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Lost like tears in rain. DS, ML, a bit of philosophy and math. No bs or ads.
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Old news ... but Attention works

Funny enough, but in the past my models :
- Either did not need attention;
- Attention was implemented by @thinline72 ;
- The domain was so complicated (NMT) so that I had to resort to boilerplate with key-value attention;

It was the first time I / we tried manually building a model with plain self attention from scratch.

An you know - it really adds 5-10% to all of the tracked metrics.

Best plain attention layer in PyTorch - simple, well documented ... and it works in real life applications:

PyTorch NLP best practices

Very simple ideas, actually.

(1) Multi GPU parallelization and FP16 training

Do not bother reinventing the wheel.
Just use nvidia's apex, DistributedDataParallel, DataParallel.
Best examples [here](

(2) Put as much as possible INSIDE of the model

Implement the as much as possible of your logic inside of nn.module.
So that you can seamleassly you all the abstractions from (1) with ease.
Also models are more abstract and reusable in general.

(3) Why have a separate train/val loop?

PyTorch 0.4 introduced context handlers.

You can simplify your train / val / test loops, and merge them into one simple function.

context = torch.no_grad() if loop_type=='Val' else torch.enable_grad()

if loop_type=='Train':
elif loop_type=='Val':

with context:
for i, (some_tensor) in enumerate(tqdm(train_loader)):
# do your stuff here

(4) EmbeddingBag

Use EmbeddingBag layer for morphologically rich languages. Seriously!

(5) Writing trainers / training abstractions

This is waste of time imho if you follow (1), (2) and (3).

(6) Nice bonus

If you follow most of these, you can train on as many GPUs and machines as you wan for any language)

(7) Using tensorboard for logging

This goes without saying.

PyTorch DataLoader, GIL thrashing and CNNs

Well all of this seems a bit like magic to me, but hear me out.

I abused my GPU box for weeks running CNNs on 2-4 GPUs.
Nothing broke.
And then my GPU box started shutting down for no apparent reason.

No, this was not:
- CPU overheating (I have a massive cooler, I checked - it works);
- PSU;
- Overclocking;
- It also adds to confusion that AMD has weird temperature readings;

To cut the story short - if you have a very fast Dataset class and you use PyTorch's DataLoader with workers > 0 it can lead to system instability instead of speeding up.

It is obvious in retrospect, but it is not when you face this issue.

(2) is valid for models with complex forward pass and models with large embedding layers
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What is this channel about?
This channel is a practitioner's channel on the following topics: Internet, Data Science, Deep Learning, Python, NLP

Don't get your opinion in a twist if your opinion differs.
You are welcome to contact me via telegram @snakers41 and email -

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DS courses review (RU) - very old

2017 - 2018 SpaceNet Challenge

DS Bowl 2018

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(7) project

CFT 2018 competition

2018 retrospective

More amazing NLP-related articles incoming!
Maybe finally we will make podcasts?
Spark in me pinned «Pinned post What is this channel about? (0) This channel is a practitioner's channel on the following topics: Internet, Data Science, Deep Learning, Python, NLP (1) Don't get your opinion in a twist if your opinion differs. You are welcome to contact…»
A bit of lazy Sunday admin stuff

Monitoring you CPU temperature with email notifications

- Change CPU temp to any metric you like
- Rolling log
- Sending email only one time, if the metric becomes critical (you can add an email when metric becomes non-critical again)

Setting up a GPU box on Ubuntu 18.04 from scratch

4th 2019 DS / ML digest

Highlights of the week
- OpenAI controversy;
- BERT pre-training;
- Using transformer for conversational challenges;

New variation of Adam?

- [Website](;
- [Code](;
- Eliminate the generalization gap between adaptive methods and SGD;
- TL;DR: A Faster And Better Optimizer with Highly Robust Performance;
- Dynamic bound on learning rates. Inspired by gradient clipping;
- Not very sensitive to the hyperparameters, especially compared with Sgd(M);
- Tested on MNIST, CIFAR, Penn Treebank - no serious datasets;

We tried it

... yeah we tried it on a real task
just adam is a bit better
LSTM vs TCN vs Trellis network

- Did not try the Trellis network - decided it was too complex;
- All the TCN properties from the digest hold - did not test for very long sequences;
- Looks like a really simple and reasonable alternative for RNNs for modeling and ensembling;
- On a sensible benchmark - performes mostly the same as LSTM from a practical standpoint;

Tracking your hardware ... for data science

For a long time I though that if you really want to track all your servers' metrics you need Zabbix (which is very complicated).

A friend recommended me an amazing tool

It installs and runs literally in minutes.
If you want to auto-start it properly, there are even a bit older Ubuntu packages and systemd examples

Dockerized metric exporters for GPUs by Nvidia

It also features extensive alerting features, but they are very difficult to easily start, there being no minimal example

Anyone knows anyone from TopCoder?
As usual with competition platforms organization sometimes has its issues
Forwarded from Анна
Если кто не знает, кроме призовых за топ места, в спутниках была ещё одна классная фича - student's prize - приз для _студента_ с самым высоким скором. Там всё оказалось довольно неочевидно, отдельного лидерборда для студентов не было. Долго пыталась достучаться до админов, писала на почту, на форум, чтобы узнать больше подробностей. Спустя месяц админ таки ответил, что я единственный претендент на приз и, вроде, никаких проблем, всё улаживаем, кидай студак. И снова пропал. Периодически напоминала о своем существовании, интересовалась, как там дела, есть ли подвижки, в ответ игнор. *Ответа нет до сих пор.* Я впервые участвую в серьезном сореве и не совсем понимаю, что можно сделать в такой ситуации. Ждать новостей? Писать посты в твитер? Есть ли какой-то способ достучаться до админов?

Олсо, написала тут небольшую статейку про свое решение.
5th 2019 DS / ML digest

Highlights of the week
- New Adam version;
- POS tagging and semantic parsing in Russian;
- ML industrialization again;
