Insomnia now sell a torn page from a forgers manual
Current price: 500000
Buyout: 1000000
Ends: 9d 22h 51m
a torn page from a forgers manual[COMPONENT] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Cp for:
the Rune of the Netherworld
Insomnia now sell a set of tidal sleeves
Current price: 50000
Buyout: 100000
Ends: 9d 22h 41m
a set of tidal sleeves[ARMOR] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Stats: Mp 6, WaterBreathing
Waza now sell a razor sharp shark tooth
Current price: 400000
Buyout: 500000
Ends: 9d 22h 51m
a razor sharp shark tooth[COMPONENT] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Cp for:
Sash of Swirling Colors
Insomnia now sell an ebony sash
Current price: 200000
Buyout: 400000
Ends: 9d 22h 59m
an ebony sash[ARMOR] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: -0.1
Stats: HandDam 2, KickDam 1
Stun now sell the dimetrodon's sail
Current price: 1000000
Buyout: 1001000
Ends: 9d 22h 56m
the dimetrodon's sail[COMPONENT] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Cp for:
the sleeves of the saurian warlord
Stun now sell the spine of an amargasaurus
Current price: 1000000
Buyout: 1001000
Ends: 9d 22h 57m
Whatta now sell a banner of the sixteenth Drow legion
Current price: 2100000
Buyout: 3300000
Ends: 6d 20h 53m
a banner of the sixteenth Drow legion[TREASURE] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: -0.2
Stats: Hit 3
Cp for:
the hierophant's charm
Insomnia now sell a hag's eye necklace
Current price: 200000
Buyout: 400000
Ends: 9d 22h 50m
a hag's eye necklace[ARMOR] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: -0.1
Stats: Mr 1, Mp 12
Cp for:
a spiked black cross-guard
Beatrix now sell a crimson tri-cornered hat
Current price: 123456
Buyout: 234567
Ends: 6d 23h 47m
a crimson tri-cornered hat[ARMOR] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: -1.2
Stats: MaxCon 1, SpellSaves -1
Has clasp:
the crest of the crimson buccaneer
the crest of the pirate king
Stun now sell a diamond pendulum
Current price: 500000
Buyout: 501000
Ends: 9d 22h 54m
Insomnia now sell a bag of sorcerers sand
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 22h 55m
a bag of sorcerers sand[TREASURE] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Cp for:
black demonskin boots
Whatta now sell a black leather hauberk
Current price: 1900000
Buyout: 3200000
Ends: 6d 19h 40m
a black leather hauberk[ARMOR] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: -2.1
Stats: Hit 1, Sneak
Fandral now sell a dragon scale of deep purple
Current price: 333000
Buyout: 666000
Ends: 9d 22h 59m
a dragon scale of deep purple[TREASURE] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Cp for:
a scale of scintillating colors
Fandral now sell a demon's claw
Current price: 333000
Buyout: 666000
Ends: 9d 22h 44m
a demon's claw[ARMOR] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: -0.6
Cp for:
a vengeful spirit bracer
Insomnia now sell a whirling sphere of molten lava
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 21h 25m
Insomnia now sell a whirling sphere of molten lava
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 21h 15m
a whirling sphere of molten lava[LIGHT] [01 Feb 2015]
AC: 0
Stats: Mr 3, Mp 15
Insomnia now sell a whirling sphere of molten lava
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 21h 25m
Insomnia now sell a whirling sphere of molten lava
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 21h 25m
Insomnia now sell a whirling sphere of molten lava
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 21h 25m
Insomnia now sell a whirling sphere of molten lava
Current price: 100000
Buyout: 200000
Ends: 9d 21h 25m