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Call for Applications: Next Generation Internship Programme for Young Graduates & Early Career Professionals (Fully Funded).

This is a six months program that invites applications from young graduates and early career professionals. Successful candidates will be offered fully funded opportunities.

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UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program for International Students (Fully Funded) in Japan.

The University of Tokyo in Japan announces the UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program. This program provides hundreds of undergraduates with the best opportunity to pursue scientific research projects each year. Successful candidates will be offered a fully funded scholarship opportunity.

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AI Singapore (AISG) Announces PhD Fellowship Programme in Singapore – Full Coverage.

The AISG PhD Fellowship Programme is a part of AISG’s Research Programme that supports top-level AI research talents in pursuing their PhD degrees in Singapore-based Autonomous Universities (AUs) namely Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), and Singapore Management University (SMU). Successful candidates will receive Full Coverage.

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Call for Applications – 2025 Berlin Fellowship Program (Fully Funded).

For the 2025 Berlin Fellowship Program, the call for applications has been announced. The program will be held in Berlin for 6 months duration. The fellowship will commence in May 2025 and last until October 2025. Successful candidates will receive fully funded coverage for the fellowship program.

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#scholarshipdiary #scholarships #funding #berlin #germany #fellowship #journalists #reporters #ReportersWithoutBorders #RSF #application #Admission #fullyfunded #callforapplications #ApplyNow
Erasmus Mundus Global MINDS Scholarship 2025-27 (Fully & Partially Funded) - All Nationalities are Eligible.

The much-awaited and prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is out for the master's degree program. Study in Europe at the renowned universities. It is a 2-year English-taught master’s degree program co-funded by the European Union. The program also carries 3 months internship. Universities from Ireland, Poland, Norway, and Portugal are on-board. Fully funded, partially funded, and self-funded seats are available.

For more details and the application procedure:

#GrabaScholarship #scholarships #funding #erasmus  #erasmusmundus #ErasmusPlus #fullyfunded #PartiallyFunded #financialassistance #europe #study #students #admissions  #mastersdegree
Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships (Fully Funded) – Study at the UK Universities.

Commonwealth has announced Split-Site PhD scholarships. For 12 months, the students can conduct research at a university in the United Kingdom. Renowned UK universities are on board. Successful candidates will be offered fully funded scholarships plus other attractive benefits. It is a prestigious opportunity for PhD students.

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Time to Avail FULLY FUNDED Scholarships to Study at UK Universities. Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (Fully Funded) in the UK for Master’s Degrees.

Students interested in studying in the UK may now apply for the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme, which is offered for postgraduate taught master's degrees. Prestigious UK universities are on board, and it is a fully funded opportunity. Apply now.

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#commonwealthscholarships #commonwealth #study #studyinuk #education #mastersdegree #postgraduate #fullyfundedscholarship #fullyfunded #scholarship #funding #ukuniversities
Trinity Leadership Fellows (Fellowship Program) in the USA. All Nationalities are Eligible – Fully Funded & Stipends.

Trinity Leadership Fellows is a two-year program to be conducted in New York City. During the two-year fellowship program, participants of the fellowship will learn from the experts, sharpen their leadership skills, and build lifelong supportive peer and mentoring relationships. Bachelor's degree students are eligible to apply. Successful students will be offered fully funded coverage along with stipends.

For more details and the application procedure:

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IAS 2025 13th IAS Conference (Fully Funded) in Rwanda.

The IAS 2025, the 13th IAS Conference, is gearing up to be conducted in Kigali, Rwanda, from 13th to 17th July 2025, with pre-conferences on 13th July.  Students, youngsters, volunteers, and professionals are eligible to apply to this fully funded conference.

For more details and the application procedure:

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VLIR-UOS Scholarships in Belgium for Master’s Degrees (Fully Funded).

ICP Connect study programmes are available for interested and eligible students. VLIRUOS is a famous funding body for scholarships. ICP Connect study programmes are accredited international study programmes taught in English. Fully funded scholarships will be offered to chosen candidates.

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#application #admissions #belgium #mastersdegree #VLIROUS #fullyfunded #FinancialAssistance  #students #StudyInEurope