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NBC vs. NBC The article 👆👆 shows a 42% decline overall in viewers from 2016.
NBC is a fake news liberal outlet that hates patriotism. 🤨

They are part of the spewing of division, etc.
They support U.S. athletes taking a knee during the National Anthem!

NBC non-patriotic news results in Olympic ratings plummeting! 😏
Olympic ratings dropped because of its own network and are forced to haggle! 😳

Talk about backfiring! 💥 Guess who is on their knees now..."haggling"?? NBC!!!
Forwarded from Papi Caballo
Forwarded from il Donaldo Trumpo (il Donaldo Trumpo)
BREAKING: If everyone masks up and gets vaccinated on the next 2 weeks, the Democrats are still gonna use one of their bullshito "variants" to try to steal the next election with mail-in ballots. SO KISS MY ASS DURING THE NEXT 15 DAYS, DEMOCRATS!!!
15 DAYS!!!! 🇺🇸🌎❤️🐿🥳🍿❤️🙏🥳🐿🌎🇺🇸🦅
Julian Assange's next court date is on August 11th.
The US Govt's star witness against Assange recently admitted to fabricating his key accusation in exchange for immunity from pedophilia charges.
If Julian wins in court on the 11th, it is likely he will be released.
Forwarded from Myfathers Daughter
• Who is Julian? Julian is a Freedom fighter, free speech campaigner, publisher, he has awards all over the world
• Julian started a WikiLeaks, a high-volume site for whistleblowers and sources to come forward. It’s been so enormously successful, and it's upset powerful players, so they've gone after him.
• WikiLeaks publications have exposed war crimes and corruption and have been used as evidence in court cases all over the world.
• Julian is facing 175 years for publishing the true information that was leaked to WikiLeaks.
• The US government wants to use the case against Assange to change the nature of the society fundamentally and dramatically. From one where it is legal for publishers, for speakers, for people on social media, to talk about what the government is doing, to one where it's illegal to talk about what the government is doing.
• If we don't get Julian out of prison, we will not be able to speak about what the government is doing, and if we DO speak about what the government is doing, we all will go to prison.
• Julian has NOT been charged with Espionage but has been charged 17 times under a so called ‘Espionage Act’ – he is charged with merely receiving and publishing the truth.
• The case has one ‘PR’ charge which the US government is trying to use to make Assange seem like he was involved in illegally obtaining the information – this is the so-called ‘hacking’ charge. A complete fabrication to try and make Julian look bad.
• This so-called charge was absolutely demolished in courts by experts, and the US knew they would lose their entire case, so they dropped the entire case against Assange and re-issued a new superseding indictment, to include testimony from a convicted fraudster, thief and sex offender named Thordarson, who Assange had helped put behind bars for abusing minors.
• Through Thordarson’s motive is clear, to get revenge on Assange, he recently admitted that the entire story he gave to the US prosecution was entirely made up, and he only gave it them to get immunity from his own crimes. These lies are still being used in the court documents.
• The US Government must drop the charges and the United Kingdom must stop the extradition of Assange.
• What we are doing here, on telegram, is sharing information; is publishing information. The so-called ‘Espionage Act’ doesn’t even deal with classified information. This means that the US government can decide what information is a threat to ‘national security’ AFTER it’s published, no matter if it’s classified or not.
• Our rights are at risk. The first amendment is at risk. If Assange is extradited it will mean the US government can imprison anyone, from anywhere in the world, for publishing truthful information.
• This is a political case which must be won by the public.
Events scheduled for Mid-August:
* Maricopa Audit Results
* Julian Assange court date where he could potentially be released
* Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium
* EBS System Test
* Rumored "delta variant" lockdowns

Now do you understand the ramp-up in covid fear mongering?
If the Maricopa results, Julian Assange hearing, or Cyber Symposium produce information that the govt wants to bury asap, they will give you something you have been waiting for (Durham Report) in order to distract you from something more devastating to them (Maricopa results, Assange, Cyber Symposium).
Durham report is expected to be released any day now.
If the covid fear mongering falls flat, then expect the Durham report to be used to distract you in mid-August.
Do not continue to focus on the covid fear mongering.
It is meant to distract you from the real events which are all converging on mid-August.
SantaSurfing pinned «»
So the Falone dude testifies that he was beaten, blah blah blah....ummmm....did he beat himself??? 😱🤔 Photos on left are him at the 1/6/2021 Capitol staged event pretending to be a rioter! Add more facial hair and fake tears and viola', he becomes a victim! 😳
BlackRock is buying boatloads of property and turning them into rentals. HOWEVER, real estate prices are at its peak right now. Anyone who experienced the housing bubble in 2006-2009 knows that the bubble busted and real estate tanked. 😱 Will Blackrock rentals become obsolete?🤔 I don't have any answers, but it sure looks like real estate is going to crash hard and it could allow many people to buy a decent place. Just thinking out loud! President Trump says 2021 will be phenomenal...and he has always kept his promises. ❤️🦅
It's not me quoting a date...FEMA is quoting this date.
8/11/2021 Emergency Alert Test!! 💥💥💥
Interesting this will happen while lame Congress in out on recess!! 😳🤡😳