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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Special Operation, 2 May 2024, Main; pub. 19:02⚑️

β–ͺ️ The Russian military has completely taken control of the settlement of #Berdychi, the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said;

β–ͺ️ Ukrainian troops lost up to 930 militants in total over the day, the Russian military continued to improve their tactical position and occupy more advantageous positions, MoD said;

β–ͺ️ Matvienko stated that as a result of the SMO, a large tribunal will be needed where all the crimes of the Kiev Regime will be collected; one of the central episodes should be the filing of charges for the crime of 2 May 2014 in #Odessa;

β–ͺ️ Russian forces hit military facilities in #Ochakov, an 'arrival' was recorded at the port where military boats are moored, underground coordinator Lebedev said;

β–ͺ️ A peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict will not be realised without the Russian side; Moscow must be involved in the peace process, the Swiss Foreign Ministry said in connection with the planned peace conference on #Ukraine;

β–ͺ️ French President Macron said that he does not rule out the possibility of sending troops to #Ukraine if #Russia breaks through the frontline;

β–ͺ️ #Avdeyevka, liberated in February, will be connected by bus with Yasinovataya this week, Pushilin said.

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Frontline #Summary for the Morning of 3 May 2024; pub. 08:07⚑️

πŸ”΅On the #Zaporozhye Front, in #Rabotino, the RFAF continue their attempts to enter and gain a foothold in new positions. Without success. Long range weapons are actively working on both sides. (Fig. 1)

πŸ”΅In the #Ugledar Direction, Russian troops, as a result of assault operations, were able to enter the southern outskirts of #Urozhaynoye. This village was occupied by the AFU during the summer counteroffensive and became one of the few settlements where Ukrainian forces were able to advance. (Fig. 2)

πŸ”΅On the #Donetsk Front, there are oncoming battles in #Netaylovo and in the area of #Umanskoye. The line of contact has not changed significantly.
🟑In the area of #Pervomayskoye, Russian troops were able to advance southwards towards #Nevelskoye. After the liberation of #Pervomayskoye, the RFAF were able to advance to the northern outskirts of #Nevelskoye, and now, not without difficulty but quite methodically, they are cutting the "pocket" that was formed between these settlements.
🟑In the area of #Semyonovka and #Berdychi, fighting continues on the western approaches to these settlements.
🟑In #Arkhangelskoye, the AFU attempted to launch a counterattack in order to slow down the advance of Russian troops inside the settlement. Without success. (Fig. 3)

πŸ”΅In #ChasovYar Direction, the RFAF continue to advance from the flanks, covering the eastern regions of #ChasovYar from the south and north. Also, fighting continues on the eastern outskirts. The AFU positions are under fire from Russian artillery and aircraft. The Ukrainians are not giving up their positions yet and are sending reserves, but their position in the area is rapidly deteriorating. (Fig, 4)

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Special Operation, 3 May 2024, Main; pub. 19:02⚑️

β–ͺ️ Shoygu said at the meeting that the Russian military continues to hack the system of enemy strongholds, and the AFU are unsuccessfully trying to cling to certain lines;

β–ͺ️ Since the beginning of 2024, 547 sq km of the country's new region's territory have been taken under control/ Over the past two weeks, #Novobakhmutovka, #Semyonovka, #Berdychi in the #DPR have been liberated, Shoygu said;

β–ͺ️ Kiev's losses increased to a thousand militants daily; in total, in 2024, Kiev lost more than 111 thousand people, the Defence Minister noted;

β–ͺ️ The FSB reported the liquidation of a Ukrainian military intelligence agent from one of the caches in the Leningrad region; he was preparing a series of terrorist attacks, including at MoD facilities;

β–ͺ️ The Pentagon assured on Friday that ATACMS missiles produced in the #US will be enough for both the needs of the #US army and to be sent to #Ukraine;

β–ͺ️ British Foreign Minister Cameron said that sending troops to #Ukraine as Macron proposes would be a dangerous escalation;

β–ͺ️ The newspaper Repubblica, citing sources in the Italian government, reported on the 9th package of military assistance being prepared for #Ukraine, which will include the SAMP-T air defence system;

β–ͺ️ NYT: Most of the heavy weapons as part of the new #US aid will be delivered to #Ukraine in the summer or later, NYT wrote;

β–ͺ️ The MoD of #Ukraine has published a list of diseases for which mild mental illnesses, mild mental retardation, some categories of HIV-infected people and patients with hepatitis and tuberculosis can be considered fit for service;

β–ͺ️ The National Bank of #Ukraine has prohibited banks and pawnshops from accepting drones and thermal imagers as collateral.

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈMilitary Expert Boris Rozhin on the Situation in the #Avdeyevka Direction on 3 May 2024 at 23:23⚑️

πŸ”»1. #Netaylovo:
🟑Fighting in the eastern part of the village.
🟑There is also an advance south from #Pervomayskoye.

πŸ”»2. #Umanskoye:
🟑Without significant changes.
🟑The fighting is not far from the southeastern outskirts of the village.
🟑There is also no significant progress towards #Yasnobrodovka.

πŸ”»3. #Semyonovka and #Berdychi:
🟑The RFAF moved slightly west in the direction of #Novopokrovskoye and #Novosyolovka1st.
🟑The collection of trophies in #Berdychi continues.

πŸ”»4. #Solovyevo:
🟑Fighting in the direction of #Novoprokopovka and #Sokol.
🟑Both settlements are held by the enemy who withdrew earlier from #Solovyevo and #Novobakhmutovka.

πŸ”»5. #Ocheretino:
🟑The RFAF have already cleared most of the northern districts of #Ocheretino.
🟑They continue attacks in the direction of #Novoaleksandrovka and press on the fortified area covering #Arkhangelskoye from the southwest.

πŸ”»6. #Arkhangelskoye:
🟑Most of the village is already behind the RFAF.
🟑The enemy mostly retreated in the direction of #Kalinovo.
🟑The RFAF are completing the cleanup of the #Keramik area and continuing the assault on the last pillar preventing them from occupying the area of #Arkhangelskoye.

πŸ“Œ In general, the enemy has not yet been able to solve the main problems that arose after the loss of #Ocheretino.

πŸ“œ Boris Rozhin specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

πŸ—Ί @Wargonzo's Avdeyevka Maps addedπŸ‘†

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Frontline #Summary for the Morning of 4 May 2024; pub. 10:07⚑️

πŸ”΅On the #Zaporozhye Front, the line of contact is without significant changes. Fighting continues in #Rabotino and northwest of #Verbovoye. (Fig. 1)

πŸ”΅On the #Donetsk Front, in #Netaylovo, there are oncoming battles. On the outskirts of #Umanskoye, similarly. The frontline without significant changes.
🟑In the area of #Semyonovka and #Berdychi, the RFAF continue to move the line of contact westwards, slowly pushing the AFU towards #Novosyolovka1st and #Novopokrovskoye. There are about five kilometres of fields between these settlements, which could become a problem for the AFU if the Ukrainian forces have not managed to build a fortified defensive line in this area in the time they gained by sending reserves to #Semyonovka and #Berdychi.
🟑In the area of #Ocheretino, the RFAF continue to develop their offensive northwest towards #Novoaleksandrovka and southeast towards #Arkhangelskoye, where there are also Russian advances inside the settlement. (Fig. 2)

πŸ”΅In the #ChasovYar Direction, the line of contact without significant changes, but intense fighting on the eastern outskirts, as well as the northern and southern flanks, continues. The RFAF are trying to occupy the most favourable positions for further storming of the city. And all this is happening under the active work of artillery and aviation of the RFAF (Fig. 3)

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Frontline #Summary for the Morning of 5 May 2024; pub. 10:07⚑️

πŸ”΅On the #Zaporozhye Front, Russian troops continue their assault operations in #Rabotino. The advances are being severely hampered by the AFU's long range destruction means. (Fig. 1)

πŸ”΅On the #Donetsk Front, in #Krasnogorovka, Russian forces have advanced in the area of the Refractory Plant.
🟑In #Georgiyevka and in #Netaylovo, there are tactical successes of the RFAF as a result of assault operations.
🟑On the outskirts of #Umanskoye, oncoming battles continue.
🟑In the area of #Semyonovka and #Berdychi without any special changes. The RFAF continue to press the AFU defence, pushing the Ukrainian troops to the west.
🟑In the area of #Arkhangelskoye, Russian troops knocked out the remnants of the Ukrainian garrison from the territory of the settlement, taking the settlement under their control. (Fig. 2)

πŸ”΅In #ChasovYar Direction, heavy fighting continues along the entire line of contact. Long range weapons are actively working. (Fig. 3)

πŸ”΅In #Kupyansk Direction, following #Kislova (⭐️?), Russian troops liberated the village of #Kotlyarovka. (Fig. 4)

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ RFAF Advance on #Novopokrovskoye and #Umanskoye in #Avdeyevka Direction⚑️

πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The RFAF are advancing from #Berdychi towards #Novopokrovskoye (in the north) and from from #Semyonovka/#Orlovka to the east of #Umanskoye and cling to the fortified area there.

❗️ As you can see, they faded out the village borders. The complete west of #Semyonovka is still unseized.

πŸ“Œ Nevertheless, the pressure on #Umanskoye is now significantly increased after weeks of unsuccessful battles. In addition, things are also moving in the direction of #Novosyolovka1st on a broad front.

πŸ—Ί Map: @z_arhiv

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πŸ“‹πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Two Majors #Report #Summary for the Morning of 6 May 2024; pub. 06:51πŸ“

βš“οΈNear #Crimea, for the first time in a long time, there are reports of the use of drone boats by the enemy. Up to 5 unmanned AFU boats were destroyed off the western coast, the target of which were military boats in one of the bays near the village of #Chernomorskoye. There were no casualties on our side.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Kherson direction, the RFAF are increasingly active in using FABs with UMPC on the enemy's shore, destroying concentrations of enemy forces. The enemy is responding with artillery and many drones. Two cases of the AFU using ammunition that causes severe burns in the victims have been reported, after which the upper layers of the victims' soft tissues are covered with a "wooden crust". Military doctors argue about the nature of the burns, while fighters from the field call the ammunition "napalm". The enemy maintains the presence of small groups of infantry in #Krynki.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Zaporozhye front, the RFAF continue their assault operations in #Rabotino, reporting dense enemy artillery work. Northwest of Verbovoye, the enemy on a IFV tried to deliver an AFU assault group, but was covered by our fire. Several enemy attacks were repelled.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Vremyevka ledge, fighting in #Urozhaynoye and at #Staromayorskoye, our troops are reported to have advanced 1km northwards east of #Urozhaynoye.

πŸ”ΉIn the #SouthDonetsk direction (or #Ugledar DIR), the RFAF are fighting in #Krasnogorovka near the industrial zone after planting a flag at the Refractory Plant. Fighting in #Georgiyevka and near the eastern outskirts of #Paraskoviyevka.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Pokrovskoye direction (west of #Avdeyevka), there is fighting in #Netaylovo. To the west of #Berdychi, the RFAF are conducting an offensive in the #Novoprovskoye area. After the success in #Arkhangelskoye, our troops are advancing towards #Kalinovo.

🎯 In the #Kharkov and #Sumy directions, there are constant strikes on enemy positions, and the X-51 Lancet UAV is increasingly being used to target AFU armoured vehicles. In the rear areas of these regions, enemy facilities are also under constant attack.

πŸ’₯In the #Belgorod region, Stary Khutor in the Valuysky urban district was shelled, and #Shebekino was struck by an AFU UAV. The #Bryansk region reported shelling in the area of the #Lomakovka village in Starodubsky district.

πŸ’₯To attack the peaceful population of the #DPR, the enemy used 75 different types of ammunition, and two civilians were wounded in the village of #Nikolayevka as a result of bombs dropped from an enemy drone.

🎬#Kherson direction - FAB with UMPC is a strange item.
There was Ukrop. Not anymore; reported @Razvedka_26St

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Frontline #Summary for the Morning of 6 May 2024; pub. 08:08⚑️

πŸ”΅On the #Zaporozhye Front, assault actions of Russian troops in #Rabotino continue. The line of contact is without significant changes. (Fig. 1)

πŸ”΅On the #Donetsk Front, in #Krasnogorovka, fighting continues in the industrial zone of the Refractory Plant.
🟑In #Umanskoye the RFAF managed to advance into the settlement. In the area of #Umanskoye, without any particular changes.
🟑In the area of #Semyonovka and #Berdychi, oncoming battles.
🟑In the area of #Ocheretino, Russian troops continue to advance towards #Aleksandrovka. (Fig. 2)

πŸ”΅In #ChasovYar Direction, heavy fighting continues along the entire line of contact. Long range weapons are being actively used. (Fig. 3)

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Frontline #Summary for the Morning of 7 May 2024; pub. 08:07⚑️

πŸ”΅On the #Zaporozhye Front, the line of contact without any serious changes. There are battles in #Rabotino and northwest of #Verbovoye. (Fig. 1)

πŸ”΅On the #Donetsk Front, there are no major advances, but the battles are in full swing along the entire length of the front.
🟑Fierce fighting continues in #Krasnogorovka. The RFAF are trying to consolidate their positions.
🟑In #Netaylovo and in the area of #Umanskoye there are oncoming battles.
🟑Similarly in the area of #Semyonovka and #Berdychi.
🟑In the area of #Ocheretino, Russian troops continue to advance towards #Aleksandrovka. (Fig. 2)

πŸ”΅In the #ChasovYar Direction, the line of contact without significant changes. The AFU is throwing reserves into the battle to prevent the advance of Russian troops in the suburbs of #ChasovYar. The Russian Aerospace Forces and artillery continue to work actively on the AFU positions. There are oncoming battles on the flanks in the area of #Bogdanovka and west of #Ivanovskoye (#Krasnoye). (Fig. 3)

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πŸ“‹πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ Two Majors #Report #Summary for the Morning of 8 May 2024; pub. 06:49πŸ“

🎯 A combined strike was carried out at night on enemy territory using missile weapons and the Geran UAVs. Missile launches were carried out from Tu-95ms, from the waters of the Black Sea, the enemy reported hypersonic "Kinzhals". Explosions were heard in #Kiev, #Zaporozhye, #Dnepropetrovsk, #Stryi and the Dobrotvor Railway Station on the #Lvov region border, #Lubny and #Kremenchug (#Poltava region), #Ladyzhyn #Vinnitsa region, and #Dnepropetrovsk region.

πŸͺ«Burshtyn TPP (Ivano-Frankovsk region), Dobrotvir TPP (#Lvov region), Ladyzhyn TPP (Vinnitsa region), Srednedneprovskaya HPP (#Dnepropetrovsk region) are reported to have been hit. #Ukraine's energy minister confirmed that overnight the strikes hit energy facilities in six regions.

πŸ•‘At 06:30 (Moscow TIme) already after the alarms were cancelled, enemy monitoring channels reported launches of hypersonic Kinzhals, after which explosions were heard in the #Ternopil region.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Kherson direction, there are no changes in the dynamics of the situation, the enemy continues strikes with drones and artillery, plans to create new points of tension on our coast, uses unmanned aerial vehicles to deliver goods to our coast. We can see the enemy's plan to create a new hotbed of hostilities in the island zone near the Cossack Camps.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Zaporozhye front, the assault on #Rabotino continues. Northwest of #Verbovoye enemy attacks were repelled.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Vremyevka ledge, fighting in #Urozhaynoye, they report about activation of our actions near #Staromayorskoye.

πŸ”ΉIn the #SouthDonetsk (#Ugledar) direction, the RFAF are attacking #Krasnogorovka and fighting in #Georgiyevka.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Pokrovskoye direction (west of #Avdeyevka), the Russian Army is developing success at the #Ocheretino ledge. Our units are moving from #Ocheretino westwards towards the settlement of #Progress and northwards towards #Novoalexandrovka, while the enemy is trying to slow down their advance by mined terrain and FPV drone strikes. Fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of #Novopokrovskoye (west of #Berdychi). In #Netaylovo, the RFAF are assaulting the centre of the settlement.

πŸ”ΉOn the outskirts of #ChasovYar, artillery and aviation are working on the enemy positions in the town, there are no significant changes in the line of contact.

πŸ’₯In the evening, the enemy struck an oil depot in #Lugansk. At around 20:30, small arms fire was reported near #Taganrog in the #Rostov region. The enemy fired 39 rounds of ammunition at civilians in the #DPR, and a man born in 1947 was wounded in #Donetsk as a result of a mine explosion at the Lepestok mine.

🎬Footage - "Everyday life of a soldier" in #Kherson region

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈMilitary Expert Boris Rozhin on the Situation in the #Avdeyevka Direction on 8 May 2024 at 21:03⚑️

πŸ”»1. #Netaylovo:
🟑The fighting shifted to the western part of the village. The enemy is fiercely resisting, trying to prevent a rapid breakthrough of the RFAF into #Karlovka.
🟑#Yasnobrodovka has no significant changes so far.

πŸ”»2. #Umanskoye:
🟑The main fighting continues near the southeastern outskirts of the village.
🟑The village itself remains under enemy control for the time being.

πŸ”»3. #Novoprokopovka:
🟑The fighting shifted to the northern and northeastern outskirts of #Novoprokopovka, where the remnants of the enemy forces retreated from #Solovyevo and #Berdychi.
🟑There are no serious fortifications. Some enemy units in this area are showing signs of demoralisation.

πŸ”»4. #Novoaleksandrovka:
🟑Moving northwest of #Ocheretino, the RFAF reached the outskirts of the village and are fighting there.
🟑The loss of #Novoaleksandrovka will seriously worsen the overall coherence of the enemy's positions on the improvised line of defence, which is being built after the loss of #Ocheretino.

πŸ”»5. #Kalinovo:
🟑Against the background of the ongoing cleanup in the #Arkhangelskoye and #Keramik areas, the RFAF have advanced north of #Ocheretino in the direction of #Kalinovo and are fighting for the fortified area covering #Kalinovo from the south.

πŸ“Œ If we look at it as a whole, then, using the pace won in #Ocheretino, the RFAF are actively looking for vulnerabilities in the hastily built defensive line of the AFU and strive to break through it as quickly as possible in order to prevent the AFU from stabilising the front after pulling up reserves.
🟑 It is already obvious that one 47th Mechanised Brigade is not enough to stabilise there, so they have to remove "reinforcements" from other directions.

πŸ“œ Boris Rozhin specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

πŸ—Ί @Wargonzo Avdeyevka Map addedπŸ‘†

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈMilitary Expert Boris Rozhin on the Situation in the #Avdeyevka Direction on 14 May 2024 at 20:11⚑️

πŸ”»1. Around #Ocheretino, the RFAF continue to expand the control zone around the locality. Fighting continues in the direction of the settlements of #Sokol, #Novoaleksandrovka and #Kalinovo.

πŸ”»2. South of #Ocheretino, the RFAF continue to pressure in the direction of #Novopokrovskoye settlement, which has now been supplemented by an active offensive to the west of #Semyonovka, where the enemy has lost a number of positions in landings, which he held since the beginning of the fighting on the #Berdychi - #Tonenkoye line.

πŸ”»3. The enemy continues to pull up reserves to the "Ocheretinsky flower" in an effort to reduce the risks of further breakthroughs in the direction of western #Donbass, including withdrawing troops from the #Zaporozhye and #Kherson directions.
🟑The difficult situation for the AFU in the area of #ChasovYar and in the #Kharkov direction also makes it difficult for reserves to maneuver and prevents the AFU from concentrating forces necessary to stop problems in the area of #Ocheretino.
🟑In this regard, the strategy of the General Staff of the RFAF to pull apart the reserves of the AFU is bearing fruit.

πŸ”»4. In the area of #Umanskoye, the RFAF continue to fight in the village, with limited progress towards the western outskirts of the settlement.
🟑Fighting also continues for landings north of #Umanskoye.

πŸ”»5. In the area of #Netaylovo, the RFAF are fighting in the western part of the village and strengthening the control zone in the industrial zone.
🟑There are also attacks on landings to the east and southeast of the #Yasnobrodovka settlement.

πŸ“Œ In general, the RFAF confidently maintain the initiative in this area. By transferring reserves, the enemy was able to partially slow down the development of the Russian offensive, but could not completely stop it, which is the key to the future problems of the AFU west of #Avdeyevka.

πŸ“œ Boris Rozhin specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

πŸ—Ί @Olegtsarov's Avdeyevka Map addedπŸ‘†

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Media is too big
βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸŽ¬ What #Berdychi looks like from a Bird's Eye View⚑️

πŸ”΄The RFAF are actively advancing in the #Avdeyevka direction, but this certainly cannot be called an easy walk. Every meter passed is the hard and selfless work of our soldiers.

πŸ”΄In #Berdychi, the AFU held the defence for a long time and stubbornly, driving more and more reserves into the settlement. The first Abrams burned down in the area of ​​this village. But, despite all the efforts of the Ukrainian troops, the defence of the AFU was broken through, and the enemy was driven further to the west.

πŸ”΄The Footage shows that practically nothing remains of the settlement, and the landscape is more reminiscent of the moon.

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ #Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 16 May 2024⚑️

πŸ”ΉThe RFAF, during the day, carried out strikes on targets in #Mirgorod, as well as targets in the #Kharkov, #Chernigov and #Sumy regions. In turn, Ukrainian formations carried out another combined attack on #Crimea.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Kharkov front, Russian troops are fighting their way to the northern outskirts of #Liptsy, and in #Volchansk heavy clashes with the enemy continue, which is drawing up reserves near #Kharkov.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Bakhmut direction, the RFAF are striking at AFU positions in #ChasovYar and its environs. Positional battles are taking place to the north and south of the town.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Avdeyvka direction, clashes continue north of #Arkhangelskoye and in the fields west of #Berdychi.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Ugledar direction, Russian troops reached the western outskirts of #Georgiyevka, clearing the last houses on Tsentralnaya Street. The development on Peschanaya Street remains under enemy control.

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πŸ“œ RYBAR: 17 May 2024, 00:08

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈMilitary Expert Boris Rozhin on the Situation in the #Avdeyevka Direction until 20 May 2024 at 00:32⚑️

πŸ”»1. #Netaylovo:
🟑The village has not yet been completely taken, although most of it is already under RFAF control.
🟑The enemy resists in every possible way on the outskirts to gain time to prepare the #Karlovka and #Yasnobrodovka defence, the pressure on which will after the loss of #Netaylovo increase.
🟑#Yasnobrodovka itself is still under the enemy. Fights are ongoing east and southeast of the village's outskirts.
🟑#Netaylovo is likely to be fully liberated in the next 7-10 days.

πŸ”»2. #Umanskoye:
🟑A similar situation has developed.
🟑Most of the village is under RFAF control.
🟑The enemy continues to defend himself in the western and northwestern parts.
🟑He resists, because he understands that with the loss of it, he will have to leave a significant part of the adjacent territories.

πŸ”»3. #Novopokrovskoye:
🟑The main fights continued at its northern and northeastern outskirts.
🟑The village itself is still completely under AFU control, incl. the forces that managed to retreat from #Berdychi.
🟑West of #Semyonovka, pressure also continues, but the pace of progress has dropped somewhat after the successes of past week, which moved the front away from its outskirts.

🟑Fights continued in the direction of #Sokol and #Novoaleksandrovka. The enemy is still holding the defence and does not allow the RFAF to enter and gain a foothold in these settlements.
🟑At the same time, the enemy spends Western armoured vehicles quite intensively.
🟑The RFAF continue to put pressure on the fortified area covering #Kalinovo, which is still under RFAF control.
🟑North of #Arkhangelskoye and #Novokalinovo, the RFAF slightly expanded the control zone.

πŸ“Œ In General, the RFAF continue to maintain the initiative to the west of #Avdeyevka, while the main advance over the past week has been not in the #Ochertino, but in the #Netaylovo area.
🟑The enemy expects an increase in Russian attacks to synchronise them with the offensive in the #Kharkov region, which forced the AFU to use up part of their reserves.
🟑Western experts note the continuing risk of further front breakthroughs west of #Avdeyevka.

πŸ“œ Boris Rozhin specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

πŸ—Ί @Olegtsarov's Avdeyevka Map addedπŸ‘†

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ #Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 23 May 2024⚑️

πŸ”ΉThe RFAF carried out several attacks on the railway infrastructure in #Kharkov. The AFU's facilities were also hit in #Voznesensk, #Dnepropetrovsk and in the territory of the temporarily occupied part of the #DPR.

πŸ”ΉUkrainian Formations again carried out a kamikaze drone attack on the territory of #Tatarstan, but the aircraft-type drones were destroyed by air defence systems on duty.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Kharkov front, Russian troops continue their offensive in #Volchansk, trying to take positions on the right bank of the Volchya River in the area of ​​the Fire Station.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Avdeyevka direction, the RFAF advanced west of #Berdychi in the direction of #Novopokrovskoye and in #Umanskoye. Also, the assault on enemy strongholds is proceeding against the #Sokol side.

πŸ”ΉOn the southern #Avdeyevka front, Russian stormtroopers expanded the zone of control in #Krasnogorovka to the west of the Refractory Plant.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Vremyevka ledge, in #Staromayorskoye, the RFAF are successfully attacking the positions of Ukrainian formations, πŸ‘‰ moving in small mobile groups on motorcycles.

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πŸ—Ί High Resolution: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ MAPS; πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί MAPS

πŸ“œ RYBAR: 23 May 2024, 23:45

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ #Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 29 May 2024⚑️

πŸ”ΉRussian Troops hit targets in #Rovno, #Kharkov and #Kirovograd. The enemy once again launched drones in the direction of #Armavir and tried to attack #Crimea with unmanned boats.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Kharkov front, Russian troops are conducting fierce clashes in #Volchansk and in the #Liptsy region, and methodical work continues to destroy the enemy’s combat potential.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Bakhmut direction, the RFAF assault enemy positions in the Kanal Microdistrict on the eastern outskirts of #ChasovYar, and also advance along forest belts south of #Krasnoye.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Avdeyevka direction, Russian assault groups are advancing in the direction of #Novopokrovskoye, trying to encircle enemy units in the forest plantations west of #Berdychi.

πŸ”ΉOn the South #Avdeyevka front, the enemy attempted a breakthrough in the direction of the RFAF positions southeast of #Krasnogorovka, as a result of competent actions, most of the enemy militants were destroyed, and several have been captured.

πŸ”ΉOn the #Vremyevka ledge, Russian troops have significantly expanded the zone of control in #Staromayorskoye, coming very close to the northern outskirts of the village, and are also advancing in the southern outskirts of #Urozhaynoye.

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πŸ—Ί High Resolution: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ MAPS; πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί MAPS

πŸ“œ RYBAR: 29 May 2024, 23:04

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈMilitary Expert Boris Rozhin on the Situation in the #Avdeyevka Direction until 30 May 2024 at 00:30⚑️

πŸ”»1. #Karlovka:
🟑After the liberation of #Netaylovo, the main battles unfolded near the outskirts of #Karlovka. The enemy has lost some of his strongholds.
🟑The AFU also lost control of the #Netaylovo - #Nevelskoye road. Previously, they had lost the #Netaylovo - #Umanskoye road.
🟑The control zone of the RFAF in the area of #Netaylovo has expanded, especially south of the village.

πŸ”»2. #Umanskoye:
🟑The RFAF are fighting at the outskirts of #Yasnobrodovka and have expanded their control zone to the north and west of the village's outskirts,
🟑In the near future, the RFAF will seek to clear #Yasnobrodovka and reach water barriers, which the enemy expects to rely on in the future.

πŸ”»3. #Novopokrovskoye:
🟑The RFAF launched an assault on the village from the north and northeast, simultaneously maintaining pressure on enemy positions west of #Semenovka.
🟑The liberation of #Novopokrovskoye will significantly advance the front to the west from the #Berdychi - #Orlovka - #Tonenkoye line.

πŸ”»4. #Ocheretino:
🟑The RFAF do not maintain pressure to the west of #Ocheretino in the direction of #Sokol. The enemy is launching counterattacks and continues to lose Western equipment.
🟑To the northwest, fighting continues on the southeastern outskirts of #Novoaleksandrovka.
🟑There is an advance north of #Ocheretino in the #Kalinovo area, where the enemy has lost another stronghold.
🟑The enemy is still holding back progress in the direction of #Rozovka.

πŸ“Œ In general, the RFAF continue to firmly own the initiative to the west of #Avdeyevka and do not allow the enemy to stabilise the front, where the most critical situation for the AFU is currently developing in the area of #Karlovka and #Umanskoye.

πŸ“œ Boris Rozhin specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

πŸ—Ί @Olegtsarov's Avdeyevka Map addedπŸ‘†

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βš‘οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βš”οΈ #Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 30 May 2024⚑️

πŸ”ΉRussian Troops carried out several targeted strikes on various targets in the territory of the so-called #Ukraine and the occupied parts of the #Kherson and #Zaporozhye regions, as well as the #DPR. Once again, the #Starokonstantinov Airfield was hit, as well as the infrastructure in the #Odessa region.

πŸ”ΉThe Enemy launched a massive combined attack on the Crimean Peninsula, using missiles and unmanned boats. Most of the ammunition was intercepted, but there was some damage on land and at sea.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Bakhmut direction, Russian troops are advancing in the vicinity of Kleshcheyevka and #Bogdanovka, and heavy fighting is taking place around #ChasovYar.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Avdeyevka direction, progress is being made in the area between #Solovyevo and #Berdychi, and fighting continues in the vicinity of #Ocheretino.

πŸ”ΉOn the South #Avdeyevka flank, the RFAF are moving north and south of #Netaylovo, expanding the zone of control in the vicinity of the village.

πŸ”ΉIn the #Ugledar direction, there is also progress in the #Novomikhaylovka - #Vladimirovka section. There, assault groups of Russian troops occupied several forest belts.

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πŸ—Ί High Resolution: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ MAPS; πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί MAPS

πŸ“œ RYBAR: 31 May 2024, 00:03

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