संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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Atmabodha, meaning Self-knowledge or Self-awareness, is an exceptionally lucid and readable work of Shankaracharya. Consisting of sixty-eight verses or shlokas, it is in a sense a simple summary of his entire Vedantic structure of thought, intended, it would seem, as a basic primer for his students and followers. The text follows a clearly elaborated doctrine, starting with knowledge as a key to liberation, the nautre of the Atman within us, the assertion of the pervasive and attribute-less nature of Brahman, and the path towards the realisation of the complete identity between the Atman and Brahman.

तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधः पूर्णं सच्चिदानन्दमद्वयम्।
अनन्तं नित्यमेकं यत्तद्ब्रह्मेत्यवधारयेत्।।56।।

56. Realise that to be Brahman which is Existence-Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute, which is Non-dual, Infinite, Eternal and One and which fills all the quarters – above and below and all that exists between.

आत्म-बोध ऑनलाइन क्लास - 56:

आत्म-बोध के 56th श्लोक में भी भगवान् शंकराचार्यजी हमें ब्रह्म की महिमा उसका वास्तविक अर्थ बता रहे हैं। श्लोक का अंतिम पद समान है - की उसको ही ब्रह्म जानो। किसको? जो श्लोक में पूर्ण तत्व है। जो सचिदानन्द स्वरुप है। वो ही तीनों दिशाओं में अपनी माया से विविध रूपों में अभिव्यक्त हो रहा है। तीन दिशाएं मतलब - ऊपर, नीचे और पृथ्वी के ऊपर। जो स्वतः अनंत है, जिसके दृष्टी से कोई द्वैत नहीं होता है। वह ही ब्रह्म है - हे मन अपने समस्त विक्षेप त्यागो और मात्र उसमें अपना ध्यान लगाओ। ब्रह्म के अलावा पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड में और कुछ भी नहीं है।

@sutaah, subsidiary of @samskrt_samvadah is starting Elements in Periodic Table through Sanskrit Classes

Date: 31st March to 3rd April 2022
Time : 11 AM - 12.00 PM 🕖 (Indian time)
Teacher : @BhavaniSSR

Prior Sanskrit knowledge NOT Necessary.

Pls fill the Gform👇👇


Do you know Sanskrit language helps to acquire the highest mental acumen quickly which is required to be skillful in computer languages?

Give your child an opportunity to learn Chemistry in a much better way through the Deva Bhasha Samskrit. And you will be surprised to know how Sanskrit played a role in the discovery of Mendeleev's periodic table

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः🙏

NOTE: IX and X std students can join.💪However students from 6th to 12th can join if they are interested. Classes will be interactive and it's requested that your child is provided with hi-speed internet connectivity and a serene atmosphere to concentrate.
🚷 Adults! Pls 😅Let's NOT walk into the space meant for Children
@samskrt_samvadah संलापशाला - A Samskrit Voicechat room.

कालावधिः : 45 निमेषाः
समयः : IST 11:00 AM 🕚
विषयः : भक्तिः
दिनाङ्कः : 29th March 2022,

Please Join the voicechat on time.
Voicechat would be recorded and shared on this channel.

😇 यदि शक्येत चेत् संस्कृतेन (कस्यचित् जनस्य उत्तमभक्त्याः उदाहरणं तस्य जीवनचरित्रं वा वदन्तु।) चर्चार्थं कृपया पूर्वसिद्धतां कृत्वा आगच्छन्तु।

वयं युष्माकं प्रतीक्षां कुर्मः। 😇

स्मारणतंत्रिकां स्थापयतु

Swami Brahamananda
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता [10.40]
🍃नान्तोऽस्ति मम दिव्यानां विभूतीनां परंतप।
एष तूद्देशतः प्रोक्तो विभूतेर्विस्तरो मया

♦️naanto'sti mama divyaanaaM vibhuutiinaaM paraMtapa|
eSha tuuddeshataH prokto vibhuutervistaro mayaa10.40

There is no end of My divine manifestations, O Arjuna. This is only a brief description by Me of the extent of My divine manifestations. (10.40)

हे परन्तप मेरी दिव्य विभूतियों का अन्त नहीं है अपनी विभूतियों का यह विस्तार मैंने एक देश से अर्थात् संक्षेप में कहा है।।10.40।।

Swami Brahamananda
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता [10.41]
🍃यद्यद्विभूतिमत्सत्त्वं श्रीमदूर्जितमेव वा।
तत्तदेवावगच्छ त्वं मम तेजोंऽशसंभवम्

♦️yadyadvibhuutimatsattvaM shriimaduurjitameva vaa|
tattadevaavagachCha tvaM mama tejoM'shasaMbhavam10.41

Whatever is endowed with glory, brilliance, and power; know that to be a manifestation of a fraction of My splendor. (10.41)

जो कोई भी विभूतियुक्त कान्तियुक्त अथवा शक्तियुक्त वस्तु (या प्राणी) है उसको तुम मेरे तेज के अंश से ही उत्पन्न हुई जानो।।10.41।।

🚩जय सत्य सनातन🚩

🚩आज की हिंदी तिथि

🌥️ 🚩युगाब्द-५१२३
🌥️ 🚩विक्रम संवत-२०७८
🚩तिथि - द्वादशी अपरान्ह 02:38 तक तपश्चात त्रयोदशी

दिनांक 29 मार्च 2022
दिन - मंगलवार
शक संवत - 1943
अयन - उत्तरायण
ऋतु - वसंत
मास - चैत्र
पक्ष - कृष्ण
नक्षत्र - धनिष्ठा दोपहर 11:28 तक तपश्चात शतभिषा
योग - साध्य अपरान्ह 03:14 तक तत्पश्चात शुभ
राहुकाल - अपरान्ह 03:49 से 05:22 तक
सूर्योदय - 06:35
सूर्यास्त - 06:54
दिशाशूल - उत्तर दिशा में
@samskrt_samvadah संलापशाला - A Samskrit Voicechat room.

कालावधिः : 45 निमेषाः
समयः : IST 11:00 AM 🕚
विषयः : भक्तिः
दिनाङ्कः : 29th March 2022,

Please Join the voicechat on time.
Voicechat would be recorded and shared on this channel.

😇 यदि शक्येत चेत् संस्कृतेन (कस्यचित् जनस्य उत्तमभक्त्याः उदाहरणं तस्य जीवनचरित्रं वा वदन्तु।) चर्चार्थं कृपया पूर्वसिद्धतां कृत्वा आगच्छन्तु।

वयं युष्माकं प्रतीक्षां कुर्मः। 😇

स्मारणतंत्रिकां स्थापयतु

Live stream scheduled for
Forwarded from Bhavani Raman
[ Photo ]
@sutaah, subsidiary of @samskrt_samvadah is starting Elements in Periodic Table through Sanskrit Classes

Date: 31st March to 3rd April 2022
Time : 11 AM - 12.00 PM 🕖 (Indian time)
Teacher : @BhavaniSSR

Prior Sanskrit knowledge NOT Necessary.

Pls fill the Gform👇👇


Do you know Sanskrit language helps to acquire the highest mental acumen quickly which is required to be skillful in computer languages?

Give your child an opportunity to learn Chemistry in a much better way through the Deva Bhasha Samskrit. And you will be surprised to know how Sanskrit played a role in the discovery of Mendeleev's periodic table

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः🙏

NOTE: No fee. IX & X std students can join.💪However students from 6th to 12th can join if they are interested. Classes will be interactive and it's requested that your child is provided with hi-speed internet connectivity and a serene atmosphere to concentrate.
🚷 Adults! Pls 😅Let's NOT walk into the space meant for Children
सत्यं ब्रूयात्प्रियं ब्रूयान्न ब्रूयात्सत्यमप्रियं।
प्रियं च सुनृतं ब्रूयादेष धर्मः सनातनः॥

One should speak the truth that is liked by others and should never speak such truth that is disliked. The cardinal principle is that one should speak only such truth that is acceptable to others.

सर्वदा प्रियं सत्यं वक्तव्यम् अप्रियं सत्यं न कदाचित् वदनीयं तथा तादृशं सत्यमेव वक्तव्यं यस्य स्वीकार्यता भवेत्। एष एव सनातनः धर्मः वर्तते।
