संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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भवता अहं स्मर्यते किम्।
दुष्टं पदं किम्।
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सर्वं शुद्धमेव।
१। तव चरितं विश्वहितकरमस्ति।
• Your conduct is beneficial for the world.
• तुम्हारा चरित्र विश्व के लिए हितकर है।

२। मातः त्वां सततं स्मराम्यहम्।
• Mother, I remember you always.
• माँ मैं तुम्हें निरंतर स्मरण करता हूँ।

३। कर्णयोः बधिरता वर्धमाना अस्ति।
• Deafness is increasing in both the ears.
• कानों में बहरापन बढ़ रहा है।

४। स्वर्णनिर्मितां शृङ्खलां चोरयितुं प्रायत्यत तेन।
• He attempted to steal a gold necklace/chain.
• उसने सोने की एक कंठी चुराने का प्रयास किया।

५। राष्ट्राय समर्पयितुं सिद्धाः जीवनम्।
• They are ready to dedicate their lives to the nation.
• राष्ट्र के लिए जीवन समर्पण करने के लिए वे सिद्ध हैं।

६। भूपालीरागं गीतवान् सः।
• He sang a song in the Bhoopaali raaga.
• उसने भूपालीराग में एक गीत गाया।

७। त्रयस्त्रिंशत् विदेशीयजनाः तत्रागताः।
• Thirty-three foreigners came there.
• तेतीस विदेशी लोग वहाँ आए।

८। समयः अभूत् कार्यक्रमस्य।
• It is time for the event.
• कार्यक्रम का समय आ गया।

९। समयनाशः सर्वनाशः इव।
• Loss/wastage of time is like loss of everything.
• समय का नाश सर्वनाश जैसा होता है।

१०। अपरिश्रमशालिनः एव भाग्यं भर्त्सयन्ते।
• Only lazy people curse the fortune.
• केवल परिश्रमहीन ही भाग्य की भर्त्सना करते हैं।

@samvadah #vakyabhyas
जिह्वायाश्छेदनं नास्ति न तालुपतनाद्भयम्।
निर्विशेषेण वक्तव्यं निर्लज्जः को न पण्डितः॥

“There is no cutting of the tongue, nor is there any fear of the palate falling. One should speak without any discrimination, Which intellectual isn't shameless?”

There are no physical repercussions (like the tongue being cut or the palate falling) for speaking freely and indiscriminately. Therefore, anyone can speak boldly and appear knowledgeable without facing immediate physical consequences, regardless of the accuracy or appropriateness of their statements.

Live stream scheduled for
@samvadah organises संलापशाला - A Sanskrit Voicechat Room

🔰विषयः वार्ताः
🗓२९/०७/२०२४ ॥ IST ११:०० AM   
🔴 It's recording would be shared on our channel.
📑कृपया दैववाचा( स्थानीयां विदेशीयां देशीयां वा वार्ताः श्रावणीयाः ) एतद्विषयम् अभिक्रम्य आगच्छत।


पूर्वचर्चाणां सङ्ग्रहः अधोदत्तः
आत्मा ह्वोवात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः॥

🌞मनुष्यः नियन्त्रितैः मनबुद्धि-इन्द्रियैः आत्मानम् अवगन्तुं प्रयतमानः भवेत् यतः सः एव अस्माकं मित्रं बन्धुः च भवति।

🌷मन-बुद्धि तथा इंद्रियों को आत्म-नियंत्रित करके स्वयं ही अपने आत्मा को जानने का प्रयत्न करें, क्योंकि आत्मा ही हमारा हितैषी और आत्मा ही हमारा शत्रु भी है ।

🌹Try to know your soul by self-controlling your mind, intellect and senses, because the soul is our friend and the soul is our enemy.

Live stream scheduled for
अद्य रामनाथपुर्यां कार्यक्रमः कतिवादने अस्ति।
दुष्टं पदं किम्।
Anonymous Quiz
सर्वं शुद्धमेव।
१। अद्यत्वे शास्त्रीयसङ्गीतं प्रति आसक्तः भवति लोकः।
• Nowadays, people are getting interested in classical music.
• आजकल लोग शास्त्रीय संगीत की ओर आकर्षित हो रहे हैं।

२। युद्धात् प्रतिगमनं वीरेभ्यः न रोचते।
• Heroes do not like retreating from war.
• वीरों को युद्ध से वापस आना अच्छा नहीं लगता।

३। परीक्षापरिणामं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे मोदन्ते।
• Everyone rejoices after seeing the exam results.
• परीक्षा के परिणाम देखकर सभी प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं।

४। मोदकप्रियं मूषकवाहनं गणेशं प्रणमामि आदौ।
• At the outset, I bow to Lord Ganesha, who loves Modak and rides the mouse.
• मैं सर्वप्रथम मोदकप्रिय और चूहे पर सवार भगवान गणेश को प्रणाम करता हूँ।

५। कृत्रिमवस्तूनि विना जीवनमुचिततरम्।
• Life is better without artificial things.
• कृत्रिम वस्तुओं के बिना जीवन अधिक उचित है।

६। कामान्धः एव अन्धः न तु जन्मान्धः।
• One blinded in desire is actually a blind, not the one who is born-blind.
• कामना में अंधा ही वास्तव में अन्धा है न कि जन्म से अंधा।

७। मम नगरस्वच्छता मम दायित्वम्।
• Cleanliness of my city is my responsibility.
• मेरे नगर की स्वच्छता मेरा कर्तव्य है।

८। एषः कन्यामहाविद्यालयः अस्ति।
• This is a girls' high school.
• यह एक कन्या महाविद्यालय है।

९। शिशुः आनन्देन चीत्करोति।
• The child screams with joy.
• बच्चा आनन्द से चिल्लाता है।

१०। दशतीर्थयात्रिणः हताः
• Ten pilgrims were killed.
• दस तीर्थयात्री मारे गए।

@samvadah #vakyabhyas
Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education 
(A project of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, ISKCON Chowpatty)


An online course on 
संस्कृत संभाषण और प्रारंभिक संस्कृत व्याकरण 
Spoken Sanskrit and Beginner's Sanskrit Grammar - Level 1

Course Contents and Benefits:
- Basic spoken Sanskrit
- Maheshvara Sutras and Sandhi rules
- Basic verb and noun forms
- Simple sentence construction
- Forming four verb forms (सार्वधातुक प्रक्रिया)
- Grammar application in shastras

- Age 12+ with eagerness to learn and regular commitment
- Younger participants preferred
- Pronunciation of Devanagari letters required

Teachers: Vandana Agarwal, Radhika Vallabha Das
Medium of Teaching: Hindi and English

- Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM IST (Spoken Sanskrit)
- Saturday & Sunday: 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM IST (Grammar)

Duration: 5 months
Starting Date: 4th August 2024
Fees: No charges

Contact: For queries, WhatsApp Gaurasundardeva Das at 7021022698

Register : rb.gy/qltyo5

Note: Timings/days may change due to travel schedules; advance notice will be given.
विना मद्यं विना मांसं परस्वहरणं विना।
विना परापकारेण दिविरो दिवि रोदिति॥

"The government clerks weep the day which passes without alcohol, without meat, without stealing others' possessions and without harming others."

This is true even today and highlights that the government officials are so deeply involved in these unethical activities that their day becomes unbearable without them. Hence, if they are deprived of these vices during the day, they weep. This satirical remark highlights the extent of moral corruption and dependency on unethical behavior among such individuals.

@samvadah organises संलापशाला - A Sanskrit Voicechat Room

🔰 विषयः वाक्याभ्यासः
🗓३०/०७/२०२४ ॥ IST ११:०० AM   
🔴 It's recording would be shared on our channel.
📑कृपया दैववाचा चर्चार्थं एतद्विषयम् (चित्राणि दृष्ट्वा वाक्यानि वदितव्यानि) अभिक्रम्य आगच्छत।


पूर्वचर्चाणां सङ्ग्रहः अधोदत्तः