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Environment Day Event LIVE

Watch on 'Awakening' Channel on JIO TV, the LIVE telecast from Mumbai, as Sadhguru, Swami Ramdev, Acharya Lokesh and BK Shivani come together for - "Environment Protection For Peace & Harmony".
Date: 5th June, 6:00pm
Jio TV: https://jiotv.com
The event will also be telecast on:
Awakening TV: http://awakeningtv.in/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ8kxAu_on_YzVPMjB03rqA

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DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniEnglish
Om Swami (Youtube)
Question and Answer - Motivation and Meditation

The first question is that sometimes you lose your motivation right at the last stretch of doing something. When it is time to reap the rewards, you just throw the towel and say, “I can’t do it anymore.” Why? What to do? First of all, always remember the 80-20 rule. 80 percent of the things will take 20 percent of time and 20 percent of the things will take 80 percent of time. So, when you think you are nearly done, you are far from done. You think you are done or I can see the end, it’s like that. You think it is the tiny black hole or this much of place but there is plenty in it.

Listen to this insightful Q&A session by Om Swami.
BKShivani (Youtube)
Living With Negative Thoughts: BK Shivani at Visalia, California

BK Shivani shares the need to check the source of our anxiety, fear, stress and worry. We are creating a constant stream of negative thoughts throughout the day about small and big situations. Yet we believe negative thoughts and emotions are natural, and they are coming to us from the world around us.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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BKShivani (Youtube)
How To Accept People Who Make Mistakes? BK Shivani at Visalia, California

Join BK Shivani who explains how to accept people who make mistakes. When we see someone at fault, we get angry or upset, and blame them to be the cause of our pain. Actually they are in more pain. We need to create pure and loving thoughts for them. Our acceptance heals and empowers them to change.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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BKShivani (Youtube)
Your Words Can CHANGE THEM: BK Shivani

Join BK Shivani to understand the essence of blessings. We each have the power to bless people with our every thought and word. Pure thoughts which we create for people empower them and us and become a blessing for everyone. Negative thoughts of being judgmental, critical, hurt, and jealous, dis-empower us and them.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniHindi
BKShivani (Youtube)
Why Is It Difficult To Understand People?: Ep 36: BK Shivani (Hindi)

BK Shivani explains that each soul is a bundle of several sanskars created over several lifetimes. We can never really know people as they truly are. We understand them through the filter of our sanskars. And then we map that person to the image in our mind, constantly trying to match them with that image.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniHindi
BKShivani (Youtube)
"Why Are They Like This?": Ep 37: BK Shivani (Hindi)

A repeatedly questioning mind cannot be happy, reiterates BK Shivani. If we always point fingers at people’s sanskars – “Why is he this way?”, “They should have said so” and so on, we can never be peaceful. Even if someone is wrong, our role is to accept them which means not get disturbed, and then share our opinion.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniHindi
Om Swami (Youtube)
Gyaan ki Avasthaiyen|| Stages of Knowledge - [Hindi]

The question is sometimes when we read something, we make up our mind and it becomes our belief. This can also lead to delusion. The person who reads the bible will look upon Christ. The one who reads bhagavad gita will look upon Lord Krishna. One who is reading any scripture of the devi will follow Devi. Their question is that should we not read the books? There was a time in my life when I decided that I won’t read any more books.

When you are walking the path of sadhana, then you should leave reading the books. Then day in day out you should just do sadhana. The problem is that you have already read the books and you have that knowledge.

Listen to this insightful discourse by Om Swami to find out more.
BKShivani (Youtube)
Teach Your Mind How To Think: BK Shivani at Visalia, California

Emphasizing the power of thoughts, BK Shivani shares that pure thoughts which we create for people become a blessing for everyone. We want a world of peace. For that we need to constantly create thoughts of peace. But if we create thoughts of pain, hatred and terror, it reflects in the state of our world.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniEnglish
BKShivani (Youtube)
Plug Your Energy Leakages: BK Shivani at Visalia, California

BK Shivani reminds that we need to work towards maintaining inner stability, by not getting sucked into negativity around us. This saves time and energy which otherwise gets wasted in getting hurt and recovering. Beginning the day with 30 minutes of meditation and spiritual study, helps us remain stable and create right thoughts in every situation.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniEnglish
BKShivani (Youtube)
Handling People’s Jealousy & Insecurity: BK Shivani

Insecurity and fear have become people's dominant feelings today, points out BK Shivani. One who suffers from low self-esteem due to negative past experiences, lives in deep insecurity about future. They can be jealous of others. If we create anger, hurt and hatred, we increase their pain. They need love and acceptance to heal.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniHindi
BKShivani (Youtube)
5th June: World Environment Day Live

To survive and thrive in this turbulent world we need peace and power, that comes from deep inner contentment The foundation of Inner Peace Inner Power is spiritual awareness of the self which is both the journey and the destination.
Join Sister Shivani whose ability to analyze deep rooted emotions like ego, stress, anger, fear, depression, is empowering people to take personal responsibility of their thoughts and choose a life where acceptance and contentment is natural. She presents a logical yet comfortable way of adopting spirituality and thereby creating beautiful relationships with yourself, others and God.

The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learnskills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.

www.brahmakumaris.org (International)
www.brahmakumaris.com (India)
BKShivani (Youtube)
How To Respond To An Insult?: BK Shivani

BK Shivani shares that people cannot insult us, they give their opinion. Their behaviour towards us is a reflection of their personality. If someone is abusive, critical, or manipulative, they are not insulting us. They are bringing their sanskar into action. When we remember this, we do not create hurt, we create compassion for them.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniHindi
BKShivani (Youtube)
How To Handle Rude People?: BK Shivani

Join BK Shivani who emphasizes the need to be nice to those who are not right to us. People who are angry, insecure, jealous or dominant, are going through an emotional turmoil which makes them behave in certain ways. We empathize with the physically ill, now we need to have compassion for the emotionally weak souls too.

Download ThinkRight.me App from - https://pbl.cm/downloadthinkrightme

DAILY audio affirmations, video reflections and meditations on ThinkRight.me. The app has been created for daily inner work to experience transformation of sanskars.

## For more videos: https://www.youtube.com/bkshivani ##

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#BKShivani #SisterBKShivani #SisterBKShivaniHindi
Om Swami (Youtube)
Vishwas aur Gyan || Faith and Knowledge - [Hindi]

There are two questions, first Ramanujan, who was a known mathematician, and second Swami Vivekananda. Recently, there was a movie on Ramanujan, but I have read a book he wrote. The book is a lot better than the movie because in a movie lot of things are glamorised. Ramanujan wrote a line in his book. He said that any theory that does not express god is not relevant to me. These are not the exact words, but this was the kind of meaning that I remember. That, anything that does not express god is not useful to me. But it does not mean that whole day he would be chanting the mantras or Devi would talk in his ear that write this or that. He was from South India so his faith in religion was very strong and from the very beginning the western civilization of the view that if you are educated people then you would not believe in these things.

So, people like scientist, mathematicians or doctors say that we don’t believe in these things. There is a certain pride in it that we have figured everything out or we are in the process, but we don’t need an external force to guide our lives.

Listen to this insightful discourse by Om Swami to find out more.