Scary Facts
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27,000 trees are cut down every day to make toilet paper.

Scary Facts
A cockroach can live for a couple of weeks without its head until it starves to death

Scary Facts
A black hole has such a powerful gravity that it "pulls" even light into itself.

Scary Facts
Astronauts often lose their nails after a spacewalk.

Scary Facts
47% of people have nightmares at least once a month.

Scary Facts
Ephebiphobia is a pathological fear and aversion of adolescents.

Scary Facts
In the Netherlands, non-smoking teenagers are paid 200 euros per month. In Russia, pensioners who have worked all their lives - 120 euros per month.

Scary Facts
Whiskey is healthier than wine because it contains elements that can prevent heart disease.

Scary Facts
In 2007, the first spinal fracture caused by a sneeze was reported in England.

Scary Facts
The most dangerous and deadly earthquake was on January 23, 1556 in Shaanxi, China. It caused about 830,000 casualties.

Scary Facts
There is a very rare genetic mutation in which a person is unable to feel pain, fear and anxiety.

Scary Facts
Often the serial killer himself seeks the death penalty that he faces. He continues to commit crimes to complete his self-destruction.

Scary Facts
Ailurophobia is a fear of cats.

Scary Facts
On average, a person has more than 1,460 dreams each year.

Scary Facts
People glow in the dark, but the light we emit is 10 times less than what our vision can detect.

Scary Facts
A German pistol from World War II in a belt buckle. This weapon was issued only to high-ranking officers so that they could defend themselves in the most unforeseen situations

Scary Facts
There are currently 160 million orphans in the world
. This is the highest number ever recorded.

Scary Facts
The AN-225 "Mriya" is considered to be the largest payload aircraft in the world.The width from one wing to the other is almost 89 meters. The height of this giant reaches 18 meters, which is equal to the height of a five-story house.

Scary Facts
In Germany, fake bus stops are built next to some homes for the elderly. Old people often suffer from sclerosis and sometimes go to a bus stop to get away from an unfamiliar place.

Scary Facts
Hitler was on friendly terms with Walt Disney. He even drew some dwarves for the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Scary Facts