我本身係美食雜誌記者,我將在貴店嘅體驗刊登在我的網誌及NOW TV專欄,以下網址供你們參考。謝謝
〈好食〉食得夠尖夠地道夠風味 銅鑼灣信記避風塘海鮮美食
食得夠尖夠地道夠風味 銅鑼灣信記避風塘海鮮美食 https://wp.me/p8vzXP-7fw
我本身係美食雜誌記者,我將在貴店嘅體驗刊登在我的網誌及NOW TV專欄,以下網址供你們參考。謝謝
〈好食〉食得夠尖夠地道夠風味 銅鑼灣信記避風塘海鮮美食
食得夠尖夠地道夠風味 銅鑼灣信記避風塘海鮮美食 https://wp.me/p8vzXP-7fw
Now 新聞
〈好食〉食得夠尖夠地道夠風味 銅鑼灣信記避風塘海鮮美食
【A&M Diary】食海鮮你會去西貢?離島?流浮山定香港仔?但呢啲都滿足唔到為食又想打卡嘅我哋,因為今次我哋嚟到信記避風塘海鮮美食,呢度同一般嘅酒樓餐廳唔同,因為我哋要坐駁船去到銅鑼灣避風塘內嘅艇仔食飯,食真正嘅避風塘炒蟹,咁至係食得更尖、更地道同最夠風味!
好开心🥳Joyce Cheng visiting !! Appreciated for her sharing to all people !! Thank you 🙏
[Joyce Is Moist: for HKG] 香港有個避風塘 Typhoon Shelter Day(粵/En Subs)
[Joyce Is Moist: for HKG] 香港有個避風塘 Typhoon Shelter Day(粵/En Subs)
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful fishing village called Hong Kong. Today, I will show you the original flavours of Hong Kong. (Cantonese…
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful fishing village called Hong Kong. Today, I will show you the original flavours of Hong Kong. (Cantonese…
Thank you re-posting Shun Kee Seafood video with English Subtitles
Credits : Studio886
Credits : Studio886
[Eng Sub] Typhoon shelter styled seafood | May Food Keep Us Together | EP01 | 飲食男女 | Hong kong food
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Going with the Ebb…
1. Click on "CC" button
2. Cilck the setting button 🔆 to select your language, font size and etc...
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Going with the Ebb…
Thank you re-posting Shun Kee Seafood Video with English Subtitles
Credits : Studio886
Credits : Studio886
[Eng Sub] Typhoon shelter styled seafood | May Food Keep Us Together | EP02 | 飲食男女 | Hong kong food
🎊Welcome to Studio886 channel🎊We have multilingual subtitles, you may
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2. Cilck the setting button 🔆 to select your language, font size and etc...
3. Subcribe to our channel and click the 🔔 button for latest notice
Going with the Ebb…
1. Click on "CC" button
2. Cilck the setting button 🔆 to select your language, font size and etc...
3. Subcribe to our channel and click the 🔔 button for latest notice
Going with the Ebb…
Credit : Mark Wien
Thank you for visiting Hong Kong 🇭🇰
Thank you for visiting Hong Kong 🇭🇰
Garlic Crab Mountain!! 🦀 INSANE SEAFOOD in Hong Kong!! (Typhoon Shelter Crab)
🍚 Ultimate Hong Kong Street Food Tour: https://youtu.be/IdRWfYAyP04
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
HONG KONG - Today we’re eating legendary seafood in Hong Kong, including the original Typhoon Shelter Crab!
Huge thank you to Virginia…
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
HONG KONG - Today we’re eating legendary seafood in Hong Kong, including the original Typhoon Shelter Crab!
Huge thank you to Virginia…