संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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@samskrt_samvadah is starting Narayaneeyam Classes.

विषय — नारायणीयं गायनं (How to recite Narayaneeyam)
शिक्षिका — ललिता विश्वनाथन्
Time — 9AM🕘 (Indian time)
Date —10th February, Thursday (Every Thursday)

Please come with hard copy or soft copy of Narayaneeyam on time.
Set a reminder.


@samskrt_samvadah संलापशाला - A Samskrit Voicechat room.

कालावधिः : 30 minutes
समयः : IST 11:00 AM 🕚
विषयः :भारतस्य गौरवशाली इतिहासः।
( Bharat's Glorious History)
दिनाङ्कः : 10th February, 2022,
Please Join the voicechat on time.
😇 Please come prepared to discuss ( किमर्थं भारतदेशः विश्वगुरुः आसीत् ,भारतस्य महानता कीदृशी आसीत्।)in Sanskrit , If possible.
We are waiting for you.😇
Set a reminder.

🍃अभ्यासयोगयुक्तेन चेतसा नान्यगामिना।
परमं पुरुषं दिव्यं याति पार्थानुचिन्तयन्
।। 8.8 ।।

♦️abhyaasayogayuktena chetasaa naanyagaaminaa|
paramaM puruShaM divyaM yaati paarthaanuchintayan8.8

By contemplating on Me with an unwavering mind, disciplined by the practice of meditation, one attains the Supreme divine spirit, O Arjuna. (8.08)

हे पार्थ अभ्यासयोग से युक्त अन्यत्र न जाने वाले चित्त से निरन्तर चिन्तन करता हुआ (साधक) परम दिव्य पुरुष को प्राप्त होता है।। 8.8 ।।

CD Track
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता [08.08]
CD Track
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता [08.09]
🍃कविं पुराणमनुशासितार मणोरणीयांसमनुस्मरेद्यः।
सर्वस्य धातारमचिन्त्यरूप मादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्
।। 8.9 ।।

♦️kaviM puraaNamanushaasitaara
sarvasya dhaataaramachintyaruupa
maadityavarNaM tamasaH parastaat8.9

The one who meditates on Brahman as the omniscient, the oldest, the controller, smaller than the smallest (and bigger than the biggest), the sustainer of everything, the inconceivable, the self luminous like the sun, and as transcendental or beyond the material reality; (8.09)

जो पुरुष सर्वज्ञ प्राचीन (पुराण) सबके नियन्ता सूक्ष्म से भी सूक्ष्मतर सब के धाता अचिन्त्यरूप सूर्य के समान प्रकाश रूप और (अविद्या) अन्धकार से परे तत्त्व का अनुस्मरण करता है।। 8.9 ।।

@samskrt_samvadah is starting Narayaneeyam Classes.

विषय — नारायणीयं गायनं (How to recite Narayaneeyam)
शिक्षिका — ललिता विश्वनाथन्
Time — 9AM🕘 (Indian time)
Date —10th February, Thursday (Every Thursday)

Please come with hard copy or soft copy of Narayaneeyam on time.
Set a reminder.


Live stream scheduled for
@samskrt_samvadah संलापशाला - A Samskrit Voicechat room.

कालावधिः : 30 minutes
समयः : IST 11:00 AM 🕚
विषयः :भारतस्य गौरवशाली इतिहासः।
( Bharat's Glorious History)
दिनाङ्कः : 10th February, 2022,
Please Join the voicechat on time.
😇 Please come prepared to discuss ( किमर्थं भारतदेशः विश्वगुरुः आसीत् ,भारतस्य महानता कीदृशी आसीत्।)in Sanskrit , If possible.
We are waiting for you.😇
Set a reminder.

Live stream scheduled for
🚩जय सत्य सनातन🚩

🚩आज की हिंदी तिथि

🌥️ 🚩युगाब्द-५१२३
🌥️ 🚩विक्रम संवत-२०७८
🚩तिथि - नवमी सुबह ११:०८ तक तत्पश्चात दशमी

दिनांक - १० फरवरी २०२२
दिन - गुरुवार
शक संवत -१९४३
अयन - उत्तरायण
ऋतु - शिशिर
मास - माघ
पक्ष - शुक्ल
नक्षत्र - रोहिणी ११ फरवरी रात्रि ०३:३२ तक तत्पश्चात मृगशिरा
योग - इन्द्र शाम ०६:५० तक तत्पश्चात वैधृति
राहुकाल - दोपहर ०२:#८ से शाम ०३:४४ तक
सूर्योदय - ०७:१३
सूर्यास्त - १८:३२
दिशाशूल - दक्षिण दिशा में
यथा चित्तं तथा वाचः यथा वाचस्तथा क्रियाः |
चित्ते वाचि क्रियायाञ्च साधूनामेकरूपता ||
“As the mind is so is the speech, as is the speech so is the action; there is uniformity in the mind, diction and action of the noble.”
Thoughts become words, words become actions

यथा = however much well
चित्तं = intention
तथा = that is
वाचः = say/ word/ speak
क्रियाः = actions (plural)
साधुः = noble
एकः = one
रूपता = state of being formed
