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🕵️‍♂️ senior intelligence analyst,
former intelligence officer within French State agencies

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🪓 hasta la vista 😊
À la célébration du 80e anniversaire du débarquement de Normandie, #Macron 🦄 a eu le mauvais goût d’inviter Volodymyr #Zelenskyy 🤡, représentant d’un pays en guerre ethnique depuis le coup d’État d’extrême-droite en 2014, qui contrairement à ses promesses électorales mais sous la pression d’un État profond nazi 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦, n’a pas mis fin au conflit, un pays révisionniste qui célèbre le souvenir des fascistes qui ont combattu dans les rangs du III. Reich.

Avec l’invitation de l’Allemagne depuis 2004 et maintenant celle de l’#Ukraine, l’anniversaire du débarquement de Normandie est une vulgaire sauterie atlantiste, un spectacle cringe, qui fait de la peine pour les vétérans qui s’y prêtent encore. Par sa personnalité, Macron en accentue la vulgarité.

Son mandat présidentiel échut le 19 mai et le comédien professionnel ukrainien harangue l’Assemblée nationale le 7 juin 2024. Le spectacle de cabaret ne porte pas chance aux Playmobil et à leur brigadier Yaël Braun Pivet. L’Assemblée nationale est dissoute le 9 juin, à l’issue d’élections européennes qui sont une déroute pour Macron et tous ceux qui ont ovationné Zelenskyy.

📎 in L'engagement français dans les rangs ukrainiens
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Colombians are now officially 2nd in a
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😅 élire 2 (DEUX) fois #Macron 🦄, personnalité infantile, capricieuse, d'une vacuité abyssale et d'une vanité cosmique, bref, un adolescent mal fini et profondément névrosé,
ne pas l'avoir pendu au 1er réverbère,
montre à quel point les pinzuti 🐔 sont un peuple de chèvres
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Ukrainian troops must be withdrawn from Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions within the borders at the time of entry into Ukraine. When this is done and when Kyiv officially abandons its plans to join NATO, the fire will cease immediately - Russian President V. Putin.

UPD: Our principled position is a neutral, non-aligned and nuclear-free status for Ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, Putin said.

In the context of #NATO 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 defeat on the battlefield, Vladimir #Putin 😎 offers a fair peace. The causes of the 10-year war and #Russia 🐻 🇷🇺 ☢️ achievements on the battlefield dictate the conditions for such a peace:

🕊 #Ukraine should withdraw from #Donetsk and #Lugansk People’s Republics, #Kherson and #Zaporozhye regions, where the drawing into Russia got a landslide victory through referendum in September 2022,
🕊 Ukraine should not join NATO,
🕊 Ukraine should not get nuclear weapons ☢️,
🕊 The West 🦄 should lift the Ukraine-related sanctions on Russia and recognize the new territories of the Russian Federation, including #Crimea 🏖

Putin warns that the continuation of the conflict will increase the Russian gains and harden the conditions for peace.

📎 in The Atlanticist defeat in #Donbass 🇷🇺 and Ukraine
😊 why the West 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 does not accept peace in #Ukraine ? When the continuation of the bloodshed will worsen the Western defeat ? That is indeed irrational. Because the Western clique cannot bring itself to concede defeat. WHY ? #Bojo 🤡 🇬🇧 explained it in April.

"With Ukrainian cities once again being pounded to rubble and the casualties mounting, I’m afraid I have to ask once again : why the hell we are being so slow in giving those heroic Ukrainians the weapons they so desperately need ? Because if Ukraine falls, it will be a catastrophe for the West, it will be the end of WESTERN #HEGEMONY and we will have no one to blame but ourselves"

These motherfuckers don't give a damn about the consumption of Ukrainian cannon fodder, will lose anyway
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🐸 in #Lyon, #fRance 🇫🇷, a few dozen masked #Nazi militants are claiming their ideology and Islamophobia, are roaming the streets and assaulting passersby, supposed to have demonstrated against the rise in the country of the pétainist "Rassemblement national" (#RN) 🧀 party
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🐸 in #Lyon, #fRance 🇫🇷, a few dozen masked #Nazi militants are claiming their ideology and Islamophobia, are roaming the streets and assaulting passersby, supposed to have demonstrated against the rise in the country of the pétainist "Rassemblement national"…
#Lyon is not a coincidence. I am usually monitoring the French 🐔 volunteers in the Atlanticist ranks in #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 One of the most extravagant is a #Nazi militant from Lyon
💀 🇫🇷 🧀 Gwendal #Delange, aka "Kenneth"
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RIA Novosti:

An epidemic of typhoid fever has begun among the Ukrainian military stationed in Kherson and Kherson region, more than 60 military personnel have been infected, three have died.
❗️SIEG 😊
This one 👇 at least knows why his physical integrity suffered 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦
Injured warrior 🙋🏼‍♂️

Never lose your smile
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Injured warrior 🙋🏼‍♂️ Never lose your smile
END of Nazi quote 💀
Don't forget: a good Nazi is a dead one 😊
Media is too big
🏖 FREE #Mariupol, #Donetsk People's Republic, #Donbass , #Russia-n Federation 🐻 🇷🇺 ☢️
#OTD: on June 15, 2019, in #Mariupol, #Donbass , Nazi #Azov 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 regiment displays its #Wolfsangel 🇩🇪 for the 5th anniversary of the "liberation", the victorious crackdown on the pro-#Russia 🇷🇺 uprising there.
The Russian forces will liberate the city in May 2022