Scott Greer
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The new IQ Supplements dives into the rise and fall of the American Whig Party
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ATTENTION: There will be an event tomorrow in Dallas tomorrow near the CPAC hotel. Stay tuned for details
Forwarded from Nicholas J. Fuentes
Good morning!
A reminder that the Globalist American Empire is a bigger threat to our freedoms than China
Very weird for Con Inc. tokens to glorify interracial gang rape
mfw I’m a cat
We’re gonna see conservatives hype the Cubs protests ad nauseam in the coming days. Don’t go along with it. The communist regime in Cuba sucks, but it’s not our problem. The Globalist American Empire fomenting revolution in Cuba is the real problem for us. It’s never wise to stand on their side and spread their propaganda
Wakanda already exists. It’s called Haiti
I’d rather live in Communist Cuba instead of “free” Haiti
New Highly Respected today
Of course this is not what MLK was about. MLK supported non-whites embracing their racial identity and wanted race-exclusive benefits. But the mainstream Right feels it has to cite MLK because he’s more important than the Founders in our current society. Even boomers are more persuaded by appeals to MLK than appeals to the Founding Fathers
Completely fabricated moral panic to expand woke Britain’s authoritarian control. All this done to protect millionaire celebrities from any “harmful” criticism
Will they find the slurs of mass destruction?
Cuba thoughts: I have no problem with the people overthrowing the communist government there. It would be in America’s interest to have a friendlier government. However, as we can see in Venezuela, the likely scenario as this just destabilizes the country and leads to more immigration to the U.S. That’s not in our interests. With all the problems facing our country, it’s best we care about other things besides Cuba
The scary part is that the Joint Chiefs of Staff agrees with this insane rant