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Forwarded from No BS kNews
West African leaders arrive for emergency Niger summit

Reuters 8/10 west policy failure

Uganda president defiant over World Bank funding
Uganda’s President basically told the World Bank to go fook itself…



Forwarded from Israel Anderson (Israel Anderson)
Media is too big
Media is too big
Tucker interviews former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund about what really happened on January 6th.

Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
Media is too big
⚠️Holy shit⚠️

US Congressman @RonJohnsonWI alleges that covid was “pre-planned by an elite group of people. Event 201”.

In reference to the Johns Hopkins Center tabletop exercise with the WEF and the Gates Foundation.

Pretty substantial allegations!
Forwarded from Watcher Guru
BREAKING: Sam Bankman-Fried jailed for tampering with evidence.

Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Media is too big
Jesse Watters: “The January 6th Committee has just been caught COLD orchestrating a massive ILLEGAL cover-up…”
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
@JoeRogan: "On the left. This want for war in Ukraine. This trust in the military-industrial complex. What happened to you guys? The best take on it was Trump... When Kaitlin Collins asked him... do you want Ukraine to win this war? He said I just want people to stop dying. And that is somehow controversial."

@TimJDillon: "I just want people to stop dying is a very logical statement. That's the appropriate response to every war out there... At the end of the day, unending conflicts only hurt the people in those countries fighting the wars and becoming victims of the wars. They don't hurt the people over here making a lot of money."

@TimJDillon: "Every argument made rightly against the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War. What's the plan? We're going to be in a quagmire. The money would be better used back home. All of those arguments were used ad nauseam by the left, and they were right. Now, if you bring up any of those arguments about Ukraine, you are called heartless or a Putin apologist."

@JoeRogan: "The crazy thing is that it's been adopted wholesale by the left. The people that are always the most skeptical about war... Trump was the first sitting president that I ever saw that openly admitted the military-industrial complex wants you to go to war... When Eisenhower was resigning, he said it, but Trump actually said it during an interview... Which is just a wild thing to hear that they might be influenced to start wars not when they are necessary but for financial reasons..."

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This is where I 100% agree with Elon Musk…

Earth’s climate naturally changes radically, as does the location of our magnetic poles - causing all sorts of changes to the surface conditions across the globe.

We must act based on our knowledge, and from what we can discern as truth, he is correct that having an off-planet society of humans that could survive an Earth-wide cataclysm and/or war is the best chance for our survival as a technologically advanced society.

Will “God” step in and save us? - I believe so!

However, acting solely on my beliefs while ignoring my knowledge of potentialities would be irresponsible.

Therefore, we must hope for the best while planning for the worst. If we wait to be saved and nobody comes to save us, then we’re screwed. Yet, if we work to save ourselves - we are assisting anyone who eventually does come to save us.

This is why I work toward Natural Law compliant solutions for our problems based on commonly accepted truths while remaining open to the possibility of other realities that have been hidden from us.

Shareholder Primacy focuses on maximizing the value to shareholders before considering the interests of society, the community, consumers, and even employees [1].

Henry Ford was SUED by his own shareholders for being “too generous” to his employees and customers (by raising wages and lowering prices) [2].

This set the precedent which became Shareholder Primacy:

Profit-oriented: Decisions are made for financial return rather than social or environmental concerns.

Short-term focus: Decisions are made with a focus on immediate profits rather than long-term sustainability.

Prioritizing shareholders over stakeholders: interests of employees, customers, and the community are ignored.

Here’s a list of legal rulings that would need to be challenged in order to overturn the tenets of Shareholder Primacy [3].





Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
US Health Agencies lied to you about:

-Existing treatments for C19
-Man-made origin of the virus
-Safety/efficacy of mRNA
-Deaths and hospitalizations
-Mask efficacy
-Natural Immunity

They WITTINGLY spread medical disinformation for financial gain.

How to brainwash a generation:

Adobe teaches their new video editing features via a documentary filmmaker and her documentary about transgender lives…

It’s subtle, how they slowly normalize their depravity by gradually introducing it in seemingly innocuous ways.

Slowly turn up the heat to boil a frog.

The Maui fires, East Palestine Ohio, Canadian wildfires, CLIMATE CHANGE!!!

[Their plan] was always to trigger natural-looking disasters (whose sheer scale made it seem crazy to question or suggest human involvement) that created economic opportunities for their cronies - all the while amplifying their CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda.

Have you ever seen a parent allow their child to get hurt and/or scared in order to drive home a vital lesson?

When a child refuses to heed numerous warnings, sometimes the loving thing is to step back and wait for the inevitable to teach them a key lesson.

Enjoy the show.

Forwarded from Evans_Baked
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"I believe we have a compromised president. He was bribed, and now he's being blackmailed. He's a Manchurian Candidate. That's why Crooked Joe is letting other countries walk all over the United States."

- President @realDonaldTrump
I confirmed this - a book that chronicles the fires of August 8-11, 2023 was published on August 10, 2023 and the paperback could be delivered to my door by Thursday...

Oh, and the author also wrote The life story of Hunter Biden - among dozens of books he's published in the last 2-months…

How do you awaken the sleepers?

The sleeper must awaken.

Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
Don’t let Fulton County distract you from the fact that RFK Jr. just brazenly highlighted the elements within the US government that are making bioweapons in Ukraine.

He mentioned this was a “hanging offense”, multiple times.

You want military tribunals? This is our path.
The Maui fire and aftermath should be no surprise to those paying attention.

Ingersoll Lockwood told us all about how Hillary was welcomed to the board of Monsanto and how they used this weapon on the “New Madrid fault zone” to steal valuable farmland for Bill Gates and others to buy up - slowly gaining control of our food supply.

They also told us how Clinton sold HAARP tech to anyone willing to pay - so these next generation weapons are now being used by many.

Please read the 6 posts from 2021:

REMEMBER: in Feb. 2011, FEMA put out a call for "supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations"
