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Lost like tears in rain. DS, ML, a bit of philosophy and math. No bs or ads.
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Araneum russicum maximum

TLDR - largest corpus for Russian Internet. Fast-text embeddings pre-trained on this corpus work best for broad internet related domains.

Pre-processed version can be downloaded from rusvectores.
Afaik, this link is not yet on their website (?)


New course

Mainly decision tree practice.

A lot about decision tree visualization

I personally would check out the visualization bits.
At least it looks like they are not pushing their crappy library =)
The problem with any such visualizations is that they work only for toy datasets.
Drop / shuffle method seems to be more robust.

If you are mining for a large web-corpus

... for any language other than English. And you do not want to scrape anything, buy proxies or learn this a bit shady "stack".

In case of Russian the above posted link to araneum has already processed data - which may be useless for certain domains.

What to do?

In case of Russian you can write here
The author will share her 90+GB RAW corpus with you

In case of any other language there is a second way
- Go to common crawl website;
- Download the index (200 GB);
- Choose domains in your country / language (now they also have language detection);
- Download only plain-text files you need;

Links to start with

Andrew Ng book

Looks like its draft is finished.

It describes in plain terms how to build ML pipelines:

Forwarded from Админим с Буквой (bykva)
Github и ssh-ключи

Узнал о такой фишке в гитхабе, что по такой ссылке можно забрать публичный ключ аккаунта. Типа удобно передавать ключ просто ссылкой.

Amazingly simple code to mimic fast-texts n-gram subword routine

Nuff said. Try it for yourself.

from fastText import load_model

model = load_model('official_fasttext_wiki_200_model')

def find_ngrams(string, n):
ngrams = zip(*[string[i:] for i in range(n)])
ngrams = [''.join(_) for _ in ngrams]
return ngrams

string = 'грёзоблаженствующий'

ngrams = []
for i in range(3,7):

ft_ngrams, ft_indexes = model.get_subwords(string)

ngrams = set(ngrams)
ft_ngrams = set(ft_ngrams)

Head of DS in Ostrovok (Moscow)

Please contact @eshneyderman (Евгений Шнейдерман) if you are up to the challenge.

Monkey patching a PyTorch model

Well, ideally you should not do this.
But sometimes you just need to quickly test something and amend your model on the fly.

This helps:

import torch
import functools

def rsetattr(obj, attr, val):
pre, _, post = attr.rpartition('.')
return setattr(rgetattr(obj, pre) if pre else obj, post, val)

def rgetattr(obj, attr, *args):
def _getattr(obj, attr):
return getattr(obj, attr, *args)
return functools.reduce(_getattr, [obj] + attr.split('.'))

for module in model.named_modules():
old_module_path = module[0]
old_module_object = module[1]
# replace an old object with the new one
# copy some settings and its state
if isinstance(old_module_object,torch.nn.SomeClass):
new_module = SomeOtherClass(old_module_object.some_settings,


The above code essentially does the same as:

model = some_other_block

PCIE risers that REALLY WORK for DL

Thermaltake TT Premium PCIE 3.0 extender.
All the others I tried were crap.

Wiki graph database

Just found out that Wikipedia also provides this

May be useful for research in future.
Seems very theoretic and probably works only for English, but it is best to keep such things on the radar.

Example queries:
People who were born in Berlin before 1900
German musicians with German and English descriptions
Musicians who were born in Berlin

Going from millions of points of data to billions on a single machine

In my experience pandas works fine with tables up to 50-100m rows.

Ofc plain indexing/caching (i.e. pre-process all of your data in chunks and index it somehow) and / or clever map/reduce like style optimizations work.

But sometimes it is just good to know that such things exist:

- for large data-frames + some nice visualizations;
- for large visualizations;
- Also you can use Dask for these purposes I guess;

Python3 nvidia driver bindings in glances

They used to have only python2 ones.

If you update your drivers and glances, you will get a nice GPU memory / load indicator within glances.
So convenient.

Another set of links for common crawl for NLP

Looks like we were not the first, ofc.

Below are some projects dedicated to NLP corpus retrieval on scale:
- Java + license detection + boilerplate removal:$dkpro-c4corpus-doc/doclinks/1/

- Prepared deduplicated CC text archives

- Google group!topic/common-crawl/6F-yXsC35xM

