the match day, He will...

8. After your graduation you get high paid job at the same time you get seat for master degree at Government College. You will...

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion

Important TAT image for all Entries.
Try to write within prescribed time i.e. 4 minutes.
Be honest with your preparation and attempt this image and write a desirable story.

(For better practice,Write the story on A4 paper within prescribed time.)

Healthy and constructive reviews are welcome.

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All defence aspirants, trying for the Indian Army entry must posses knowledge of the Indian Army.
You must be aware of the weapons, the heroes, history of the Army, rank structures, and current affairs.

This above pdf contains each and every thing
Paid - 100/- only
One stop for army**

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