संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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❗️These Posts contain tools and information that are very helpful and should not be missed.

❗️निम्न सन्देशों में बहुत उपयोगकारी जानकारियाँ निहित है अतः इसे अवश्य पढें।

❗️ अधोदत्तेषु सन्देशेषु अतिमहती सूचना वर्तते अतः अवश्या पठनीया।

Comment/Queries @samskrta_group
संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah pinned «❗️These Posts contain tools and information that are very helpful and should not be missed. ❗️निम्न सन्देशों में बहुत उपयोगकारी जानकारियाँ निहित है अतः इसे अवश्य पढें। ❗️ अधोदत्तेषु सन्देशेषु अतिमहती सूचना वर्तते अतः अवश्या पठनीया। Comment/Queries @samskrta_group»
✍🏻 शिक्यकन्दुकक्रीडाशब्देन⛹🏻‍♂ वाक्यत्रयं लिख्यताम्।

Live stream scheduled for
🚩जय सत्य सनातन 🚩

🚩आज की हिंदी तिथि

🌥️ 🚩युगाब्द-५१२५
🌥️ 🚩विक्रम संवत-२०८०
🚩तिथि - अष्टमी 06 नवम्बर प्रातः 03:18 तक तत्पश्चात नवमी

दिनांक - 05 नवम्बर 2023
दिन - रविवार
शक संवत् - 1945
अयन - दक्षिणायन
ऋतु - हेमंत
मास - कार्तिक
पक्ष - कृष्ण
नक्षत्र - पुष्य सुबह 10:29 तक तत्पश्चात अश्लेषा
योग - शुभ दोपहर 01:37 तक तत्पश्चात शुक्ल
राहु काल - शाम 04:35 से 06:00 तक
सूर्योदय - 06:47
सूर्यास्त - 06:00
दिशा शूल - पश्चिम दिशा में
ब्राह्ममुहूर्त - प्रातः 05:04 से 05:55 तक
निशिता मुहूर्त - रात्रि 11:58 से 12:49 तक
व्रत पर्व विवरण - कालाष्टमी, रविपुष्यामृत योग (सूर्योदय से सुबह 10:29 तक)
🍃चित्तमन्तर्गतं दुष्टं तीर्थस्नानान्न शुद्ध्यति।
शतशोऽपि जलैर्धौतं सुराभाण्डमिवाशुचिः।।

(स्कन्द महापुराण, काशी खण्ड - ६/३८
व जाबालदर्शनोपनिषद् - ४/५४)

🔆 चित्ते अवस्थितः दुष्टतायाः भावः यदि अस्ति चेत् तीर्थेषु स्नानेन न किमपि सिद्ध्यति यथा सुरया पूरितस्य घटस्य बहिष्ठात् प्रक्षालनेन न सः शुद्धः भवेत्।

चित्त के भीतर यदि दोष भरा है तो वह तीर्थ-स्नान से शुद्ध नहीं होता। जैसे मदिरा से भरे हुए घड़े को ऊपर से जल द्वारा सैकड़ों बार धोया जाय तो वह पवित्र नहीं होता, उसी प्रकार दूषित अन्तःकरण वाला मनुष्य तीर्थ-स्नान से शुद्ध नहीं होता।

उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः।
कर्तृपदं किमस्ति।
Anonymous Quiz
न दत्तम्
प्रत्ययाः (PRATYAYĀH)

In Sanskrit, suffixes are known as प्रत्ययाः
(pratyayāḥ). Besides the suffixes that are
added to verbs for tenses, there are some suffixes which are added to verbs which modify their meaning.
Whenever these suffixes are added to a verb, the verb's form will never change.

The प्रत्ययाः (pratyayāh) are-

क्त्वा – Whenever this is added to a verb, it indicates something happening after the completion of the verb.
ल्यप् – This is exactly same as क्त्वा but it is used for verbs which have a prefix ( उपसर्ग:) added to them.
तुमुन् - This suffix is used in the sense, 'to do'.
अनीयर् - This used in the sense, 'should be done'.
तव्यत् - This is used in the sense, should be done'.

🌐 Sanskritwisdom.com
एक समय था जब दो वक्त का चारा और मानवता के बदले गाय दूध देती थी।
••एकः समयः आसीत् यदा गावः दिने कालद्वयस्य आहारस्य मानवतायाः च विनिमयरूपेण दुग्धं ददति स्म।

गाय का बछड़ा बड़ा होकर बैल बनता था।
••गोवत्सा: प्रौढ्वा बलिवर्दा: भवन्ति स्म।

बैल बोझा ढोते और खेत जोतते थे।
••वृषभाः भारान् वहन्ति स्म कृषिक्षेत्राणि च कर्षन्ति स्म।

बैल रहट से पानी निकालते थे और कोल्हू से गन्ना पेरते थे।
••वृषभाः कूपेभ्य: जलं निष्कासयन्ति स्म रसयन्त्रै: च इक्षून् मर्दयित्वा रसान् निष्कासयन्ति स्म।

लेकिन आज मनुष्य ने ही इन बैलों को आवारा बनाकर मानव जाति का ही दुश्मन बना दिया है।
••परन्तु अद्य मानवा: एव एतान् बलिवर्दान् निरुद्देश्यरूपेण भ्रमणशीलपशून् कृत्वा मानवजाते: एव शत्रून् कृतवन्त: सन्ति।

पेट की भूख इन बैलों को खेत में फसल चरने के साथ ही साथ खेत में लगे तार से दर्दनाक मौत के लिए भी मजबूर कर देती है।
••क्षुधा: एतान् बलिवर्दान् कृषिक्षेत्रेषु सस्यभक्षणै: सहैव सह क्षेत्रेषु स्थापिताया: तन्त्रे: दु:खदमृत्यवे अपि विवशान् कुर्वन्ति।

खेती के मशीनीकरण से हम आधुनिक जरूर बने, लेकिन इंसानियत की हत्या करके।
••कृष्यादिक्षेत्रेषु सर्वत्र च यन्त्राणामुपयोगेन यद्यपि वयम् आधुनिकास्तु जाताः, परं मानवतां हत्वा।

अपने गाय माता की रक्षा के लिए बैल पालना बहुत ही आवश्यक है।
••स्वकीयानां गोमातॄणां कृते रक्षणार्थं बलिवर्दपालनम् अत्यावश्यकमस्ति।

खो खो खेल खेलने का अपना ही मजा है l
••खोखो-क्रीडां क्रीडने स्वकीयमेव आनन्दमस्ति।

खो खो खेल में आपसी तालमेल और दौड़ में तेजी की जरूरत होती है।
••खोखो-क्रीडायां परस्परं समन्वयं धावने च गति: आवश्यके भवत:

✍🏻 रज्जुशब्देन वाक्यत्रयं लिख्यताम्।

@samvadah organises संलापशाला - A Sanskrit Voicechat Room

🔰 विषयः - वार्ताः
🗓०६/११/२०२३ ॥ IST ११:०० AM   
🔴 It's recording would be shared on our channel.
📑कृपया दैववाचा चर्चार्थं एतद्विषयम् (कामपि स्थानीयां प्रादेशिकीं राष्ट्रीयां अन्ताराष्ट्रीयां वार्तां वा वदन्तु) अभिक्रम्य आगच्छत।


पूर्वचर्चाणां सङ्ग्रहः अधोदत्तः
Sanskrit: The Zombie Language 🧟‍♂️

Have you heard about a language which had died long ago but it's still ghosting around? 👻 But How? 🤔 Sometimes Magic overpowers logic and that's what happened in the case of Sanskrit.

It was declared dead centuries ago by Colonial heroes and the salvated wokes. But still It continues to haunt the hearts of those who believe in scientificness of their language structure. 💀

Death of a language implies death of its speakers and listeners. It's true for Sanskrit but yet The Akashvani broadcasts news in Sanskrit daily for these zombie listeners. One can only hope if it stopped there but it got worse. There are some newspapers which print news, that too online, for these Zombie-News-Cravers. 📰

You won't believe me when I would tell you there even exists some villages where wander these zombies who speak this long-dead language. Even there is an army of zombie teachers who get paid for real and they exist across the globe. There are lakhs of cute little zombie kids in Gurukulas Who come daily to study the dead. 👦🏫

No one knows why some zombie scholars were awarded Padma awards for the development of a dead language. 🏅

There are also Zombie Netizens typing across social media platforms. Even After dying, this language continues to produce new progeny as its literature. Do you know even the PM of India addresses these zombies through social media sometimes. There is a constitution of India being preserved for these zombies to read. A Zombie lawyer argues in Sanskrit in Varanasi. Several Universities offer degrees for these zombies. Even Well-known figures like Swami Ramdev and Rambhadracharya are secretly Zombies. 📚👨‍🏫👩‍🏫

Millions of aspirants come to learn yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, etc. in this dead language. The learners of scriptures from Vedas till Bhagvad Geeta are all surprisingly zombies. Even after dying, it's still empowering the vocabulary of Indian languages. 🧘‍♂️📜

This Apocalypse seems very gigantic. 💥

The bad news is this language cannot be killed by any means. Tell me, How is it possible to kill a language which is already dead? This is the tragedy of Sanskrit, The immortal zombie. 💀

~ Mohit Dokania 🖋️