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@samskrt_samvadah संलापशाला - A Samskrit Voicechat room.

Duration : 30 minutes
Time : 11:00 AM 🕚
Topic : Cinema
Date : 19th October 2021 ; Tuesday

Please Join the voicechat on time.
😇 Please come prepared to discuss in Sanskrit , If possible.
We are waiting for you.😇
Set a reminder.

Live stream scheduled for

If we study Srimad Ramayana in depth, we will get a clue to this riddle.

After conquering Lankhini, the Goddess of Lanka, Sri Hanuman enters Lanka and searches for Seeta. Sage Valmiki describes what Sri Hanuman saw, as follows:

त्रिविष्टपनिभं दिव्यं दिव्यनादविनादितम् ।
वाजिहेषितसंघुष्टं नादितं भूषणैस्तथा ॥
रथैर्यानैर्विमानैश्च तथा गजहयैः शुभैः ।
वारणैश्च चतुर्दन्तैः श्वेताभ्रनिचयोपमैः ॥
भूषितं रुचिरद्वारं मत्तैश्च मृगपक्षिभिः ।
राक्षसाधिपतेर्गुप्तमाविवेश गृहं कपिः ॥

(Sundara Kanda 3rd Sarga 35 - 37 Slokas)

The great Hanuman entered secretly Ravana's inner city which was equal to paradise, rendered noisy by the neighing of horses and the tinkling of ornaments, by chariots, vehicles, and aerial-cars, and decorated by auspicious elephants and horses, as well as great elephants with four tusks, along with birds and animals in heat. It had beautiful entrances and was protected by thousands of rakshasas with great strength.

उत्तमं राक्षसावासं हनुमानवलोकयन्।
आससादाथ लक्ष्मीवान् राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशनम्॥
चतुर्विषाणैर्द्विरदैस्त्रिविषाणैस्तथैव च।
परिक्षिप्तमसम्बाधं रक्ष्यमाणमुदायुधैः॥

(Sundara Kanda 9th Sarga 5th and 6th Slokas)

Thereafter, Hanuman the glorious one neared and observed the best residence of Rakshasas and the house of Ravana, containing elephants with four tusks, as well as those with three tusks and those with two tusks, yet it was not crowded. It was protected by soldiers bearing raised weapons.

Here, Sage Valmiki describes elephants with four tusks, as well as those with three tusks and two tusks.

Fossil evidence suggests that some prehistoric elephants, such as certain species of the genus Palaeoloxodon, had four tusks. These elephants lived during the Miocene to Pleistocene epochs, approximately 1.2 to 1.6 million years ago.

Interested in learning Samskritam thru spoken conversation- then please join Shri Siddhu Mahoday’s, Spoken Samskrit Class starting today. Class will be held 5 days a week Mon-Fri for 1 hour each day from 6.30pm-7.30pm Indian time on Google Meet. Duration of the Class is 40 days (8 weeks) starting today. Batch Size is 15-20 to enable everyone to speak. Please join by logging on to this invitation link- Meeting URL: https://meet.google.com/tai-zzrh-snz. For any additional detail please contact SIddhu Mahoday at : 91138-65067. NO FEES. Jayatu Samskritam
संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah pinned «Interested in learning Samskritam thru spoken conversation- then please join Shri Siddhu Mahoday’s, Spoken Samskrit Class starting today. Class will be held 5 days a week Mon-Fri for 1 hour each day from 6.30pm-7.30pm Indian time on Google Meet. Duration…»
तिष्ठतु, अहं स्मरामि तत् । = Wait, I know it.

श्वः आरभ्य सहाध्ययनं कुर्मः । = Let us do combined study from tomorrow.

परीक्षा (Examination) 

परीक्षारम्भः कदा इति ज्ञातः वा ? = Do you know when is the examination going to begin ?

प्रवेशपत्रं स्वीकृतं वा ? = Have you taken the admission ticket ?

परीक्षा अग्रे गता । = The examination is postponed.

वेलापत्रिका आगता वा ? = Has the examination time table come ?

परीक्षा कथं आसीत् ? = How was the exam. ?

प्रश्न पत्रिका किञ्चित् क्लिष्टा आसीत् = The question paper was a bit tough.

अतीव सुलभा आसीत् । = It was very easy.

अहं प्रथमश्रेण्यां उत्तीर्णः । = I have passed in I class.

ह्यः फलितांशः प्रकटितः । = The result was announced yesterday.

अङ्कद्वयेन प्रथमश्रेणी न लब्धा । = I missed I class by two marks.

प्रश्नेषु विकल्पः एव नासीत् । = There was no choice at all.

फलितांशः श्वः ज्ञातः भविष्यति । = The result will be announced tomorrow.

रमेशः उत्तीर्णः वा ? = Has Ramesh passed ?

एकं पत्रं अवशिष्टं इति उक्तवान् । = He has told me that he has to complete one paper yet.

पठितं किमपि न स्मरामि भोः । = Don't remember what I have read, you know.

दशवारं पठितवान्, तथापि न स्मरामि । = I read it ten times, even then I do not remember.

प्रायशः द्वितीयश्रेणी लभ्येत । = Most probably, I will pass in II class.

अस्माकं गणे सर्वेऽपि उत्तीर्णाः । = Everyone passed in our batch.

प्रतिशतं कति अङ्काः प्राप्ताः ? = What is the percentage?

*'संस्कृतस्य प्रसाराय नैजं सर्वं ददाम्यहम्।'*

*श्वः* *२० ऑक्टोबर इति दिनाङ्के* *बुधवासरे वाल्मीकिजयन्ती* अस्ति।
महर्षिः वाल्मीकिः श्रीरामस्य जीवनम् आदर्शरूपेण सर्वेषां पुरतः प्रकाशितवान्, परन्तु आत्मानं गोपितवान्। हन्त तस्य जीवनस्य विषये जनाः अधिकं न जानन्ति। अतः वाल्मीकिजयन्तीदिने तस्य विषये, रामायणविषये, रामचरित्रविषये च *सर्वेषु प्रचारमाध्यमेषु लिखामः।*

हँशटँग -
*#वन्दे_वाल्मीकिम् #ValmikiJayanti*

*ट्वीटर-समयावधिः - सायं. ४-००तः६-००*

कृपया सर्वे प्रचारं कुर्वन्तु इति प्रार्थये।

इति शम्।

अ. भा. प्रचारप्रमुखः
@samskrt_samvadah संलापशाला - A Samskrit Voicechat room.

Duration : 30 minutes
Time : 11:00 AM 🕚
Topic : @ Office
Date : 20th October 2021 ; Wednesday

Please Join the voicechat on time.
😇 Please come prepared to discuss in Sanskrit , If possible.
We are waiting for you.😇
Set a reminder.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

केरले त्रयः सेतुकवाटाः उद्घाटयन्ति। जनै: जाग्रता पालनीया इति मुख्यमन्त्री पिणराई विजयः।
अनन्तपुरी> राज्ये वृष्टिमनुवर्तमाने साहचर्ये अधिकजलनिर्गमनार्थं सेतुकवाटः उद्घाटयितुं निश्चिनोत्। अतः सेतोः समीपप्रदेशस्थाः जनाः अतीव जागरूकाः भवितव्याः इति केरलस्य मुख्यमन्त्रिणा आदेशः दत्तः। अवधानतां स्वीकृत्यैव सेतुकवाटाः उद्घाटयन्ते। इडुक्कि सेतोः कवाटः मङ्गलवासरे प्रातः एकादशवादने, इटमलयार् तथा पम्पासेतुकवाटाः च प्रातः षड्वादने च उद्‌घाटयिष्यन्ते। सेतोः जलस्तरनिरीक्षणाय सर्वकारेण नियुक्तायाः समितेः निश्चयमनुसृत्यैव अधिकजलनिर्गमनाय पूर्वोक्तसेतूनां कवाटाः उद्घाटयितुं निश्चितः।

केरले अतिवृष्टिदुष्प्रभावः - मरणानि ३३ अभवन्।
अनन्तपुरी> राज्ये अतिवृष्टिदुष्प्रभावेण भूस्खलनेन च दिनत्रयेण ३३ जनाः कालवशं गताः। कोट्टयं, इटुक्की, पत्तनंतिट्टा, आलप्पुष़ा तृश्शूर् जनपदेषु भूस्खलनेन जलोपप्लवेन एतदनुबन्धदुर्घटनेन च एते जनाः मृताः।

कोट्टयं जनपदे कूट्टिक्कल् प्रदेशे, इटुक्की जनपदस्य कोक्कयार् प्रदेशे च जाते भूस्खलनेन मृदन्तर्भागे पतितानां मृतशरीराणि दुरन्तनिवारणसेनया कृते अन्वेषणे लब्धानि। अदृष्टाणां सर्वेषां मृतदेहाः उपलब्धाः इति जनपदाधिकारिभिः निगदितम्।

~ संप्रति वार्ता
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता [02.45]