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Do not answer your door for anyone who knocks. In current year everyone has a cellphone. People who know you can call when they arrive.

Anyone who knocks is not welcome.

Circumstance has changed and so must custom.

Anyone who knocks is a stranger. It’s almost the test for such.

Disable your doorbell. Leave it there, but unhook it. They can push the thing until they prolapse.

As far as letting people know the house is occupied, that’s easy. Occupy the house.

Crackheads will try their luck anyway sometimes. When we are at home we have lights on. We always are playing music, etc. They’ll not make the mistake that the home is unoccupied.

Arguments for not putting off marriage:

1. Experience. I see now quality improvement among marriages started later than sooner.

The old books. Plato, Aristotle, and most of the old Greeks write about how we know things by their telos, their purpose. The primary telos of man is to live the good life, maybe the beatific vision. This necessarily HAS to include procreation.

The good life must include life. If there is no procreation, there is no life. Procreation is the human precondition for all human action. No procreation, no humans.

Procreation must be inside marriage to protect hte child. It insures the father will provide since mother and child cannot. It insures the mother will not bring the children of another man into the home.

The marriage ultimately exists for the good of the children, which in turn is good for us.

Once the human is capable of having and raising children they are prepared to live out their telos.

Additionally, we must pursue virute to best approach our telos. This is how we practice being proper people. Not proper in terms of prim and proper, but proper in terms of effective, good, well turned, etc.

Those virtues are hardest to practice as a young adult who is not in marriage. Living outside of marriage will increase likelihood of falling short, sin.

Two young adults who are “establish” at 24 years old, THEN get married can arguably never be married to the same extent two young people who get married first THEN become married are.

Also, two younger people who were NEVER single in the same way the two older people were. This is significant.

Who is more married? ONe who was never single as an adult or one who was?
Also, what’s better and 80 year old married 40 years or an 80 year old married 62 years?
If marriage is categorically good, and it is, being married longer is categorically better.

Further, two 40 year olds who have been married 5 years do not have the same quality of marriage two 30 year olds who have been married 12 years have.

The maturity of the marriage only increases with the age of the marriage, not the married. Newlyweds are newlyweds, regardless of their age.

If one is to “wait” until 29, let’s say, to get married. What I exactly, is the virtuous work or action to be done between the dawn of adulthood and that magic age? How are those years to be put to use?

There is opportunity cost. People aren’t fungible. If you find a suitable fit early on and move on to “date” others (Bone strangers.) there is almost a guarantee that the first suitable fit will be gone. If that person is not gone, you’re having boned all the strangers, worked you cruddy job , racked up debt, etc., will have likely altered or destroyed that fit.

That suitable fit has a shelf life.
Saturday night listening.
In thinking about what Jimmy and I were discussing about Russell Kirk yesterday, I know we need a real right wing politic, not a conservative politic.

This must be ideological, that is based on ideas. I reckon those ideas will be based on a sociological understanding that is different from that of the left.

If it is to be successful it will have to be true. I believe it will be based on the understanding of sexual dynamics given to us from Roissy and the men at Chateau Heartiste, IQ realism, Chinese style economic ideas (They are not commies like you think), and a practical and sensical metaphysics.

Nietzsche is right. God is dead and we have killed him. Without belief, how do we proceed? The man of will must emerge and promulgate the new politic, only after that project is near complete can other changes take place.
Mortgages are not the worst thing.

It’s almost impossible to purchase a first home without one.

A wise old man once told me to not get a mortgage longer than 7 year term. I thought this was absolutely nuts. He was right at the time.

Things have changed.

1. Inflation is worse.
2. Inflation is underreported.
3. The fed rate is way low.
4. Virtually every mortgage is now backstopped by the FHA.

This makes the mortgage a subsidized game that is somewhat advantageous for the borrower.

NOW. Beware. Do not let the Stupid Arbitrage (TM) between reality and the prime mortgage rate lead you t buy too much house.

In order to keep from buying too much house and getting all fucked up, do not consider working with anything longer than a 15 year mortgage.

This will give you an enormous margin of safety.

1. You’ll be debt free in 15 years.
2. You’ll have saved 10’s or even 100’s of thousands in interest.
3. You’ll have bought a less expensive property
3a. This will save you property tax money.
3b. It’s my experience that maintenances and upkeeps are about 5% of the value per year. Some years they will be nothing. Literally. Other years you’ll buy a roof and an air conditioner and be out $35-70K. Buying more modest keeps upkeeps more modest.
4. The more modest property will be less expensive to furnish.

All of these things together mean that at the end of 30 years you will likely have over double the net worth you would have had if you had gotten a 30 year mortgage.

This is the difference between retiring and not retiring for most people.
Paying down mortgages.

1. Take your monthly payment, divide by two. Pay this amount on your note every other week. There being 26 2-week periods per year, this will make a 13th monthly payment every year.
2. When you pay extra on your mortgage, and you should, make sure your extra payments are applied to PRINCIPLE.
3. Have your mortgage company print an amortization table for you. It will show every payment, the interest and principle component for each. Mark them off as you make them.
4. Learn how to build a dynamic amortization table in excel. Use this to track your payments, cumulative interest, the ever shortening payoff date, etc.
More on mortgages.

A lot of what you are paying for when you buy a house are "wear items." It's stuff that wears out. The roof, carpet, flooring, paint, HVAC stuff, light bulbs, water heater, garage door opener, faucet washers, dishwasher, stove, etc. is all stuff that will wear out or break within 10-30 years.

Financing the house for longer than the average life of the wear items in the house means you will be paying for the first roof on your note as you are buying the second roof.

This seems like a technical detail but it is not. Ask anyone who has had to get a HELOC to buy that second roof and they haven't paid off the first note, they know it's not a technicality. Pay off the note and continue to sock that payment away each month so you can maintain that home perfectly, like an aircraft. Perfect home maintenance is very desirable. Maybe poast later on this.

This is yet another reason to get a 12 to 15 year note, to keep yourself from paying for an AC you no longer have while you are paying for it's replacement.
You folks that are thinking these mortgage notes are interesting and a good idea, but don't heed them will be materially and demonstrably poorer about 5 years after buying.

This stuff is serious. Be petulant and seek more house on a longer note and condemn older you to HALF THE NET WORTH.

This is serious business. Very serious.

You work 40+ hours a week to get the resources you need to live and have a decent life then squander the proceeds of your work with your usurer.

Respect future you and make the sacrifice now.
I had a lot of rental property before I sold it all in 2015. In those days I was looking to add a 150-200 unit apartment complex to the wad.

During this time wife and I went to dinner with a couple who are good friends. One of those $400 dinners. I know folks spend more, but that's was all I was willing to do. The dude makes more money than I ever did. I was EARNING too. He was making double what I was making, but he didn't own his own business. He is about 12 years older, so he not only made more than me, but had been making more for a LONG time.

He asked what I had been working on and I told him about the apartment bit. He said he was VERY interested in joining in. I was pleased to maybe add some more money to the kitty and try for a larger property. I asked him how much he was willing to put in. He said all he could get was about $100k.

This mother fucker makes more than that a month.

His house is about 5X more than the house we had. Everything he had was big dickin'.

Move forward to 2018, I'm out.

He's still working.

Get self-employed.

Get the shorter note people.
I did ask him if $100k was all his was willing to contribute to the deal, or was there something about the deal that made him want to limit his part.

He said, "that's all I can muster."
I had another friend who is gone now. He owned a company that made molded rubber products.

We were eating hamburgers for lunch one day and I was just grilling him and interviewing him because he just knew so much stuff. So much experience.

He was telling me a story about selling prime mover trucks for Crane Carrier Corp in the 1950's. He told me he had made 6 figures every year since 1955.

I remember working on some stuff with him and seeing he was clearing about $700k a year in 2000.

He drove a chevy truck with rubber floor boards and window cranks.

He did not spend the money to speak of. He had a nice house. His wife drove a Cadillac. They lived very well, but not like you'd think a guy with a low 9 figure net worth would.
I caulked the inside of the new house frame for hours today. About 70 tubes of caulking.

I sealed where the baseplate of each wall sits on the subfloor, betwixt the two top-plates, around all window and exterior door headers, etc.

Every single joint that will not receive spray foam that could allow air infiltration got sealed up from the inside.

The builder thinks I’m crazy. The house is wrapped in tyvek and will have James B Hardie siding on it, which will be caulked up and painted. All voids will be sealed with open and closed cell foam. But there are other things that can allow air leaks.

I sealed those today.

I’m shooting for a $100 max Oklahoma air conditioning bill in this house.
St. Thomas is 100% right about the nature of money and lending.

Abolish the word lending for these financial encumbrances. They are not loans, they are claims on future earnings. This is why those in the know do not call it lending, it’s usury.

I loaned my friend Karl a sharpshooter. He’ll bring it back none the poorer. This is a loan.

If I “lent” him the money to buy a sharpshooter he’d spend it, then have to work and return to me OTHER money in a like amount plus interest. Bad news.