संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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🍃उत्थानवीरः पुरुषो
उत्थानवीरान् वाग्वीरा
रमयन्त उपासते ।।

🌞परिश्रमशालिनः जल्पनपटुषु शासनं कुर्वते ते वाग्वीराः तु तेषां पूजनं कुर्वन्तः तान् तोषयन्ति।

🌷जो उद्योग करनेवाले वीर होते हैं वह वीर पुरुष वाग्वीर पुरुषों पर अपने आधिपत्य जमा लेते हैं, वाग्वीर विद्वान् उद्योगवीर पुरुषों का मनोरंजन करते हुए उनकी उपासना करते हैं।

🌹The heroes who are effortful take their dominion over the eloquent men, the eloquent scholars entertain them and worship them.

📍महाभारत, शान्ति पर्व - ५८/१५

Live stream scheduled for
महान् च असौ राजा इति विग्रहवाक्यस्य समस्तपदं किं स्यात्।
Anonymous Quiz
१। त्रिषु घटेष्वपि जलं न विद्यते।
• Water is not there in the three pots as well.
• तीनों घड़ों में भी पानी नहीं है।

२। नासिकयोः मलं निर्गच्छति।
• Dirt comes out of the nostrils.
• नाक से मल निकल रहा है।

३। देवनिर्मितदेशे राक्षसाः अपि सन्ति।
• There are demons also in the land created by the gods.
• देवों द्वारा बनाए गए देश में राक्षस भी होते हैं।

४। नवपल्लवयुते वृक्षे हनुमान् आस्ते।
• Hanuman sits on a tree which has new leaves.
• नए पत्तों वाले एक पेड़ पर हनुमान बैठे हुए हैं।

५। कति च हताः कति च मरिष्यन्ति।
• Many are killed, many will die.
• कई मारे गए हैं कई मरने वाले हैं।

६। तव संवादे अत्युक्तिः अधिका भवति।
• There is excessive criticism/exaggeration in your conversation.
• तुम्हारी बातचीत में बहुत सी आलोचना होती है।

७। निर्निमेषं स्वेदः पतति नासिकायाः।
• Sweat drips incessantly from the nose.
• नाक से बिना रुके स्वेद गिर रहा है।

८। सर्वैः रामः प्रार्थ्यते।
• Raama is prayed to by everyone.
• राम की पूजा सबके द्वारा की जाती है।

९। तव माया दुरत्यया हे राम।
• Hey Raama, your maaya is unfathomable.
• हे राम तुम्हारी माया अत्यन्त कठिन है।

१०। सर्वत्र मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति।
• Animals move in the form of humans everywhere.
• सब ओर पशु मनुष्य के रूप में विचरण कर रहे हैं।

@samvadah #vakyabhyas
रे रे लोकाः कुरुध्वं श्रवणपुटपिधानं द्रुतं हस्तयुग्मैः शैलाः
सर्वेऽपि यूयं भवत गुरुतराः सावधाना धरित्र्याम्।
शीघ्रं रे रावण त्वं विरचय वसनैर्नासिकानां पिधानं
सुप्तोऽयं कुम्भकर्णः कटुरवविकटं शर्धते दीर्घमुच्चैः॥

Hey, Hey Folks! Swiftly shield your ears with both your hands! All you mountains, become heavier and brace yourselves carefully upon the earth. O Rāvaṇa, hasten to make the masks with cloths to cover the noses. This Kumbhakarṇa, who slumbers, is unleashing terribly high unbearable roars.

@samvadah organises संलापशाला - A Sanskrit Voicechat Room

🔰विषयः कारगिलविजयदिवसः
🗓२८/०७/२०२४ ॥ IST ११:०० AM   
🔴 It's recording would be shared on our channel.
📑कृपया दैववाचा चर्चार्थं ( कारगिलयुद्धे किं किं सञ्जातं इति वक्तुं शक्यते) एतद्विषयम् अभिक्रम्य आगच्छत।


पूर्वचर्चाणां सङ्ग्रहः अधोदत्तः
CSU has started taking in admissions for its distance learning programmes under MuktaSvadhyayaPeetam initiative - https://www.msp.ac.in

Some snippets of their classes:-

Admissions are open till August 8th. Their procedure includes uploading of necessary documents and then booking a convenient slot (Counseling for admissions is on Fridays only, between 6 am and 9 pm) for counseling & discussion regarding the programmes.

Courses are completely online including exams
Medium of instruction is Sanskrit
Around 4-5 classes a week through video conferencing
Some courses are of 1 year and some are of 6 months
Complete beginners can enroll in Samskrita Bhasha Avataranee, which requires no eligibility
Wide array of subjects including Bhasha, Grammar, Vastu, Jyotisha etc

Check out their website for more details - https://www.msp.ac.in
🍃वीर्यं परं कार्यकृतौ हि मूलं
वीर्यादृते काचन नास्ति सिद्धि:।
उदेति वीर्यादिह सर्वसम्पन्
निर्वीर्यता चेत् सकलश्च पाप्मा ।

🌞 परिश्रमः उद्योगः कार्यसफलतायाः मूलमस्ति तं विना नास्ति कापि सिद्धिः समृद्धीनाम् उदयोऽपि उद्योगेनैव भवति यत्र वीर्यं नाश्रियते तत्र दुष्कृतिः आगच्छति।

🌷कार्य की सफलता का मूल कारण उद्योग होता है, उद्योग के बिना कोई भी सिद्धि नहीं होती है,उद्योग से ही सभी समृद्धियों का उदय होता है,जहां उद्योग नहीं होता वहां पाप होता है।

🌹The root cause of the success of work is digilence, without digilence there is no perfection, digilence is the rise of all prosperity, where there is no difilence there is sin.
